Please tell me about your experiences of your very first fast day: what was it like, how bad were the hunger pangs, do you always get hunger pangs on fast days now or did you see improvement after a few weeks?
This diet/way of living is entirely new to me. I’m 42 and since my early 20s, I have used calorie control as a way of losing/maintaining my weight. While I’ve never been overweight, in the last few years and particularly since having kids and being less active, my weight has started creeping up. I’m currently around 7lbs heavier than I want to be and for the past six months I’ve been struggling to stick to a healthy eating plan. I decided that I needed to do something more drastic to lose this weight, particularly as I was told after a routine blood test in January that I am pre-diabetic which was a shock.
I had heard of 5:2 but never tried it (or wanted to!) but I’ve come to realise that what worked for me in the past is now no longer effective, and that I need to get serious if I’m going to shift the excess pounds once and for all.
So now here I am. I ordered and read ‘The Fast Diet’ book last week and today is my first fasting day. So far so good. I had porridge (made with water and two teaspoons of sweetener) for breakfast, along with a cup of tea and nothing since. I don’t know yet whether I’ll try and have nothing to eat at all until dinner or whether I’ll maybe have a piece of fruit or similar to keep me going.
I’d like to know what I can expect from my first few days/weeks of being on this plan, and of course whether the fast days are really as bad as what I’m expecting! Thanks for reading.
12:12 pm
22 May 23