Here I am again, sidling back on the wagon

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  BelfastSink 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi I’m in sunny Derbyshire in U.K. I’m 65 and it’s my first FD today: Monday 27th March. I’ve tried 5:2 before in 2013 and slid off the wagon. I’m hoping I can do it this time – I’m more settled in my life. In everything I read, all the evidence points to fasting for weight loss and health and avoiding all those scary age related things like Alzheimer’s, which my mum has and her two sisters – even though I know it’s not hereditary, I want to do my best to not put myself in the firing line for it by trying to keep healthy, slim and fit

    My husband has been doing 5:2 since 2013 and now maintains his weight. He swears by it, Me? I’ve tried to do it with him and and as I say gave up and since then have dallied with all sorts of plans, diets and no diets, putting weight on in the process and hoping that it would all disappear through osmosis – well, guess what? It didn’t: nothing has worked!! I’m angry about my own lack of action and frustrated at myself that Im still overweight!!!

    So here I am determined to give it a good go.

    Hi hereigo, I’m in not-so-sunny Belfast! I did the 5:2 a few years ago and lost a good bit of weight (from around 12 and a half to just over 11 stone).I swore that I would do one day a week but I’ve gradually fallen off the wagon too! I’ve put all the weight back on, and some extra, but like you I’d like to get back into it again for all the health (physical and mental) benefits.
    Today’s my first FD again. I wouldn’t normally do forums but I’m thinking a bit of encouragement from others can only be a good thing!


    Sorry for popping in hope you don’t mind – I see hereigo has joined up for the April Challenge – would this be something you would consider too BelfastSink? We are a very supportive group from all over the world. Link provided if you want to have a look at our March challenge group. Good luck whatever you do.

    Hi Belfastsink. You’re from a place very close to my heart as my mum is from Belfast and we used to go over there a lot when I was younger. I’ve got lots of family in Belfast – well up the road in Newtownabbey.
    I’m all ready to try again on 5:2 and put the past behind me and move forwards. I did my first FD yesterday and, I did it!!!! I had bit of a headache and drank loads of water and it eased it and it was gone this morning

    I see you’ve joined the April challenge like coda suggested. A commitment for a month is easier than thinking you’ve got to do it forever. But it is a new way of life rather than a diet

    Hi hereigo, that’s funny, I’m actually from Newtownabbey! Small world. Yes, I’ve signed up for the April Challenge, thanks Coda. I feel like it’ll give me a good kick start into the 5:2 again. I’m at the tail end of my first FD so happy days!

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