I'm fasting on Mo Thu in finnish MATO (means a worm :D)

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I'm fasting on Mo Thu in finnish MATO (means a worm :D)

This topic contains 52 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Dragon Fly 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hi to everyone,
    I started the 5:2 diet to see how it effects me while I am on LCHF =low carb high fat -way of eating.Good oldfashioned food made at home. I can cook every day because I am retired and have time. So far so good. Next week is the second one.

    Hello TuulaL, welcome to the forum. Hope you find this way of eating fits in with your current lifestyle. Post how you get on and good luck.

    Hi toms mantis,
    I’ll try to post how I am doing. Tomorrow is another day,Monday my fasting day, which I’m looking forward to.I am sure I’ll loose weight and feel good.

    Good morning,
    i have had my “breakfast” which is a cup of coffee with cream(198kcal) and a cup of tea,no honey which I have on other days than on fasting days.Later today I will probably have cup of coffee, tab water and around 6.P.M.(or even later) 2 boiled eggs with vegetables.These will be around 500 kcal. Next day for fasting will be Thursday.

    Terve Tuula!

    How is the fasting going so far? I have just started to do the 5:2 again after a short break from it and my days are also MATO (in Finnish). I may have to change those days soon though as they are on the same day as I do the most exercise (though they are also the days when the 5:2 are the easiest for me to do).

    It is difficult in some ways though as I love my bread so the low carb option is a no no for me!

    Anyway, keep up the good work!


    Terve vaan Penny,
    My next fasting day is on Thursday and this week is the second of 5:2 dieting.I try to keep up to the low carb but let’s see how this is going and if this 5:2 does the trick=lower down my cholesterols and blood sugar as LCHF has done. I guess the next measuring day of these markers is in Jan.2014 though blood sugar I can measure myself.I do believe in fasting and that’s why I wanted to try it to see how it’ll work for me. The past Monday I ‘ate’ my coffee+cream and then I had to eat around 4.P.M. but then again I ate this morning at 8 which means I had 16 hours in between eating times. This all seems to be ‘trying’ for me.I hope I’ll have good markers.

    Toivottovasti sitten! (Kuusi vuotta suomessa asuvien enkΓ€ vielΓ€kÀÀn voi puhua hyvin suomea!) and sorry if I got that wrong as well (I am currently sitting here with my Finnish study books!)! πŸ˜‰

    I am trying to encourage my Mother In Law to try the 5:2 formula too as I think it would be beneficial for her blood sugar. At least with this ‘diet’ you are not ‘starving’, 500 calories can still go a long way, providing we use the calories wisely.

    I am still trying to work out my TDEE as I run every day so on the days I don’t fast it is still trial & error until I get the calorie limit right. Even if I am not losing much in terms of weight, I still feel better for it.

    You gave a good reminder for me to leave the gap between last meal and first fast meal as long as possible to give perhaps a better effect. Thanks! Will work on that!

    Hi Penny,
    I am sure you’ll find the right 5:2 for you. Your Finnish sounds ok,it’s we Finns who often are afraid to speak foreign languages because we think we have to do it perfectly ! πŸ˜€ I have never thought so, e.g. my German is poor but Swedish and English are all right,though I make mistakes in writing because I am so eager to write on computer and I can only write with 2-3 fingers !Hope your mother-in-law will start with this 5:2 or then LCHF.Many people are afraid of taking care of their health without the doctor’s order. When I started low carb I threw away statines(don’t know if it’s written right,means so called cholesterol tablets).Perhaps she has it easier to start after reading Mosley’s book at least twice.Why twice-the first time you read it then start thinking and the second and further times you think while reading-at least I am that kind of a person. Want to talk in private ? I don’t know if it’s possible to do on this forum but I’ll give you my seldom used email where you can leave a message if you like.It’s …………. tuula1950@luukku.com

    Just to tell you…I have fasted since 7.15 A.M. and I measured my bloodsugar at 2.50.P.M. -it was 5.9. Good isn’t it ? And my healthy husband is fasting with me,his bloodsugar was 5.2. I will probably eat at 4 P.M. and then stay fasting until tomorrow morning. This is my second week of 5:2 and I expect to see some weight loss tomorrow morning,last week I lost some 0.8kg which most obviously was mainly water but I hope also some of the fat too. I am 160cm tall and weighed 73kg when I started this “experiment” on my health. See you tomorrow.

