If I fast I can't sleep.

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  JudyCarol 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • If I follow the plan and have 500 calories in the morning and then nothing more till the following morning then I am completely unable to sleep in the intervening night. How could I best rearrange things so that the night is at the beginning of the fast and not the last lap so to speak?

    I have found in the past that if I eat less I also sleep less – and tend to feel tired as a result. Does anyone else find this? It makes dieting virtually impossible…

    Hi Brigit and welcome:

    Simply eat your 500 cal. in the evening before you go to bed. There is no need to go 24 hours without food.

    Here are some tips – check out the time between meals thread for more information: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

    Hi Brigit, as simcoeluv says why not eat later? or at the very least have a mug of bovril in the evening.
    I have found that the longer I have been doing 5:2 the easier it is to sleep. It was hard at first but your body seems to adapt.
    It does work and it is worth it.
    Happy fasting!

    Thanks for the replies!

    I am new here and from the good old USA…I have a problem sleeping as well so take melatonin and hour before i go to bed…it helps.

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