Hi I am new and have a question re 16:8 can you help

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Hi I am new and have a question re 16:8 can you help

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  HappyNow 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi there

    I have been doing 5:2 for a few weeks and really enjoying it so far. However I am on holiday from work this week and wont be as busy on what would normally be my fast days.

    I have been informed of 16:8 and its benefits too. It seems quite interesting , but I have a question.

    Can I drink black tea/coffee outwith my 8 hour eating window?

    Any help would be much appreciated xx

    Hi Wendiwoo,

    I do 8:16 along with 5:2, wherein in my non-fast days I eat all my calories in the windows of 8 hours. You can take black coffee/tea (but not stuffed with much calories that come from cream, but with a little milk, if you need). The main concept their being that we restrict all the cal intake to that 8 hour windows and fast the rest of the 16 hours.

    Hi there

    I am so sorry for not replying , I hadn’t known there was a comment posted after mine.

    Thank you for your information it is a great help xx

    I did the 16:8 a while back and it worked BUT, unlike the 5:2 diet, only worked for a short period of time. The reason for this is that to do 16:8 (which is done each day every day)… otherwise known as the 8 hour diet, you have to stick to a number of other rules – yes you only eat during the 8 hour period, but to ensure you get all the required vitamins and minerals in your diet you are required to eat 8 superfoods each and every day… including greens, legumes, nuts, protein etc. You should also ensure that you do 8 minutes of exercise each day before you start eating. ALL THINGS WHICH BECOME DIFFICULT TO STICK TO AS A WAY OF LIFE

    If you are combining the 16:8 with the 5:2 then please make sure you are eating enough to get all the nutrients your body needs. On 5:2 you gain all you need on your non-fast days.

    Personally I would do one or the other – I don’t think combining is the way forward – by the sounds of your post though it doesn’t sound as though combining is your plan – maybe when off work stick to the 8 hour diet and when you feel able stick to 5:2.
    As a side note I work shifts and am therefore home quite a lot on my own during the week – I actually find these days a lot easier to fast – I only have to keep away from the fridge whereas at work there is vending machines, the restaurant, cakes and chocolates people bring in…. meal times where people head off together as well as the drive to and from work… much much easier to fast at home!!!

    Below are some links to the 8 hour diet to help you out…. good luck.



    I disagree. 16:8 is NOT the same as the 8 hour diet. 16:8 (or 18:6, 19:5, 23:1 etc) just refers to the ratio of fasting to eating window each day.

    I combined 16:8 with 5:2 and lost 30lbs last year, and since last June have been maintaining my weight mostly by eating 16:8 (and low refined carbohydrate).

    I think a bit of milk in tea/ coffee outside the eating window is OK, provided it isn’t too many calories and doesn’t affect insulin/ blood sugar levels. I tend to have almond milk in my morning coffee now. It’s lower calorie than cow’s milk, and a diabetic posted here that it doesn’t affect insulin levels…

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