Hi – another new starter

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  suethoma 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi!

    Starting today with my first fast day. Completely unorganised but doing well so far. Kept on trying to work out the best time to start, then realised I would just keep putting off, so just went for it today!

    Have started to read the book, been browsing the forums, reading articles and listening to interviews. So no questions as yet, but I am sure they will happen 😉

    Anyway I am 40yo (well for a few more days), married mum of 2 girls. Have a number of kg’s to lose. Work part-time in an office, so on my butt most of the day and the other work temptations (great lattes). Have not roped hubby into it, it is up to him to decided to do something about his weight

    Hello Astrid and welcome to the forum. Have been doing this for 10 weeks now and finding it great most of the time. Good luck, post your progress. Lots of new fasting buddies to be found here.

    Oh, if it’s any help, did rope in my other half and it made it a lot easier.

    Hi Astrid, I have been doing the fast diet since mid June and find that it works for me as I work Monday and Wednesday evenings so I have breakfast and lunch and then fast from lunchtime to the next day. Hubby wont even contemplate it!!! I have lost around 101b but have to say my weight has fluctuated slightly and I have gained a few pounds every now and then. However, I don’t count my calories on the other days and have to say still enjoy my glasses of vino. I exercise on my two fast days also. I just find my clothes are getting really baggy and I feel more toned. I am 53 so didnt expect such a drop in weight. Probably havent been this weight for at least 20 years. I actually find it pretty easy as I am distracted on my fast days by work. Hope you have success. Just keep at it!!!

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