Help – not lost any weight

This topic contains 30 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Annablue198 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi I only started this on Monday with my fast day being Monday and Thursday – it’s Friday and I’ve weighed myself and I’ve not lost any weight if anything I’ve out a couple of pounds on… I’ve also come on my period this morning but felt I have been so good – am I weighing myself too early into starting the diet .., I also exercise and do a lot of running (which I’ve always done for the last 15 years)
    I thought I may have lost at least a pound … I’m going to do another fast day on Sunday- I also try and stick within 1200-1400 cals the rest of the time –

    Good things come to those who don’t weigh.

    Dont worry, stick with it. The extra weight is most probably water due to the time of month, you will start losing. This really works, so hang in there πŸ™‚ x

    Don’t worry Melbond137, it is absolutely natural to gain a little weight during your period due to water retention.

    I weigh myself everyday, I find it is good to keep in check my eating habbits, if I eat a little too much on a non-fast day and I gain weight, at least I know where I went wrong.

    do I also need to eat 2000 cals on the other days – I only really eat 1200-1400

    do I also need to eat 2000 cals on the other days – I only really eat 1200-1400

    Why do you think you need to eat 2000 calories on feed days? If you’re happy on only 1200-1400 calories stick with it.

    I thought it was 1/4 of your calories on fast days meaning you can have 2000 on the others but I struggle to eat that many – I set myfitnesspal to loose weight and it says to eat 1200 a day but read that you shouldn’t diet on the normal days (obviously just eat healthy) I thought if I try and stick to 1200 on the other days then I may loose weight quicker

    melbond – The headline of 2000 calories and 1/4 on fast days is what misled me on my last try. If I had 2000 calories every day, I would put on weight. My TDEE is much lower, more like 1600 calories. I’m adjusting to that this time around, but then should I have 1/4 on my fast day, which would be 400 calories? Or is this too low in absolute terms? We’re all different, surely it can’t be enough to say that the fast day should be 600 for men and 500 for women.

    Eat as little as you like, Melbond. If you are functioning normally and you don’t feel restricted (which makes you likelier to give up) then it sounds like you’re on to a winner.

    To be honest I’ve only been doing it 5 days and I was very surprised I hadn’t lost weight as I feel less bloated, my tummy feels flat And generally slimmer

    It’s horses for courses but if you try and forget you’re on a diet (which should be easy as that is the nature of 5:2) and resist the urge to monitor your progress or even stand in front of the mirror for, say, a month then you will undoubtedly be pleasantly surprised when you do weigh in/ measure up.

    If you then find there is little progress you can adjust accordingly.

    Hi! Don’t be disheartened! I’ve been doing this diet for 7.5 weeks and have lost 5.1kgs! On my non-fasting days I usually have anywhere between 2200 and 3000 kcals per day and I’ve still managed to lose weight. I also lost nothing and in fact gained a little during my period week and while it was disheartening, I could nonetheless feel my clothes getting looser still. I will add that I’m 51, so not a spring chicken with a fast metabolism, but I am very active, cycling for a total of about 3 hours a week (on 4 days) and walking much more than I used to. Even so, despite the calorie intake on my non-fasting days, I have done really well so far. Aiming for 58kg down from 78kg. Keep with it!

    The other thing I should add is that I am having around 650 kcals on my fast days – but that’s because I am active generally and sometimes do a cycle on a fast day. This diet feels like a miracle to me and guess what? I’m a dietician!


    Why are you eating up to 3000 calories on a non-fast day?

    Well, alcohol pushes up the calorie load significantly (because of the kind of alcohol I drink when I do drink) and I guess I eat big at meals because I’m hungry (because I’m active). It’s not every day I have that much but I’ve had as much as 3200 kcals! Easy to do, believe me. Some of my cycles burn 700+ kcals and coupled with 300 kcal walks… I can afford to be piggish. And it’s working so far for me!

    And the question about whether or not you *need* to eat 2000 kcals on a non-fast day… no, you don’t. The estimated average intake for a woman aged 19-50 is 1970kcals/d. If you are relatively inactive or very small then you would need less than average. If you are happy having as low kcals as you say you normally have then stick with that. Everyone has an individual requirement for calories – and that can change day to day, depending on activity, stress and other factors. The 500kcals/d for women is based on a quarter of the average only.

