Hi there

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joy1 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Just thought I would say hello 🙋 to everyone and introduce myself. I’ve attempted to do the fast diet 2 years ago and was quite successful. This woe slipped into my life relatively easily and I felt really good. Alas life gets in the way sometimes and all my good work was undone and I’m now heavier than ever. 😢 so the time is now and I have (half heartily) attempted fasting over the past few weeks but this week I’m going for it. I’m fasting today and have already eaten just slightly over my allowance so thought I would keep myself occupied for a while before I hit the sack. I’ve been reading many posts on here over the past few weeks. Everyone seems friendly helpful.😀

    Hi Joy,

    I’ve lost and regained weight many times; the old yo-yo diet syndrome. Hopefully 5:2 is something I can do long term. I’ve been doing it since last September and so far it seems like something I can stick with. I wish you great success with your goals too.


    Thank you Bronx. I can already see my attitude towards food changing. I’m still drawn to food as I’ve always enjoyed it but I stop to think now before stuffing my face. So, so far so good but only time will tell. I must say it’s nice having a little more control. I hope I can stick with it too. Good luck with your goals too.

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