    This morning/Friday) the weight loss was 2kg in 2 weeks. πŸ˜€ Going well,huh? I am pleased.Next fasting day on Monday then we’ll go on a cruise for 24 hours and enjoy the restaurant food but in normal portions and i’ll try not to overeat.

    Have to start all over again next Monday and continue on Thursday. It’s the holiday season which I haven’t got over yet. πŸ™


    I started fasting last saturday (also going to fast mato, but couldn’t wait until next week so I started on the wrong day). This is my third fast and the hardest so far. Today I had to cook for my kids and watch them eat. I didn’t have anything for myself for dinner, so it was quite a nightmare. I also gave them cones of icecream for dessert and the kids were sitting on my lap eating them. πŸ˜€ I had already eaten veggies, boiled egg and tuna for lunch today at school and I had to save my last calories after workout, that’s why I couldn’t eat with the kids. I did a kettlebell (kahvakuula in Finnish) workout and had a whey protein drink after that. I also ate a small apple and a carrot.

    I’ve been having trouble sleeping after fast days with an empty stomach. I wake up too early and can’t really go back to sleep in the morning. I’ve also been having a slight headache almost the whole week. And I think I’ve eaten too much on feed days… I sure hope I’ve lost some weight when the week comes to an end. Doesn’t look too good now.

    On the bright side, I’ve been able to work out on my fast days surprisingly well! Saturday and Monday I went to my martial arts practice (1,5 hour really sweaty workouts!) and survived. πŸ˜€ Sure I notice the difference, but I feel no need to skip a workout because of fasting.

    Tuula, sorry to hear that you need to start all over, but I’m sure you get back on track soon, because you’ve done this before! I’m having hard time at the moment, but I’m planning to stick with this and hope it gets easier. Just had a warm cup of fruit tea and going to do a little stretching before going to bed. Can’t wait my breakfast tomorrow morning!

    Hi Barbamama,
    Nice to see someone ‘following’ my posts! As I said I will start on Monday and continue on Thursday. On ‘normal’ days I eat low carb high fat(LCHF) or as said in Finnish VHH= ravinteikas vΓ€hΓ€hiilihydraattinen ruokavalio. I’ll try to keep up the fasting days also quite low in carbohydrates.Many Swedish and Finnish people have got started again in their way to good health which is my ultimate goal. I am 63 years old and have ‘only’ 10-12kg extra but it’s hard to get rid of it because my body is unstable /unsure of what I want !! That’s because of the many ways to loose weight in 30 years’time;tried WW and almost all ‘impossible’ diets but now I am on track with LCHF and try to fasten the start with 2 days of fasting every week during several weeks so that the body will know what I am after πŸ˜‰ And this is noty a diet but a long lasting/ever lasting way of life.I hope so.
    P.S. Good luck to you with your ‘trip’ in between the children and your other things in life. It will work out ,I am sure of it. Especially as I believe you are quite a young person and don’t have the burden of 30 years of eating wrong.


    So sorry for lack of messages from me on here too! Lots have been going on and we recently moved to a new home which has taken all my time away from the computer! It has been three weeks since I have done my MaTo fast as we were away for Christmas, so will start again on Monday now.

    Oh Barbarmama, I was exactly the same with the lack of sleep on fast days! Let’s see how that works out next week then. Exercising on those days hasn’t been a problem either but I’ve yet to start running again (snow has finally arrived today after all the wet weather), but will start that tomorrow!

    I hope you are all well and belated Happy New Year from me!


    Hi Penny,
    You seem to live in such area in Finland where there is snow…we have no snow in Turku yet,maybe tomorrow.
    I think all of us has had ‘vacation’ from fasting πŸ˜‰ But we’ll all continue this system twice a week and eat the rest of the week the way we like.My way is the low carb plus normal butter,olive oli with home made cooking though not high carbs like bun,biscuits etc.I don’t eat margarine or light products or anything ‘unnatural’.And so far I’ve felt fine exept the holidayseason!Then I ate sugary things as “normal” people do. Have a good and prosperous new year of 2014.

    Happy New Year to you too, Penny and TuulaL!

    It also snowed in here today and yesterday (I live in northern Finland) and I went for a 6,5 km jog today. Very refreshing, the wind was quite cold! πŸ˜€

    I slept a little better last night. Today I’ve been eating badly again… Wheat bread and a cone of ice cream. I think I haven’t realized yet that I don’t have to eat all the treats on one day. πŸ˜€ It’s more difficult to make wise food choises when you have fasted yesterday, at least for me at this point. Maybe my body will find out at some point that it’s not going to starve!

