Hi Folks

This topic contains 13 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Westman 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Westman here, my first ever post on an online forum of any kind.
    I have started 5 2 diet today.
    Will check back in with progress over the coming weeks.
    thank you

    Hi Westman! Welcome here 🙂 All power to you!

    Hi Cinque, Hi Simcoeluv. Thanks for checking in!
    I am euphoric at finding this site and community, it is heartwarming to read each of your stories and journies.I have been overweight all of my life due to childhood issues that I have only recently came to terms with and have begun to resolve them through counselling. My next step is to loose 50+ lbs and reclaim the second half of my life for myself.

    I have just spent the morning reading the link you provided.
    Really good food for thought.
    A couple of quick questions if I may.

    Is ADF sustainable over say 1 month, I need to get into a suit by the end of July?

    Already, I am lightheaded in the morning and during the day, despite drinkning 5+ pints of water per day. Solutions?

    I take sweetener in black tea, Is it ok to continue with this?

    I promise to post weekly result of progress.


    Hi West:

    ADF is sustainable. It is really a matter of your social schedule. From a practical point of view, it is hard to be on a very low calorie diet every other day. But if your schedule allows it doing ADF for a month is not a problem.

    The act of drinking so much water purges your system of salt. So try drinking some salty drinks like bullion to replenish the salt you are losing because of your high water intake.

    Sweetener in tea is fine. Just remember to count the calories, if any.

    Good Luck!

    Hi, Folks as promised my numbers after week one.

    Wk0 wk1 Loss
    Weight 239lb 233lb 6lb
    Neck 16in 15.75in 0.25in
    Chest 45in 44in 1in
    Waist 50in 48in 2in
    Hips 40in 41in +1in

    I am delighted with the weight loss of 6 lbs. I fasted on Tues,Thur and Sun of last week although Sun wasn’t a full on fast day. I had social events on Fri and on Sat night which were excessively calorific and still lost the 6 lbs. This week it is my intention to fast again on Tues, Thur and partially Sunday.

    Some observations.
    +My chronic morning lower back pain is slowly reducing as others on the forum have also noted.
    +My normally flushed face and skin tone are improving.
    +Drinking 5+ pints of water a day is ok, I try and get them in early in the day.
    +Energy levels and clarity of mind have also improved slightly.
    +General mood has also improved slightly.
    +On the fast days, eating early just makes me hungry for the rest of the day.Best to hold off till later.
    +Bread , when I have it now, nearly sends me into a coma.
    +A tight fitting pair of pants from last week does appear a little looser this week.

    That’s it for now, over and out for another week. Again, thank you to all on this forum for providing the community and support to all of us new arrivals, Your stories inspire this poor soul at least. In weaker moments during the week, I have dipped in here from time to time to nourish my ‘self’ where before I would have dipped into the larder…


    Hi Westman! Good to read of all that improved during and since your fasting week. Your observations are interesting to read! I look forward to following your progress. I’m a newbie too and my first fast day was Tuesday. I’m starting with just one fast day a week since I’ve had health issues and am aiming at increasing that to two days down the track. I admire your alternate day fasting efforts.

    Hi Lael, and welcome aboard, I hope your first week went well for you.

    Last week I lost 1 lb to take my total weight loss to 7lbs. At one stage last week I was down 9 lbs in total but then a weekend of bbq on Fri, Party on Sat and Sports event on Sunday undid all the gains. (4th of July Wknd). This week I am fasting Mon, Wed, Fri.

    My observations on last week.
    + Definitely have more energy.
    + Mood is definitely better, less stressed and my daily ongoing anxiety and panic attacks have much reduced.
    +Continue to have 30s-120s what I can only describe as hot flushes.
    +Its easy to be good on fast days but once you have processed carbs, its as if your brain demands more and more of the stuff. If you stay away from them even on your non fast days its better.
    +Drinking 3 pints of water before lunch is the way to go. Feel less inclined to later in the day.
    +Stay away from Tea and coffee as it seems to promote a longing to taste something.

    Ok, thats it for now.
    See you all again next week.


    Hi Westman, I’ve completed my second fasting day, still doing 6:1 at moment! Like you, my mood and energies have improved. Interesting about the hot flushes. Sounds like it could be related to liver detoxing?

    I was in a situation yesterday of not able to gracefully pass on processed carbs and my experience since mirrors yours, even though I felt spaced out and some indigestion in the aftermath! …You’d think I wouldn’t have wanted to eat much after that, though the processed carbs seemed to open some Pandora box of cravings!

