How can i loose by belly first??

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  RK_SUMON 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Your BMI is: 29.2
    Your BMR is: 7354 kJ / 1758 calories
    Your TDEE is: 8825 kJ / 2109 calories

    this is show me can anyone explain it please?
    And i want to loose my belly how??

    BMI is body mass index. It is your weight in kg divided by your height in metres squared. The accepted upper healthy limit is 25. Example: Weight is 70 kg Height 1.78 m. 70 / 1.78^2 = 22.1

    BMR = base metabolic rate. This is how much energy you consume doing absolutely no activity. Basically if you sat on the couch watching TV 24/7.

    TDEE = total daily energy expenditure. Takes into account daily activity.

    Want to lose your belly? Well start doing 5:2. Hope that helped.

    Despite what you may head on tv, etc, there is no way to target belly fat. That said; fasting is reportedly good for retaining muscles & reducing visceral fat ahead of subcutaneous fat so a 5/2 regime normally results in waist measurements reducing faster than other areas.
    Traditional caloric restriction diets don’t protect muscle tissue so they don’t have the same effect.

    Hi RK_Sumon, there are some exercises you can do that might help your waist: one of Dr Mosley’s shows found that doing situps each day took an extra inch off the participants waist measurements over the time of the experiment (a few weeks I think).
    Remember that 5:2 is about longterm health. Start doing it, and make it fit into your life so you can keep doing it.
    Some of us lose belly first, some of us lose it last 🙁 But slow and steady weight loss through longterm 5:2 should mean that you eventually lose it and keep it off.
    Good luck and best wishes!


    5.2 a great way of loosing fat around the waist..

    Over about 6 months….me ..female lost 6″
    …hubby male lost 5″.. he only has tummy fat, slim everywhere else

    It’s a great way of life but it has to be a way of life!

    We have done this 5.2 twice , first time we lost two stone each over 6 months, although my hubby had two new knees but our thoughts were YES we have done it GREAT we are where we want to be, people brought food gifts when he was laid up, over 6 months we stayed the same weight but not fasting, then it was a couple of pounds up, then 3 up within the year we had put all back on..

    We have had to start again, I have now lost 33 lbs, hubby has been slower due to health issues but it’s about a stone for him. We are 18 months in this time and slowly doing it, it is a way of life, it’s easy…fasting twice a week is non negotiable for us …we have short holiday breaks every month but continue to fast…we slip slightly on a two week holidays more to the fact you have no control over the food/ restaurants but we now straight back on track when home.

    Give it a go, it depends how much you have to loose and how much effort you want to put in…only you can do it…find a thread on here and get support from others it really helps.

    Good luck..

    Thank you guys for your comment.

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