    Went to the scales this morning and I’ve “only” lost 1,1 kg which seems so little in the beginning. I’m only a few kg over BMI 25 but I would like to get rid of 10 kg. Today my jeans felt a little bit looser on my thighs so I measured them. I’ve lost 1,5 cm on both thighs. I much rather would have given away those centimetres on my waist, but I guess you can’t really control that.

    Good luck with fasting and keep writing about it! It’s a lot easier when you now there are others doing the same thing.

    Your body may take it easy because you are not fat as many people are.You’ve done very well,1.1kg is just great. I am 161cm tall,weigh about 73kg and I will be 64yrs in July but I don’t feel fat just overweighted.

    Thanks! I know it’s a good result and I should be happy about it. I’m 169 cm tall and weigh 75 kg. I don’t feel fat either, I just would love to be in a better shape. I have a dream of visible abs. πŸ˜€ I’m also a bit more muscular than an average woman so I don’t have that much fat to lose than you would think about the weight. Losing 10 kg would bring me to somewhere around BMI 22 and I think that would be healthy for me.

    I’m 26 years old and have two kids, four and five years old. I’m a student, hopefully for the last year. I exercise regularly so staying at an ideal weight should be easy for me but it’s not… I just eat way too much. I eat all the time. All the meals during the day plus all my snacking, not a good combination.

    Hi Barbamama,
    Have you ever tried VHH.It keeps you healthy(in your normal/wished weight)and the best is that you loose the gravy for sweets or sweet food. I have read a lot of books about that and that’s why I eat ‘VHH’ even when fasting. People are afraid of real fat like butter and olive oil and keep on the official recommendations even though the Swedish authorities told that e.g. butter isn’t bad at all(for the health I mean !) If you are interested and don’t be afraid of getting fat and want to read a book on this so I recommend Andreas Eenfeldt:Ruokavallankumous/Matrevolution.And even joining karppaus.info site. You seem to be in good condition even now but if you say you are not yet in good shape you’ll be the way or the other.Good luck…keep up to good eating habbits.
    P.S. My English comes from a long way from time I lived in Rovaniemi -ofcourse I have needed it since studying it at school…but I do not care for making mistakes.


    Sorry for lack of posts from me! I ‘slipped off the wagon’, for a few weeks, what with getting this new house unpacked and my Finnish classes in town have distracted me too. But I am back and determined once more, so that is the main thing!

    My weight has crept back up 3kg since Christmas and the worst thing is that because the weather has been so unseasonal in Finland (I’m in Oulu), my main exercise activity of a daily 5km jog has stopped. My mental state has suffered too as I love those runs! I do brisk-walk into town 2-3 times a week at 5km each way, and try to do my ’30-Day Shred’ DVD 3 times a week too, but my runs were much better overall!

    Anyway…it’ll be Spring soon so things will improve soon! πŸ™‚

    How are you ladies doing?!

    Hi Penny,
    I see you’ve been ‘lost’ too. I most certainly have. I decided to continue my old habits of LCHF/vΓ€hΓ€hiilihydraattinen diet. It works for me and I kind of trust it better.Let’s see what will happen.When doing 5:2 diet I ate carbohydrates and that trigged me eating them even after fasting days – I seem to be very much of a sugarholic. I can’t just take e.g. one biscuit and stop there,I take a piece of cake ete etc. So I stopped 5:2 a week ago and will continue LCHF.Also my bloodsugar was higher and that ‘alarmed’ me even better. My weight is also 3kg more after Christmas.
    I also find it difficult with the weather,it’s been raining in Turku -I should say the entire winter has been rain and rain.I though should not be excused by rain-I have proper clothing and boots but I am lazy. It’ll soon be spring and proper time for going for my long walks in the near by forest(the paths are for walking because there is no snow for skiiers !!!). Hope to see you here and hear good news.

    Hi everybody,
    I am starting fasting again tomorrow. I will try to keep to this ‘system’ so that I’ll be able to see some important figures like bloodsugar and weight-both going downwards. I have not been on LCHF as I told before but I know it is possible to mix these two together. On the other hand I would like to try only this 2-day fasting per week.No harm done if I will eat according to LCHF.

    This day went fine. I ate an egg+coffee+15ml cream in the morning and rest of the kilocalories-a meal at 4.P.M. Thus I will be out of food intake from that time til tomorrow morning around 7.30-8 which means 15Β½-16 hours in between the meals. After the weekend comes Monday which I am waiting for. πŸ™‚

    Hi Tuulal, good luck on your new start! My fastday today went wrong, so I decided to let it go, en do another tomorrow. Lowcarb worksbest for me too, but sometimes I just can’t stay away from the carbs. Hormones, I guess, and lack of willpower, of course ;-).

