I would like more information on blitzing vegetables etc

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I would like more information on blitzing vegetables etc

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  fasting_me 6 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi folks, I am new here and I am 3-4 weeks into my fasting diet. I read the fast diet book. It makes sense and a few friends have lost weight from it too. Anyway, I read a little that was written here by Michael about juicing but it’s not completely clear to me. I often have a blended vege drink for breakfast. I put kale, cucumber, mint, ginger, turmeric, LSA, and half an apple and unsweetened coconut water in it. It is quite filling and I enjoy it. what is the consensus on this type of meal. It is blitzed not juiced so I think I am getting all the goodies from it. Any knowledgeable advice would be appreciated. Thanks

    If by ‘blitzing’ you mean throwing it all into the blender/VitaMix/food-processor or using an immersion wand, that is fine. Those methods retain the fiber, which is good for gut health. “Juicing” by definition takes out the fiber and leaves you with only the liquids and sugar. Bad no-no. Have I made the distinction clear?
    We have a fruit smoothie every morning [made in VitaMix] and I have my Green Milk [milk, spinach, date] every day at lunch for gut health.

    Good luck, Miss Mite.

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