How soon can I fast after the 'flu?

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Hungrypig 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • I was ill with the ‘flu earlier this week, (yes, unbelievably you can get the ‘flu even at this time of year), had all the classic symptoms where it hit me very suddenly on Sunday followed by chills and then raging temperature coupled with headache, aches and pains. I am now recovering, no temp but still feeling a little tired so doing unstrenuous exercise like a short dog walk etc but wondering about starting to fast again? My appetite went off for 3 days and I probably only consumed around 500-600 cals per day but seems to be coming back with a vegeance now!
    Is it a good idea to resume ‘fasting’ yet or let my body ‘rest’?
    Any thoughts?

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