Hypothyroid for 8 months, feeling very hopeful!

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Hypothyroid for 8 months, feeling very hopeful!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Minka 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone, I’ve just joined here today and started this crazy diet yesterday after reading the book which my mother in law pushed into my hand over the weekend. Well, I’m glad she did. I started yesterday with the fast as a trial to see if I could do it, I didn’t intend to complete the day, but guess what? I did! So I’ve carried on today! What?!!! 2 consecutive fast days? Yep, and already I feel so much better and I’m looking forward to a jam doughnut tomorrow 😊

    I’ve had thyroid problems for around 4 years, first over active which was clearly amazing for weight loss, but not my general health, then after a second dose of RAI, I was left under active since the new year. My doctor gave me a harsh, but true talking to last week, explaining I’m not getting any younger, weight loss becomes more difficult the older we get, and that my thyroid levels were perfectly placed within the normal range. This started me thinking and evaluating the diet I’ve been trying to keep to for the past 3 months with pretty much zero effect, even while doing my 15 minute Davina and 20 minutes of yoga most days.

    So after reading the entire book in 24 hours I was left extremely interested in the concept of the 5:2 diet, I love the science behind it and it makes perfect sense that our bodies need a rest from processing food, and that we live in a society today where we’re never really hungry with so much food around us.

    I’ve struggled with my weight most of my life, up and down, never too up, around 13 and half stone being my heaviest which would be a size 16, but every time a size 18 was getting nearer, that would be my trigger to sort myself out. I’m 5′ 7″ so I’m aiming for 10 stone as when my thyroid was over I got down to just above that.

    So here I am, I’ve found everyone’s posts on here so helpful and inspirational and I hope to chat to like minded people and be of some support to other 5:2’s!!!

    GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!! Love and light to all of you on this amazing journey.

    Hi Jev, I too would be hypothyroid were I not taking thyroid replacement, since I’ve had Hashimoto’s. I’ve been practicing 5:2 for 2 months and like you, feel great benefits. Like you, I’m also 5′ 7″ though I may be a bit older than you! I just turned 60! I’ve shed around 8 pounds in the 8 weeks I’ve been practicing 5:2, which from what I’ve read is about par for the course. I don’t count calories on NDFs, which allows me a freedom to continue with the program in a way that other dieting never has. I do focus on eating whole foods and low or now grain, and lowish carbs. I feel the best I’ve felt in years and am sure you will too as you continue with the program. Keep us posted or join one of the other supportive group threads already in progress (that’s what I did and if weren’t for that group, not sure I would have found my way through some of my snags!). Cheers!

    Hi there, thanks for your reply! Thanks for your suggestions too. I just turned 46 and like I say, my weight has been up and down for most of my life, so it’s now or never. I really like the science behind it, it really does make sense.

    Like you, I’m also trying to be pretty good on non fast days, it’s weird feeling hungry because I just haven’t felt it for so long. So many diets encourage you to snack during these times as we were brought up to believe starving yourself was bad for you! It’s a whole new prospective to learn and get used to.

    Good luck!


    Thanks! Keep us posted on how you do!

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