
This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  bigbooty 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi, hope to get some suggestions to start my diet.

    Hi Alicia,

    Pick out your two fast days so they suit you. Try and avoid sugar and simple grain based carbs like bread, pasta, pizza, rice as carbs make it hard to stay under 1/4 TDEE. Avoid potatoes. Avoid breakfast cereals like the plague. They are not healthy for you. Most contain up to 30% sugar if not more. Even the “health” cereals are not good for you. Simple grains are already broken down into simple sugars before you’ve even swallowed the mouthful. Try and get your carbs from bulky veggies. The cruciferous ones are the best I find. Protein from tuna, tofu, nuts. Nuts I tend to have almonds, walnuts and brazil nuts. Cashews have a higher sugar content so I try and avoid them. Fats I get from cheese (nuts again) low sugar high fat yogurts. Don’t be scared of fats they are good for you. be scared of sugar and simple carbs!!

    Good luck.

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