Hi another newbie to this diet.

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  TJH1973 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • At the moment I’m into my 2nd week.Haven’t found it as straight forward to set fast days due to other things going on in my life so liked the flexibility of this.
    On my first week my fast days were Tuesday and Friday and they went pretty well then this week I realised I had a few days out aranged so had my fast day on Sunday and my second one will be tomorrow (tuesday). So its almost turning out as alternate day fasting. I’m hoping that doing fast days on different days each week won’t matter too much.
    My other problem was I forgot to measure myself at the start and only just thought to weigh myslf after the 2nd fast day.
    I have a good feeling about this lifestyle.Not as hard so far as I thought. 😀

    I don’t think it matters what days as long as you fast.

    I normally fast on Monday and Thursday but am happy to change them if something comes up like a dinner out, etc…

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