how to deal with non fast days ????

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  SAMM 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • the fast days are no problem it is the off days am having trouble with. Any suggestions?
    Park Slope Artist

    Well at first I just wanted to prove to myself that I could do the fast days.
    Then I wanted to start eating healthy on feed days ,because it’s my understanding that cravings for foods usually occur because of vitamin or mineral deficientcy.
    So I made sure I was taking a multiple vitamin supplement on fast days.

    Then I also try to practice only eating 3 solid meals on feed days.
    If I snack it’s on things like dried fruit . Like a small box of raisins @ 90 calories . One at a time.
    Or popcorn. 1 piece at a time. In bowl that is only filled with 100 calories worth.

    Not so much advice but its what ive been doing lately. Another strategy I made up is skip big breakfasts on feed days too. Well not entirely, but my breakfast days are only 250 cal breakfast. So my next two meals are filling and satiating , but I’m used to hungry feelings in the mornings everyday.

    I’m starting a new thread on this forum
    Keep On Keepin On

    Thanks Samm for replying to my query. Because I wrote about having problems on non fast days I have been a bit more diligent. My problem is that on non fast days I am with my companion and it is very hard to be careful when eating with another person. Fast days I am alone and there is no other temptation.

    When eating out , I try to order the healthiest fish on the menu , and try not to eat the breads.

    Even when eating at a buffet , I try to eat a plate of vitamin or mineral dense vegetables first, and avoid the starchy foods that are typically higher in calories. My personal approach is if I do have a binge , I make sure it’s followed by a fast day or a 1,000 calorie day.

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