Hi All, My First Day

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  • I was going to wait until Monday but wanted to get started asap.
    I need to lose 10-20 lbs. Nothing seems to work since I am postmenopausal. I exercise every day but I think I need to shrink my stomach.
    I found out about Michael Mosley by watching “the truth about exercise” and fell upon this diet when Binging him online.

    My cals are just under 500 today. It’s 9pm and I want to go to bed so I can wake up to a decent breakfast tomorrow!!

    I decided to not spend a lot of time preparing the fastday food. That would be torture I think.

    I’m hoping this works. The adkins diet did not work for me.

    Is it harder or easier as time goes on?
    How soon will I see weight loss and how much?
    Anyone postmenopausal and losing?

    Hi ceece,
    every fasting day I go to bed and look forward to a good breakfast, but when I wake up I am not very hungry and just have my usual toast and cappuccino, more on weekends.
    It really gets easier as time goes on, after a couple of months there are days I hardly notice I’m fasting.
    I am postmenopausal and have no problems losing – averaging little over a pound a week. The first 2 weeks I lost more, then I hit a plateau for a week, but the average is still good and I am very happy with it. Took a while to put the extra weight on and I don’t expect to lose it all in a month! I started in April and lost 9 lbs. in 7 weeks fasting so far (there was a 3 week interruption for a vacation).
    I don’t make any big preparations for fast days, I just make sure there is always some chicken or fish and vegetables on hand and I always have a couple of hardboiled eggs in the fridge.
    Good luck and let us know how you’re doing!

    I see what you mean about not waking up starving after a fast. I ate my usual breakfast, did not snack at all. Went to a Fathers Day party with TONS of food and ate what I wanted and stopped a little bit past full. But I think I ate less than I normally do. I am not counting calories on my regular eating days. Just eating what I want like the books says.
    I lost 3 lbs but I know that is water weight. I am not going to weigh myself everyday.

    My first day too. I thought I would be starving by now, but after only a boiled egg for breakfast and nothing for lunch I’m okay. Going to have roast cod and vegetables for tea….which is in 30 mins! So think I’ll make it through okay.
    I normally run first thing on Tuesday mornings, so will see how I feel. If I’m not too hungry I’ll run and see how it goes, maybe not too long though!

    It´s my first day too today. I´ve been drinking plenty of water ( although I usually do anyway) and I´ve drank a few cups of Consumé throughout the day. (total 52 cals)
    It´s been easy enough but I´m really looking forward to dinner now. ( cod and prawn bake with steamed green beans and red peppers)

    Looking forward to breakfast too. LOL

    Keep at it ladies – I just started last week so two fasts done and 2lb lighter this morning. So far so good! I felt quite good on both fast days – the only side effect has been a kind of coppery taste in my mouth but I can put up with that. I want to lose another 9lb and then I can wear all the lovely things I have in my wardrobe that used to fit me – or I can buy new!

    Hi everyone,
    I want to make my fast days Monday and THursday like the author does. I started on Saturday and planned on fasting Tuesday. But going to dinner with daughter, so no way am I going to be fasting. So today I did my second fast for the week. That is only one day of regular eating between. I won’t do that again. I think I want 2-3 days between fasts. When I reach goal weight, I will cut the fasting down to once a week for the health benefits.

    I also did jogging. I only do 20 minute on the treadmill, ten of which are jogging. the other ten walking fast.

    Todays fast was harder since I was at work. Had the stomach grumbles later in the afternoon around 3pm that lasted until I had my dinner. Chicken stir fry with veggies, and a hard cooked egg later for snack. Cottage cheese was my lunch today. Little less than 500 total.

    I’ve been drinking tons of water coffee and tea too.

    That fish you were talking about sounds like a good fasting day meal. Probably quick to make.

    Hi there,
    Ceece, I´m planning on Monday and Thursday too.
    I find it easier to do whilst at work. Keeps me away from the fridge !
    I didn´t do any exercise I´m afraid. Must work on that too.

    Enjoy the dinner with your daughter.

    Oh, yes, the fish dish was quite nice ( Hairy dieters book) and filling with the veg added. It was about 3/4 of an hour from walking into the kitchen to sitting at the table. Not bad.
    I´ve been looking at the Fast diet recipe book last night and am going to pick something out from there to do on Thursday.

    I’m 67 and living in Florida. I just finished my first fast day (Monday) and am down 1 pound. I know…..that can be water weight. My husband is diabetic and is an evening snacker; so the evening was a little harder for me as I watched him eat several things!

    My best regards to everyone!

    I just posted the above…… at 9:06 a.m. Florida time. I see the post registered at 1:06 p.m. on 6/18….. Is this UK time?

    I think it must be GMT because it says you posted it 17 minutes ago and it’s now 2.23pm in the UK – but the UK is currently on British summer time (BST) rather than GMT. BST is GMT+1

    Ok it took me a few minutes to write that post – it’s now 2.28

    I’m pleased to report that on Tuesday morning I had lost 1 pound (my scales round up and down so could have been a bit more, or a bit
    less. So I’m pleased with my first fast. I went for a 30 min run before breakfast and ran okay, wasn’t going to break any records but it felt better than I thought it would. I didn’t eat my breakfast until 9.30 and can honestly say I wasn’t starving.
    Only slight problem I had was sleeping…..took me ages to drop off.
    Looking forward to Fast 2 tomorrow.

    Thursday today folks.
    2nd day fast.

    I´m a little apprehensive as I may be going to a party tonight. I´ve planned to go home eat dinner then go to the party and just stick with sparkling water.
    I really don´t want to postpone it till tomorrow as something is always cropping up to make “tomorrow” a better day and it´s just not happening.
    I´ve got to “grab the bull by the horns” as they say.

