Here we go again!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  ian james 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi everybody first day and decided to have a fast day. As I really need to shift a fair bit of timber (over 5 stone) I’ve decided to make my fast days water only. So far so good really determined to make this work. Good luck to you all and speak to you soon. ian james

    Good luck to you Ian,
    I have a similar amount to lose – daunting isn’t it!
    I was where you are last Monday, I found my first fast day quite hard but today is only my third fast day and I feel in control. What’s more I do think I can keep it up in the long term which is probably the most important thing in any weight loss program.
    Oh I’m also 1.5 lb lighter. Would have liked more but then I’m being careful but not calorie counting at all on my 5 days and have even enjoyed hotel chocolat chocolates!
    Good luck to you.
    P.S. I also log onto this forum on my fast days, Its nice to hear from other 5:2ers when your work colleagues are tucking into bacon butties at morning break.

    Hi Ian.
    Does the title indicate that this is not your first attempt to loose weight?

    My advice would be not to push to hard and set expectations too high. See forum thread with the title “managing expectation” – worth a read.

    I understand that you would like to see quick results but pushing too hard may jeopardize your goal. Fasting will probably be a new experience and you need to get use to it.

    The first fast days for me was really bad (bad temper, headache, bad sleep). I decided to be focused on training my “fasting muscle” gradually, that is to go without food for longer and longer periods.

    I now (12 weeks in) do 24h without food and eat my full 600 KCal in one meal. I feel no hunger at all. No pain, sleep well. No bad temper. I feel I can do this for as long as I want (currently two days a week) and that I will eventually reach my weight goal.

    Best of luck

    hi guys last september i was where you are 5-6 or more stone to lose, just to give you some encouragement im nearly 3 stone down (4lbs to go) and to be honest compared to other “diets” ive tried this has been the most successful and the easiest to stick to, good luck and keep us posted on your progress xxx

    Good luck guys!
    Remember it probably took quite a while to gain your weight, so persevere and be patient as it comes off.
    I started the Fast Diet in May and have now lost one stone and 2.5 inches off my waist. Fast days become a way of life and I haven’t found them too taxing. I usually have porridge for breakfast (pre-packed portion made with water) then a pile of salad leaves, cucumber,spring onions, celery and tomatoes topped with some chicken, tuna or salmon at about 6pm.
    I have done every diet in the book but this is the first I have felt works for me and I feel so good too.

    Alrite troops? thanks for the help and support. I was originally going to fast all day yesterday on just water but had a rethink about 6 last night. So ended up having a bowl of veg with beetroot and chillie flakes. Tasted better than it sounds honest. Anyway felt better for it had a great sleep and going to take my 2 kids to the swimming. Happy dayz.

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