Hi There

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  TracyJ 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • I have just started on 23/9/2013.weight 85kg waist 42 1/2 “. 1st week lost 3 kg, great! 2nd week put on 1kg but lost 1” from waist? Still feel hungry on fast days,come very close to cheating!
    Has anyone put on weight but lost inches like I have?

    Lots of people – check out the topics. I never bothered with start measurements etc. so I don’t keep track of it myself but even when my weight loss seems to slow to a crawl I can still tell I’m losing inches by my clothes. Everything I was wearing this time last year is like a sack on me now – I’ve had to throw out so much stuff that just looks rediculous or litterally won’t stay up anymore & the local charity shops have been doing well out of me trying to assemble a capsule ‘interim’ wardrobe. Don’t worry so much about the weight, just stick to the programme & check in with that now & again.

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