    I’ve never been a tea or coffee drinker, so maybe that’s a good thing! I’ve even been avoiding herbal tea on FD because I’m unsure of the calorie count.

    Hi folks, here are the results after 3 weeks.

    Wk0 239 lbs
    Wk1 233 lbs
    wk2 232 lbs
    wk3 229 lbs

    A total loss of 10 lbs over 3 weeks. I can definitely feel clothes a little looser.

    Some commentary on my last week.
    + A reduced social life last weekend definitely helped. I read somewhere recently that an ‘average’ person has 4 social outings per month.On a typical week I could have 2-3 outings, which invariably involve food/drink.I really need to do something different in order to continue weight loss.
    + Am fasting 3 days, Mon Wed and Fri although in reality I am probably only completing 2 proper fasts within those 3 days calorifically wise. My major weakness is late in the evening when the kids and wife are in bed, I raid the larder/fridge etc.
    +Drinking 5 pints of water is a key to keep the body well flushed out.
    +Eating carbs just makes the body want more and seems to soak up water and cause weight gain.
    +On my fast days I try not to eat till afternoon as I find it easier.
    +3 weeks in, my mood continues to be good, anxiety at bay, mind is sharp, but my joint pain has returned in the morning.

    Hope the rest of you out there continue to progress this week. I would love to be back at 16 stone by the end of this month. (Thats another 5 lbs).

    See you all next Tues.

    Well done Westman! That’s very impressive to have shed 10 lbs over the past 3 weeks. I’ve shed half that amount so far doing 6:1 over same period. This week I’ll be adding in an extra FD to step up to 5:2.

    My experience is same with regard to outings. I find that they are more challenging.

    Do you end up eating in the evenings on FD or are those late night refrigerator/larder raids taking place on Non-FD?

    I used to be a chronic binger so have implemented a number of supports to help prevent this from taking place around and during FDs.

    I find that I do very well on some types of carbs and I even view these as ‘essential’ carbs. These include purple carrots which have the highest amount of anthocyanins of just about any food. It is anthocyanins that those on the island of Okinawa eat that keep inhabitants as the population with the greatest longevity with many over a hundred still agile and of sound mind to live a full life free of illness.

    Hi Lael, and thanks for staying in touch. Well done on your loss on 6:1. Hopefully 5:2 will accelerate your loss.

    My ‘issues’ are 2fold, Socialising with alcohol/dinners out etc too frequently to be able to recover on my ‘good days’ and when I have the late night raids I could undo a good day in a matter of minutes. This is all in the head with me and I need to do something different when the stress trigger demands carbs…As to the quality of carbs they are always poor, crisps,ice cream, bread etc.

    Will check back in next week as promised.


    Hi folks, here are the results after 4 weeks.

    Wk0 239 lbs
    Wk1 233 lbs
    wk2 232 lbs
    wk3 229 lbs
    wk4 229 lbs

    A total of 10 lbs after 4 weeks. No weight loss this week, again as a result of meal out on Friday night, boat trip on Saturday with friends staying over and beach on Sunday. However my measurements of neck,hip,waist etc have continued to edge down slighty over the past week. This week my fast days are Mon,Wed,Fri.I have incorporated a 1km swim into my weekly routine on Mon,Wed,Fri and hope to increase this as the weeks go by and the weight comes off.

    Overall, fast days are fairly straight forward, I ate mainly turkey breast, instant soup and cauliflower rice 3 times during the day with 5 pints of water as well.
    My overall mood continues to be good with panic and anxiety at bay and feeling pretty sharp. However my back and joint pain have returned in the morning.

    2 more fast days this week and a quiet weekend ahead. Vacation next week though which may prove testing. 5-2 diet works really well,its just the weekends tend to interfere with it for me.

    Ok folks see you all next week.
    Hi Lael hope your 5-2 week has been a success.


    Hi folks, here are the results after 6 weeks.

    Wk0 239 lbs
    Wk1 233 lbs
    wk2 232 lbs
    wk3 229 lbs
    wk4 229 lbs
    wk5 227 lbs
    wk6 227 lbs

    A total loss of 12 lbs over 6 weeks. I am delignted. No weightloss this week due to it being a vacation week but I did manage to fit into that suit which was my initial goal.

    My observations over the 6 weeks.
    + drink your water each day.
    + Stay away from refined carbs, they just make you each more refined carbs.
    + Stay away from ice cream.
    + Eat lots of lean protein, in my case turkey and chicken.
    + Drink lots of soup.
    + Go to bed early, Netflix is your friend. ( Stops you eating in the evening).
    + Be active during the day, take regular exercise, gives you some calorie slack to have some of your vices.

    See you all next week.

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