I have some questions and am pretty confused about a number of things relating to the 5:2 diet. My boyfriend and I don’t eat meat, but eat quite a lot of animal protein at the moment (contradictory, I know) in the form of eggs and whey protein as we are currently weight lifting. We also eat quorn, although maybe only 1-2 times a week. We have been doing the 5:2 for about 6 weeks or so and have lost some weight, but my boyfriend has lost enough weight (sadly not a problem for me yet). My questions are:
1) IGF-1 supposed to be increased by high-protein diet? Is this caused largely by animal protein? How much damage are we doing with our non-meat animal proteins?
2) How does my partner stop losing weight while still getting health benefits? 6:1?
9:29 am
11 Oct 14