How do I change or ente rmy profile?

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How do I change or ente rmy profile?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • I am not used to being on forums..I don’t know how to edit or begin my profile.It just says this user hasnt entered profile yet… but if I click on it it doesnt seem to let me do anything with it. And I cant find any other access to it.

    Also, if I get a copy of an email in my mailbox, can I reply to it without giving away my address, or do I have to go to the forum to do it?

    I am replyiing to myself as I have just found something that says edit profile. sorry to take up space. But the second question still stands.

    I had to check to see how you enter a profile too – so you’re not on your own there 🙂

    By ‘get a copy of an email in my mailbox’ do you mean a notification of a reply to a post you have made in a thread on the forum?
    If so you reply to it on the forum not from your inbox.

    Yes I meant notification… and thanks for that.

    How do I enter my profile?

    On the top right hand corner under “fast exercise” and twitter sign, click “Your Profile” and then on the left hand there should be an option that says edit profile/change password.


    How do I delete my account?

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