High hopes

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Chuckk 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • I’ve bee doing 5:2 for about a months. I haven’t lost any weight yet but I’m determined that I will. I have 25 pounds to lose. On my fast days I prefer to eat 500 calories for dinner with nothing for breakfast. On fast days I lose 3 to 4 pounds but then put it back on before the next fast day. During the month I’ve been doing this I’ve traveled to Wyoming, San Diego, and had 3 of our children and 6 of our grandchildren visiting since the end of June. So wonderful! Haven’t skipped any fast days, but obviously eating incorrectly on the normal days. I will have more family visiting until the end of July, then will be getting ready to return to teaching. Doing regular exercise has been hit or miss during this time, too, because of all the other activities going on. By the way, here in Las Vegas, we just ended about 2 weeks of 115 degrees.

    Hello Rubyrose!
    There are some people who by their genetic makeup are very resistant to weight loss – which when considers our ancestors plight and often lack of food, makes sense for survival in a caloric-restricted world! I wonder if that has an affect, and if your ancestors had these genes?
    I’m not sure if the 500 calories is the best way to set the limit for the fast days; one might be better off taking 1/4 of your caloric needs as a setpoint, and if you have a very efficient metabolism, perhaps trying fewer than 500 calories will trigger the repair-mode? Regular exercise really helped me a lot in terms of weight loss, combining the two being the best of both worlds.
    Wow, Las Vegas, the solar power capitol of the world it seems!! I was wondering how your city fared as temps soared throughout the west.. wow, that’s quite a scorcher! Here, it was hot, now our nights are in the 40’s and 50’s, day’s in the 70’s. Take a vacation to the great north woods!!
    Keep cool and bike the night away!
    from Chuck.

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