Hi there, American in Berlin, Germany.

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  jambuster7 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi all, just read through many of the posts and feel very inspired. Will start with a fast day on Monday. Only have about 12 pounds to lose but they are persistent. Weight Watchers works but is hard for me to maintain. Would love to hear from experienced 5:2ers how you deal with alcohol on your “normal” days and how you fast while on vacation. Good luck to me and all of you!

    Hi Jenny, welcome to the club! To answer your questions: I’m a wine drinker and on my “normal” days I have a glass of wine with dinner. I really do eat and drink on my normal days as I always have, if I started counting calories or limiting and avoiding certain foods it would seem to me too much like a diet I wouldn’t last very long. I’ve been on the 5:2 regime since mid April and lost about 16 lbs. During this time I spent 3 weeks visiting family and friends in the US and didn’t fast at all – it wouldn’t have worked with a family wedding and all the brunches, dinners and bbq’s. Oddly, I didn’t gain any weight but I do think that after a while you tend to eat less.
    P.S. During this heat wave we’ve been having in Berlin I’ve been enjoying some frozen strawberry margaritas on the weekends 🙂 Hope that answered your questions, this really works even if you have a drink or a piece of cake – and no guilt!
    Good luck and keep us posted!

    Hi jennyjfk,

    I drink on some of my non-fast days, but I try to have two “dry” days per week in addition to my fast days. I also avoid beer and sugary cocktails in general (although if I were in Germany, beer would be much more of a temptation!).

    It seems to me that I saw in a post that Dr. Mosley recommended a 2:2 approach to alcohol — no more than two drinks per day, and at least two days per week with no alcohol. Does anybody else remember that?

    Haven’t been on vacation since starting 5:2, but I did have a week of business travel, with no fast days.

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