How do you beat the late night munchies?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Peacemealnik 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi 5-2-ers! I just decided to give the 5-2 Diet a go. Trying to lose some of my pot belly. My goal was to get a 6-pack back. But, that might be too ambitious. We’ll see! I started working out 2-3 times per week about 6 months ago and that’s been great. Feeling good, stronger, more endurance. But weight is about the same. Pants are looser – so maybe the weight moved somewhere else…

    I think my weakness is wanting to munch on something at night. Any ideas on how to beat that? Or good snacks that that won’t sink the diet?

    Thanks for any advice. – 52 years old – 195 lbs – in the USA, Peacemealnik

    Hi Peacemealnik, I haven’t found any but one trick we use at AUSSIE DETERMINATION, especially when the sweet tooth needs a boost, is low cal hot chocolate. I assume you can get it the states, the one here is made by Jarrah. Hope that helps….the rest becomes habit. I found it one of the hardest to break but it does happen 🙂 but remember it’s only fast days you really need to be strick, other days, just count your snack into your TDEE …CG 🙂

    This mightn’t suit you, but I beat the late night munchies by deciding I wouldn’t eat anything after 8pm. To encourage myself, I let myself eat what I liked before 8pm, and promised myself I could eat what I wanted in the morning (this was pre fast days!)
    It worked really well. (I would promise myself a block of chocolate in the morning, and yet when morning came I didn’t feel like it then!)
    I hope you find a practice that works for you!

    Thanks Countrygal and Cinque. Hot chocolate and morning chocolate sound great! But won’t stock too much or it – may defeat the purpose. Best. -Peacemeal

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