    Hi Ann247,
    I have been on LCHF for quite a long time BUT this (almost past) year I have had emotional stress and I really have ate for emotions and most often carbs=biscuits etc. I will go on fasting as long as I feel it’s good for me.Maybe I’ll totally turn to it.

    I will have a fast day today too because yesterday we had Independance Day (Dec.6th) in Finland and the meals were a bit too heavy. Besides I am waiting for these fasting days to see how they work on me.

    Hi Tuulal, hope your fast day is going well. I just had a copious breakfast in a hotel, not low fat, not low carb, not low kcal, but I enkoyed it very much. In fact, I lookforward to tomorrow morning ;-). Think I will start my 5th fast tuesday afternoon, till thursday around noon to compensate for this weekend.

    Hello Ann,
    Isn’t it so that we HAVE to enjoy meals when we have something special going on ? You as well as I will fast when it suits us !! I may even faster 2 days in a row ,I mean I think of fasting also on my ‘regular’ Monday. Let’s see if it’ll happen.Today it seems ok but I will see it tomorrow.

    No,I can’t fast today,Monday. I will do it tomorrow and then on Thursday.

    Fasting is going all right. I had my breakfast at 7.30 A.M.and ate my late “lunch” just an hour ago thus at 3.P.M. our time. Next eating time will be tomorrow morning -the usual LCHF-stuff,probably vegetables and an egg or two. I seem to eat eggs all the time fasting or not …or not all the time but in the morning πŸ˜€

    Hi Tuulal, hope your day continues to go well! Stay strong πŸ™‚ I fasted yesterday, next day is Thursday. I’m getting to like the fast days πŸ™‚

    Hi Dragon Fly,
    Have you been fasting a longer period? I started once before but then of home /health problems I kind of kept loose LCHF which didn’t work at all – I ate too much carbs.So this is a new beginning and on Thursday it’ll be a week. I’ll continue fasting this way= eating LCHF in-between-days=non fasting days. I also like these fasting days.

    Hi Tuula πŸ™‚ I’ve only been doing the 5.2 programme for 2 weeks, and find the fasting great because you can allow yourself 500 cals. In the past when I have tried to fast, I have tried to go full days with nothing, and it really doesnt work because any weight lost just tends to go straight back on. This way I feel healthier, and have more energy than usual. I’m struggling with the sleeping, but other than that feel much better already! I like the feeling of control and seeing the numbers go down just makes me more determined! We can do this! A few years ago I was plagued by an eating disorder, and so have to try to keep my thoughts rational about everything .. so far I’m doing fine πŸ˜€ I was worried my metabolism would be completely messed up, but this programme really seems to be working for me so far.

    Hi Tuula! TerveisiΓ€ Oulusta! Hi everyone, greetings from Finland! I have been following the 5:2 way of life for 16 months and managed to keep my weight down till several months ago. Now I am struggling and I think it’s down to a different mindset and, more exactly, my portion control. That has always been my downfall, plus being the only cook in the house makes for a heavier me as I LOVE to cook! πŸ˜€

    So I decided, from last Monday, to quit 5:2 for a while and stick to WW till I get to a point where I just want to maintain my weight, then will maybe do 5:2 again to keep me on track. (It might not sound a lot to some, but I need to lose a stubborn 6kg, which just loves to hang around!) I love 5:2 and its benefits, but I feel I need to stick to WW for now so my portion control can get to a smaller level again! With 5:2, I was like my personal kitchen vacuum cleaner, scooping up everything on the non-fast days! πŸ˜€

    Will still lurk in the background on the boards, but wanted to post to say hi to you all and wish you all well. Especially during the holiday season! πŸ™‚

    Bye for now!


    Hi Penny,
    I wish you good luck and good results. I will go on 5:2+LCHF and see what will happen.
    Have a good holiday season,enjoy the life for the full.

    Good morning,
    It is a good morning to me. Since I again started fasting the result is good after 4 fast days ….. -1.9kg. I know that part of it is water but never the less the figures made my day. Will continue LCHF until Monday morning of fast. Besides I seem to eat less on the days in between the fast days.Have a good weekend you too !