    Sorry, I meant the estimated average requirement, not intake.

    Mel, be patient the weight will come off.
    It is not necessary to eat 2000 calories on non fast days. All diets including this one are based on calorie restriction so the less you eat the more you lose.
    Check your TDEE out on this website by clicking on how it works, enter sedentary as your activity level. Keep below that number and you’ll be fine.

    Annablue, how are you going to keep the weight off when you’ve lost it as you don’t seem to be making an effort to improve your eating habits. If you are indeed a dietician I am surprised that you are not trying to curb your over eating and develop a more healthy approach.


    3000 calories a day does seem excessive for the amount of exercise you’re doing. I don’t think I eat anywhere near that, not even weeks when I cycle 100 miles and run 15…

    5:2 has retrained my eating habits. I naturally make healthier choices and eat smaller portions now. As a result I can pretty much maintain my weight now without fasting, although I like to do occasional fasts for the health benefits. I have to say that I’m delighted not to be a serial overeater anymore…

    HappyNow, I am pleased that 5:2 has retrained your eating habits and you certainly seem to be outstripping me on the exercise front – fantastic, well done! I probably am a serial overeater and those who are, can be so for a myriad of reasons; it’s not about being ‘greedy’ or lacking self control. It’s a lot more complicated than that. I hope, as my journey continues (it’s only been nearly 8 weeks) that I will also be retrained – I actually already think I am. I chose a no-added-sugar squash last night over a swig of salted-caramel hot chocolate drink (GΓΌ) (I know! Yum!) and the ‘old’ me would not have done that, and it was a non-fasting day. Also, I decided not to have a chocolate ganache dessert, when I was planning to, so I think I am retraining myself already! πŸ™‚

    Amazon, that’s not very generous – ‘if indeed you are a dietician’? What made you think I was fabricating? That I’m struggling with my weight and that I need to try this diet in order to make it work for me? Dieticians, more than most, are ‘foodies’ and while there are plenty of very healthy ones, there are many unhealthy ones, who can be very underweight or obese. While being a dietician gives me the tools to know how to manage weight, being a human burdens me with all the stresses and other factors that lead me to make poor food choices. You ask how I will learn to not overeat once I reach my goal – the answer is ‘I don’t know’ and I’m sorry I don’t know at this nearly 8-week stage. I do think about it. What I do know is that I don’t feel the urge to binge, which is what I feel on any ordinary day-in-day-out ‘healthy eating diet’ (which is what we dieticians advocate for weight management, of course) but I am happy! Two days fasting versus five days not being overly concerned is working for me. I posted what I did, not to be judged or to show off about my achievement, but just to show Melbond137 that if someone as extreme as me can still manage to succeed, then certainly she can and that she must take heart and hold in there!

    I think everyone has a magic number and if it works for you annablue and you’re happy, stick with it …. I’ve only been doing this 6 days so still learning – I run 3-4 times a week and average 25-30 miles I used to do more but have a 3 year old little boy and just had twins who are 11 months old so it’s difficult for me to get much time to exercise for hours like I used to – I’ve run marathons and a lot of half marathons and have tried to remain active throughout all my pregnancies – I even ran the London marathon last year when I was pregnant with my twin girls.. Even though I’ve only been doing it not even a week I feel more in control with my eating habits already and feel less bloated already (not sure if this is normal) I’ve not got much to loose a I would like to loose 9lbs to get me to under 9 stone
    I don’t know if this is normal either but the day after my fast day I feel I’m not as hungry anyway so feel I couldn’t stuff my face even if I wanted to .. Is that the idea !?

    Hi Annablue,

    I guess working out your TDEE and aiming for it most non-fast days would also help with the retraining and move you towards good habits for long-term maintenance.

    It’s great to hear that you are gravitating towards healthier choices too. Stick with it and I’m sure you’ll get there.

    As for Mel, you’re clearly very impatient! The average weight loss for a woman is around 1lb per week, so to expect to see a fat loss before your first week is up… And while having your period… Very optimistic!

