Hi New To 5:2

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  hereigo 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Just joined today and had my first fast day yesterday. Went very well but had a bit of trouble getting off to sleep last night. Question do most 5:2 fasters count their calories on non fast days – ie – ensure they have 2000 calories on non fast days?

    hi i’n new too and I am Buster’s mum too – i have a 4 year old labrador called Buster..:)
    I don’t think you need to count your calories on non fast days – just eat normally but go mad – thats my understanding of things – someone might come along with more knowledge of 5:;2 than me soon though

    Hi Hereigo Thanks for your help. My black Labrador is nearly 9 and such fun.

    Buster’s mum, mine is feeling sorry for himself as he slipped his lead and chased a cat into the road and had an altercation with a car 3 weeks ago and he got a bad deep cut on his leg (fortunately no other injuries except some internal bruising). He now wearing a elizabethan collar to let the wound dry and to stop him licking it – he’s not a happy boy at all!!

    re-reading my earlier reply i meant don’t go mad 🙂

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