Hi returnee here

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  hereigo 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi Im thinking of re-starting the 5:2. I really tried to do the 5:2 back in April and kept getting bouts of nausea and headaches, despite drinking about 2-3 pints of water, so gave up. I’d also just moved house felt a bit disorganised and disorientated. I found out I had something called leaky gut syndrome through reading the clever guts book and also my bouts of nausea and headaches which were like a hangover without having any alcohol are related to the leaky gut – I’ve worked hard on healing my gut taking michaels advice on the CG website, and haven’t had any weird hungover symptoms for about 3 weeks or more

    So I’m going to restart the 5:2 – taking it easy to start off with just one fast day this week and see how I go, then build up to two FD’s per week. Reading michaels clever guts he recommends 800 on fast days with a Mediterranean type diet. Has anyone done this or been in a similar position ? Has anyone got any advice?

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