    If you haven’t done so already, read the ‘how to’ section and work out your TDEE (bearing in mind that most people overestimate how active they are).

    I wouldn’t advocate restricting calories on non-fast days (just eat what is ‘normal’ for someone your weight and height). If you restrict every day then it starts to become like any other calorie restricted diet. Also I think some of the benefit is realised from achieving feast/famine (i.e. maintaining a large differential between calorie intakes).

    Personally I do weigh myself every day, so I understand how my weight fluctuates, but record only the lightest weight of the week to monitor the long-term trend.


    You don’t weigh very much as it is, so your rate of weight loss will be very much slower than someone with a much heavier starting weight. To be honest at your weight you might not lose 1lb per week.

    And no, the idea isn’t to stuff your face the day after a fast day. The idea is that you eat normally (i.e. within TDEE) for five days of the week and for two days you eat quarter TDEE or less. The five days are not ‘feast’ days, they are just normal days.

    I’ve worked out my TDEE & it’s just over 2000, my bmr is just over 1300 cals

    I must admit that I haven’t looked at the TDEE at all. I log my exercise on Endomondo (walks and cycles) and I have a Jawbone Up that stays on my wrist 24/7 (except for showers). I aim for at least 10 000 steps per day and try to walk when I can (where I previously chose to drive instead). I don’t feast the day after a fast but I do treat myself to scrambled eggs on toast for breakfast, as I follow that up with a cycle and I feel like it’s my reward for doing well the day before! πŸ™‚

    What I really love about this diet is that there is absolutely no urge to binge because there is no restricting on the non-fast days. My big problems are bread and cheese. I’ve found that I’m eating less of both generally but they, as well as alcohol are what push my kcals up so high.

    I understand that once you reach your target, you can fast one day a week to maintain. I think that’s do-able. It’s a mindset, isn’t it, this diet? I wasn’t exercising this much before but it’s inspired me to do much more. The only thing stopping me was me.

    I feel so passionately about how this diet works that I could see myself writing a book about it. Quite a few of my friends and colleagues are starting it now – inspired by my success so far. I never thought I could advocate it but I really do. We should all be celebrating our successes!

    Keep sharing your stories, everyone! <3

    It’s obviously doing amazing for you I hope it works for me – my main downfall is picking at crusts and bread/toast and food in preparing for my twin girls – I have found like you said I’m definitely cutting down on eating them even on non fast days as on fast days I don’t pick at them at all .. I suppose It’s all about changing your habits isn’t it ..

    But if you’re picking only on your non-fasting days and being steely strong and disciplined on your fast days then I’m sure you’ll be successful! Sounds like you’ve got a lot on your plate with your twin girls! That picking at bits and pieces of the kids’ meals is certainly something I can identify with! It’s a tough one! A forum like this is great for sharing and support, though and many others, no doubt, will identify with your issues/anxieties/doubts. I’m really inspired by your marathon(s) participation, btw. Puts me to shame! πŸ˜‰

    I tried to get into London next year but didn’t get a place! I’ve done London marathon 3 times & done 7 half marathons and lots of 10ks so I’ve always been quite fit and trim but with all these babies I can’t exercise like I used to .. I’m not really into fad diets but I can see this becoming more of a way of life once I get used to it! Have you ever gone over your 500 cAls on your fast days ? I use myfitnesspal to keep track of my calorie intake and always try and over estimate just in case – I’ve gone over today by 30 cAls !? Just wondered how detrimental it is / but this is also my 3rd fast day this week X

    You’re lucky to be so trim and fit. I was once an aerobics instructor and am a trained fitness instructor but stopped instructing once I became a dietician. Yes, my fast days are always about 650kcals per day. That might have to be reduced as my weight comes down. It’s only because I’m still quite heavy that I can get away with it. I also log all my intake on My Fitness Pal. I don’t have any buddies on there (yet) but am religious about logging since I started this diet. Obviously, it doesn’t let you ‘complete entry’ as the calories are too low and it doesn’t understand the 5:2 principles. I am loving seeing my weight progress downwards and steadily – for a change. Btw, I only weigh myself after my fast days. I couldn’t bear to see day-to-day fluctuations; it would make me despondent – especially around my period.

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