Hi From Verity in England- new to IF

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  • Hi all,
    I started IF 2 weeks ago and have just stumbled across this forum.
    I need of losing in excess of 50 Lbs, and want a quick start as I have Plantar Fasciatis ( walking is agony at times) and know that getting weight off will help a lot. Never really been a fan of fast weight loss but having read a fair bit I stared and have been very pleasantly surprised with the results so far.
    any advice is much appreciated, I’ve kind of winged it the first 2 weeks, with whole day fasting 3 days a week- sometimes back to back, just because of work commitments.
    Im still working full time- very busy and often long hours.
    So far feeling good.
    any suggestions for the awful ketotic breath?? is it ok to chew sugar free gum now and then? or does anyone use mouth wash.
    looking forward to checking in a couple of times a week

    Hi Verity,

    I’m also in England 🙂 I’ve only just started, and I also need a quick start to get me motivated so I’m doing 4:3.
    I thought I’d reply to you because I had plantar fasciitis last year (it was agony, especially getting up from bed) and I found that changing my shoes healed it, and I had a lot of weight to lose. I’m sure losing weight will still help but I bought new trainers with arch support and the pain resolved in a week or two, so maybe worth thinking about?
    Good luck with your progress!

    I have Plantar Fasciatis in my left foot. I use this taping technique and it helps a lot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z2XlqsuQSY Normally I leave the tape on for a few days and then change it. If the pain is mild I sometimes go for weeks without taping. Also as Chantilly said better shoes can really help. I find that switching up what shoes I’m wearing also helps.

    I’m a bit frustrated that my fasting hasn’t seemed to help the healing of this much. The fasting really seems to help a lot with my golfer’s elbow problems. I’m also not sure how much weight is a factor as I didn’t have the problem when I was heavy. Still I do thing losing weight and fasting are beneficial, it is just that this can be a difficult problem to overcome.

    As for keto breath, I often chew sugar free gum when fasting or brush my teeth and tongue. Of coarse one is only masking the smell. When I’m fasting I try not to consume any calories but I’ll make an exception for sugar free gum and sugar free mints.

    Best of luck!

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