    Hopefully now I´ve wrote this here I´ll keep to plan.

    Have a good day those on their second fast day and everyone else reading this of course.

    Hello again! I had three fast days so far and lost 3 lbs. I bought a new scale that measures body fat,muscle etc.
    I was VERY hungry an hour before dinner on my fast day. I’m hoping fast days will get easier.
    I also hope I am not eating too much on my regular days. I am not measuring or counting calories.

    Hi Ceece,
    I was wondering how you have been doing.
    3lbs eh. Great stuff.
    I feel that the fast day today is easier than the last one but it´s a good few hours till dinner yet. LOL

    I´ll weigh in tomorrow. Not sure how I´ve done as I know I´ve overeaten on most of the “feast” days. I blame it on the visitors and hope that this next week will be a better one.

    Today is day 10 and I had my fourth FAST yesterday. I lost a total of 4.4 pounds. That is ALOT for me at my age of 54, postmenopausal. THe weight sticks to me like pizza dough. Having to lose only 15-20 lbs is hard.
    ALthough I do not like FAST days, regular eating is just a day away. YEsterday I had cottage cheese for lunch, some cherry tomatoes when I had stomach growls, a small can of v-8 juice at and dinner was a chicken, apple, pecan salad from Wendy’s restaurant. Which I savored! My calories were 499 on the dot. I felt full and satisfied after my salad. But I must admit, I get very hungry during the day.
    This morning having my free day!
    Sounds like everyone else is doing just as good on this diet. My husband is starting to take an interest in this plan as well. He has alot to lose in the stomach.
    Catmc, they say you can eat as much as you want on your free days, so not to worry 🙂

    I’ve only just heard about this diet so thought I’d sign up and see what everyone has to say about it. I’m looking to lose about a stone (14 lbs) just so my clothes aren’t quite such a snug fit. This is going to be my first attempt at dieting as i’ve always been very lucky but as I approach 40 the weight seems to be slowly building up.
    My fast days will have to change from week to week as I need to fit them around the days I see my boyfriend….we love our late might fondue after a night out…I sure that goes TOTALLY againt the rules!
    So all I need to do now it buy the book and set a start date.

    Hi all just completed my second fast day YAY! not as hard as I thought I was really hungry before my evening meal & I have eaten sugar free mints this pm to take my mind off eating – Ceece from what I understand non fast days shouldn’t be about eating as much as you want its more about eating what you like. The idea of fasting should make you aware of what your eating & being able to cut back when you over indulge which is what naturally thin people do automatically. SamG most of what you need from the book you will find here.

    Thanks Kadie71. I’m a bit worried about finding food that I’ll like for my fast days as I can be a fussy eater and lots of diets suggest eating fish…which I’m not a fan of 🙁

    Hi SamG, i’m totally with you on the whole fish thing… 🙁 and i’m not a lover of veg.. but decided to give it a go i’m only 3 days in found my first fast day a challenge, worst time for me was between 1.00pm – 5.00pm chewed a lot of sugar free gum and drank loads of water, but got through it and hopefully fasting will get a little easier.. wish you all the best on your journey… 🙂 x

    I’m planning on making Saturday my first fast day…the boyfriend is out for the day so I’ll have the place to myself…to be hungry and grumpy alone and have an early night. Thank god for chewing gum 🙂

    Sam G I was grumpy on my first day too.
    Today was fast day for me and for the first time I felt dizzy when I stood up after sitting for an hour. It was an hour before my dinner, and I decided to make it early. I hope this is not a frequent side effect.

    Woken up to the smell of bacon under the grill….not good for my first fast day!! Thankfully the culprit has taken the bacon sandwiches and gone out for the day so porridge for me. Think the hard part for me is going to be missing out on my 4/5 cups of tea.

    I drink a lot of tea & found the easiest solution was to go green! Try it , drop the milk & stick with it for a few days (not always easy), you’ll never go back. It’s hugely refreshing & once accustomed you can explore the wide variety of fruity/ scented Green teas.

    Gggrrr to doing the food shopping…..cream cakes looked VERY tempting, I managed to walk on by though 🙂 does anyone know how essential it is to stick to the 500 calories, I know I’ve gone over today, probably nearer to 700!!!! Oops
    BevP, found the green tea, that’s going to take some getting used to 😉


    From what I understand…fairly important…but there seems to be a general consensus that hitting 600 or 700 still is better than a full caloric load.

    I just started yesterday as well. My first”fast” day. It was also my market day and being on “fast” seemed to make buying healthier/low calorie foods easier. I also bought a small sweet snack for this morning (a non-fast day) and enjoyed it with my morning cup. I just included it in my daily calorie allotment.

    I am doing an every other day fast until I reach my IBW…and keeping my caloric intake on the non-fast days to 1200-1500 calories.

    I think this is a brilliant change of eating habits diet and eventually as your stomach gets smalller from consuming less…it will take less food to feel satiated.

    I’m hopeful! Good luck to you, too!

    hi ive just started today and although modt of the day was not too bad im feeling very hungry now and have drunk so much water im sloshing, i have trouble working out how many calories are in food how do i find out

    Hi jewls…

    You might find this helpful


    Most eveything in The States has nutrition facts and calories on the pack.

    Hi! My plan was to begin tomorrow (Monday) but when I woke up this morning, I decided that since today is my rest day from exercise, I might as well start today. I have not had anything but water so far and will eat breakfast around 10:00 and dinner around 6:00.

    I am 60 and losing has been very hard. I’ve been counting calories on MFP, eating mostly a plant-based diet, and the scale is not moving. I decided to begin this and on my non-fast days, I’ll eat 2,000 calories which is under my TDEE. I will still eat healthy foods, just more of them.

    I’ve done every diet know to man including Medifast way back in the day. This 5:2 is a piece of cake.

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