I did it!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  fasting_me 7 years ago.

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  • My first FD…! And I did it! It wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought, though I do feel a bit hungry now. But that’s ok…I’m going to go to bed and read. Tomorrow’s a whole new day! Someone gave advice about just getting through the day, not looking a month ahead and worrying – very good advice. Tomorrow I’ll read more and figure out how to post correctly

    Congratulations, Betz28! It gets even easier, the longer you do it. Herbal tea at night can often help if you feel hungry. Bengal Spice and Peppermint are two of my favorites for FD.

    Congratulations! I just joined. Have done 5:2 successfully in the past, but I am struggling with getting back in to it these days, that´s why I joined now. Inspiring to hear to you made it, thanks! Tomorrow I will do it!

    Good job, Betz.
    Johannes, how did it go with the First Day of the Rest of Your Life?

    Keep Calm and drink tea, as Cali suggests. You can do it.

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