Hi I'm new to this 5:2 diet

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  • I’m really after some advice as I’m new to this diet
    I’ve read on your fast days your allowed 500 calories a day so what do people eat ? Plus I don’t understand how many carbs are in food I’ve been told there’s 1,carb per piece of bread is that right
    Plus on your none carb days I’ve heard your allowed 11 carbs in total please I really need some help as I want to get it right
    Thank you

    Yes you get 500 calories per day on a fast day (if you are female, males get 600 calories).

    You can eat whatever you want, you don’t have to restrict carbs, although some people choose to. The recommendation in the 5:2 book is to eat some solid protein and vegetables on a fast day and avoid empty calories like sugary foods and drinks. You can eat 1,2 or 3 meals as long as you stay under 500 calories for the whole day. Some people choose to do water fasts and consume no calories – that’s not for me, but some people say they find it easier to eat nothing than just a little. The way you consume the calories over the course of a fast day is entirely up to you. I choose to eat dinner only on a fast day and I allow 1/4 of my calories for milk so that I can have an unrestricted number of cups of tea throughout the day – I find if I can have a cups of milky tea through the morning and early afternoon I don’t miss the food. Everyone has their own method – you really have to try a few options and find what suits you. My only strong recommendation is that you plan the bulk of your calories for the time(s) of day when you know you are always hungry as this will be the most difficult time to do without food. I get hungry late in the day so allocating most of my calories to dinner is sensible for me. If I was someone who was always ravenous at breakfast time then this option would work for me.

    To work out the calories, carbs etc in food you need to either put an app on your phone or find one of the free internet nutrition tables. Some options are:
    There are many more besides if you want to do a google search.

    You can cook any foods that you like that fit within the calorie limits. My main choices for meals on fast days include: stir-frys, omelettes, salads, grills, curries and soups. What I make depends on the weather and what I’m in the mood for.

    Thank you for your reply I’m wondering on the back of food labels when it says what carbs are in food do I take away the fiber away from the carbs lets say there 30carbs in something and 10 fiber if I take the 10 away from the carbs would that mean I would only be having is 10 carbs. Thank you

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