Hi there, I'm knew here

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Minka 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi. I watched Michael Mosleys programme a couple of weeks ago and thought this looks like me!! I immediately bought the book and have started already. I’ve already lost 3kgs! Seems to be working well. Only issue I have is I’m still a bit confused how to incorporate my meals and my husbands (who also wants to do it) without having to make two different meals at night! Any ideas?

    Hi Chevgurl, If your husband will be doing 5:2 with you and fasting on same day, the solution will be quite simple. In this case, I’d use the myfitnesspal website or app to work out calories for meals and you both eat the same for the meals. For his extra 100 calories, he could add a snack or snacks that equal those calories.

    I fast and my partner doesn’t and so we do eat differently on my FDs. What works for me is to make up a big casserole the day before which is eaten as a main meal on the night before my FD. I then re-heat this to serve to my husband as ‘leftovers’ on my FD. For instance this week it was something I’d made in our big slow cooker. The dish I made apparently tasted even better re-heated so my husband said, so he was happy! I soft boiled a couple of eggs for my dinner that night. Though this seems like I was still preparing two separate meals, there was little work involved and we both sat down together and enjoyed our respective cuisines!

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