I'm new – today is my first fasting day.

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  • Hi everyone!

    I have been struggling with my weight for over a decade. At only 5’3″, I’ve weighed everything between 133 and 181. I currently weigh 150 and feel awful.

    I don’t sleep well and I often binge eat as a means to control my anxiety. I’m tired often and lack direction.

    Yesterday I decided to try the 5:2 diet. I ate well yesterday and today is my first fast day. It’s 5:30pm right now and I’m subsisting on water. I have a bit of a headache but I am determined to get past this.

    My goal weight is somewhere in the 120’s, an accomplishment I’ve wanted to achieve for a long time. For now, I am just hoping to get back into the 130’s by Thanksgiving.

    Hi, you are not alone, it’s my first day too!

    I decided at the weekend that my life had to change. So completely fed up with feeling fat, overfed, tired and generally miserable. Told my husband what I was doing and he has decided that he would like to do this too. We realised that in order to stick to this we needed to plan out our week. We have chosen Monday and Thursday as our fast days and our food is organised and ready to go beforehand (less opportunity to cheat)!

    Today is not too bad but then I saved up a lot of work in order to be busy (less time to think about things). Hoping that this becomes a way of life as the health benefits alone are worth the effort.

    Stay positive and stick with it. Just think how proud of yourself you will be tomorrow!

    Thanks Amanda! It’s 8:30pm here and I’ve had 588 calories when I normally put away 1500+ so I consider this a win. My headache comes and goes but I think it will be worth it.

    It’s great that your husband is doing this with you! Mine is currently drinking a double vodka redbull so I am on my own. lol My fast days will be Monday and Wednesday. I work Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and like having breakfast on Sundays with my husband so that limits me a bit. I know I can handle a fast better at home than I can at work; at work, I’ll get hungry then come home and inhale the kitchen…

    Hi Ladies,

    May I join you please as I really need to stay motivated and am so annoyed at myself for starting a fast and then breaking it later in the day due to a headache (Been doing this since August). I have yet to complete a full day which I know is ridiculous.

    I’m 5’4 and currently weigh 169lbs and i desperately want to be 35/45lbs lighter. Ive been overweight since my last pregnancy which was 5yrs ago and I feel embarrassed that I have let myself go so much since having my children. I’m always tired and feel to heavy to exercise (that sounds mad I know but it’s how i feel).

    Anyway, this Thursday I am determined to make it through… (my fast days will also be Monday and Thursday). I know if I can stick with this it will work, I joined a 5:2 group on Facebook and the before and after photos are amazing, some people look like completely different people and about twenty younger 🙂

    Good luck for tomorrow Resurgence and I’ll be thinking of you on Thursday Amanda, hopefully we can reach our targets and get out of our ruts xxx

    Thanks Tkq! If you ever need someone to talk to, just send me a message! 🙂

    Aww, thank you ?

    I actually went to a gym class today (I got dragged by some friends) and it wasn’t half as painful as I had imagined it would be… I actually felt energised after which felt great ?

    How’s your fast day going? Xx

    It’s going amazing! The first one sucked, I had headaches and at the end of the day I started making excuses to eat. Today I’m doing wonderful! It’s 5:30pm, I’ve been cleaning all day, my energy is good, my mood is up, and I haven’t felt one headache. I haven’t technically been hungry although I did eat and I’m close to my calorie limit but I’m not worried. I’m even prepping my husband’s dinner and I’m not at all concerned about skipping it, I know I can. And I’m happy to say my water intake is up, even
    on non-fasting days. I’m just more conscious of what I’m drinking now.

    I’m so glad you went to a gym class, working out can make you feel so much better afterward! You feel proud of yourself and like you said, it gives you energy! 😀

    I’m so grateful to you Resurgance… I was having a wobble around lunchtime yesterday, felt reaaaaaaally hungry and was about to quit (yet again!) and then I read your post and it made me feel so positive and that I could do it 🙂 I’m delighted to say I kept my first fast yesterday and I managed to stick to 500 cals… HOORAY!!! Seriously though, reading your update helped me soooo much, thank you x

    The only downside was that i again had another horrible headache from about 5pm onwards and felt really tired. Next fast I will definitely drink more water and hopefully that will do the trick!

    I’m so glad to hear that your fast day went so well 🙂 Also, if you ever want to talk please feel free to message me too xxx

    Hi Sukie here,started diet on Monday with hubby,found it through a friend.Iwas having trouble loosing weight before so hope this one works.So far have stuck to it & find the book is very helpful.idid gym Tuesday evening,going for a two hour walk & 1 hot yoga session tonight.Ihave tried the spiced chicken couscous reciepe also poached egg & beans for first fast day& did’nt feel hungry at all on other fast day tomorrow see how it goes.I’m hoping to loose at least three stone in total so hope to loose three pounds in first week,will keep update.Forgot to say hubby is doing okay as well but is having a little problem with not having any sugar on fast day any suggesting what to do

    Hi all,

    Struggling with my weight also.

    Actually in the obese category need to lose 50 kg to be in the normal range.

    Deciding to do the 5:2 fast, looking for tips and general advice.

    This week will be my first week.

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