    Trying to have 3 fasting days the coming week.Why? Had a two-day eating ‘session’ this past weekend πŸ˜€ I think it might help me over the ‘hang over’ of over eating and see again good figures on the scale. Though I don’t think I will step on scale before the week after the coming one- just before Christmas eve πŸ˜€

    I’m starting my 5:2 journey tomorrow with a Monday Fast day. Fingers crossed I don’t spend Tuesday making up for the calorie deficit :O)

    Hello christinapollard,
    I am sure you’ll just do fine. Fasting is not at all hard to do. It’s the days in between for me – sometimes,not at all often. Actually I like the fasting days,really. I kind of feel good emptyness in my stomach,not hungry.That is a good feeling – also the feeling that you can cope with fasting.
    Good luck on your journey !

    So far so good at 6.10 P.M. πŸ˜€

    Hi Tuulal how are things going? Hope you’re doing okay πŸ™‚

    Hi Dragon Fly,
    I must admit …I haven’t started fasting after Christmas /New Year celebrations πŸ™
    but I will,I will…
    But the fasting days go otherwise all right,no special problems.I even enjoy them. But haven’t used to the holiday season yet.

    Tuulal hi πŸ™‚ You’ll soon be back into it, once you get a couple of fasts out of the way. I did my first one of the year on Monday, and it was tough I have to say. Another tomorrow, and hopefully it will be easier. Hope you had a lovely Christmas/New Year πŸ˜€

    Dragon Fly hi !
    I am going to fast tomorrow ,happens to be Thursday πŸ˜€ I suppose it can be tough to start again but let’s see. My hubby goes to a dentist and then we have to go grocery shopping -never the less but I am going to fast (he is supporting me of which I am very glad).
    I had a very nice holiday season,thank you, but now have to start “normal” life. I haven’t been on the scale -it might be depressive….

    I’m fasting as well today Tuulal, we can DO it! I know Monday was rough for me, but I’m sticking with it today no matter what. I’m lucky too in that my boyfriend supports me with my fast days πŸ˜€ it does make it much easier. You never know, you might be surprised by the scale … I was convinced I’d gained, but I had stayed the same. Be brave and check it out, at least then you know whats what πŸ™‚ Good luck, and have a great day πŸ˜€

    Hi, I am fasting today too.It’s around 3 P.M. and I ate ‘breakfast’ which was one boiled egg + coffee with 1 spoonful cream and as usually I will eat around 4.30 P.M. and I calculated my eating in advance..it would be only 350kcal so I will take some vegetables to my boiled egg. I am not eating 500kcal but a bit less today but next Monday it will be normal amount. You see that my eating times differ from somebody else’s -I eat after I get up around 7 A.M. and then in the afternoon and the next time is the normal breakfast again around 7-8 A.M. Thus I will not be eating anything between 4.30 P.M. to 7.30 A.M. I’ll step on scale tomorrow but I am not expecting any ‘good’ numbers because I ate cakes,biscuits,buns,breads+chocolate+ ice cream, you name it, during the holidays. BUT we can DO this very well πŸ™‚

    Good luck with the scale tomorrow .. and even if you dont see what you want to see, you know that this will change! Its lunchtime where I am now, this is the hardest time because people are eating. I’m staying strong πŸ™‚ Went and bought the 5.2 book .. thought it would do me good to read it πŸ™‚

    Dragon Fly hi,
    The book is very good to read. The one thing Michael Mosley as many /most doctors have changed their attitude is the FAT – real butter is ok,extra vergin cocoabutter as well. The world changes -slowly- they have been saying e.g. that butter is not good for you ,bla bla bla in 40 years and now the old truth comes up -butter is not harmful at all considering heart=butter is not the reason for heart attacks quite the opposite-low fat is a bad thing for our bodies and hearts.As well as alot of carbs. (good information on this site dietdoctor.com

    Thanks for the web address .. I’ll check it out later. I’m half way through the book already, the science and all the tests done about this are fascinating, and things realy contradict what we have been told/read over the years. I love it πŸ˜€

    Hope your fast day ended well yesterday, and the scale is kind to you πŸ™‚ Stay strong x

    The scale told me exactly what I thought -gained the amount of kilos which I had left behind me before Christmas and New Year’s thus 3kg.It didn’t depress me though of which I am glad. I couldn’t fast today which I had thought to do but will do one or two fast days this week. I weigh about 15kilos more than is healthy for me at my age (will be 65 in July)and height(160cm). I’ll keep on going towards better results that’s for sure but SLOWLY- unfortunately.

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