i know that 2 search a person's post & replies u click the name

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i know that 2 search a person's post & replies u click the name

This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 11 years, 7 months ago.

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

  • however, when u do it 4 michael/mimi it only shows topics posted.

    may we please have his/her replies 2 all posters

    like all other posters

    thanks in advance

    Hi wiltldnrUSA Thanks for the suggestion – will contact the tech team & hopefully get this sorted
    best, Michael

    welcome back michael

    i have the fastdiet OR 5:2 OR 6:1 on google alerts

    so i have been able 2 read/watch anything from all over the world

    when u speak or comment in articles.

    thanks again 4 introducing us 2 this fastday lifestyle

    i’m over 22 pounds down now

    Hi – if you click on Michael or Mimi’s name, it will take you to their user profile. There you can find the replies they’ve done by clicking the “Replies Created” link under the “Topics Started” link. Hope that helps!

    thanks it works great this will help us all

    when u click on mimi it does not work only michael

    Hi – Mimi’s replies should be found in a link in the same place. Or you can go directly there from this link to her replies.

    hi, it does not work by clicking on names it only brings u 2 posts & now michael 2

    only ur specific link worked 4 mimis profile

    when i go 2 in depth topic and go 2 michael & mimis posts & click on either michael it does not work n’or does mimis.

    maybe it might be best 2 add it 2 in-depth a new heading of michael replies and mimis replies with a specific links

    Ah ha, I see what you’re doing. You need to click their username on the forum to get to their user profile; there’s not a link to all their replies on the main menus as they’re context dependent, not stand alone posts.

    For ease, here’s Michael’s user profile and here’s Mimi’s.


    however, it is very rare 2 see michael or mimi in the forum thus me going 2 the posts. so still u should put these links separately as discussed b4 thanks i will bookmark this link 4 now until u have it permanently.

    hello hello

    have not heard from u

    i know u gave me the link but

    this is 4 all the forum

    if they can’t do it from the in depth

    it is nowhere

    why have u not added this

    u could say

    browse michael’s clare’s & mimi’s replies

    so it is there permantly & won’t get lost in this gigantic forum

    here’s Michael’s user profile


    and here’s Mimi’s.


Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

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