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  • Hi everyone,

    I have been on this diet now for 3 weeks and have hardly lost a thing!!
    I am going on holiday in 5 weeks so really really wanted to loose a good half a stone.
    I am considering going to 4:3 does anyone have any suggestions?

    Very frustrated!:-(

    Hello Pammie!
    From recollection, there is something of a genetic component as to how well we respond to the diet, and I’ve noticed with myself that rigorous exercise is truly an unbeatable combination with any diet – with exercise, we shed the weight. Do you work out regularly, have a lot of time moving on your feet during the day? I’ve taken up cycling after a long respite, and it’s worked wonders for my body, so much so I see muscles when I look in the mirror (which for me is a big surprise!). Keep the faith, I think this diet works for anyone, and while the rate determining factors include genetics and exercise, one at least we can change. Or you can calorie restrict more days as well, but that doesn’t sound as much fun; more exercise makes life sweet!

    Thanks Chuckk,
    Last year I used to run a fair amount but I ended up with really bad shin splint after doing a half marathon and I have never got back into exercise. I struggle with the time more than anything, working full time and having a little one to see to after work is a big stress!! I love walking my dogs, so will probably try to use that as a way forward…..

    I am just really gutted about not my weight staying as it is because I always seem to be on a diet and don’t get anywhere! I always make sure that I eat good during the week and allow myself to enjoy a nice take away or cook something with cream on a weekend as a treat! I have given up red wine and now drink Gin and diet tonic which is no where near as bad! I was told by a friend about this diet and heard such rave reviews that I just feel a little cheated that I am not seeing the same results!! Not sure what to do?….
    Should I be eating the full 2500 calories on my non fast days? I am so used to only eating 1200

    Frustrating is certainly the word, pammie25. Week 8 for me and zero weight loss on the scales. And no, my clothes aren’t any looser either 🙁 I feel like crying!

    I know what you mean. Last Monday I was within a pound of my goal (-20 lbs). After another 5:2 week, I was back up more than 4 lbs! I can only think I was rather more generous on my “feast” days, than I should have been. Week 15 coming up and hoping for a better report from Mr. Scales. Waist and neck size shrinking though. Fight thru and think of the healthier me.

    Oh my, really StephB?!?! How many calories do you have on non fast days?

    I don’t want to continue wasting my efforts on this diet if I am not going to lose weight though! That’s kinda the point of being on a diet ha!!
    I did Weight Watchers before I got married and that worked a treat for me. I am only doing this so not to have the meeting costs and thought it sounded to good to be true!!

    So far today I have had 3 cups of coffee and have a nice bowl of couscous to look forward to later.

    I’m a healthy eater and honestly don’t go mad on my non-fast days. I certainly never go beyond 500 calories on my fast days. I’m obviously eating too much overall, though, compared to the calories I’m burning. I’ve done every type of diet under the sun – had the most success with Weightwatchers and Dukan – but, sure enough, the weight always creeps back on when I’m not fastidiously watching what I’m eating. I guess that’s why this plan isn’t working for me – I obviously can’t get away with the supposed luxury of eating ‘freely’ on my non-fast days. And if I have to count calories 7 days a week then, for me, this plan becomes a ‘diet’ like all the rest! Hence me feeling so sorry for myself! Enjoy your couscous, pammie25, and good luck to you and Golfingoldy on the scales this week!

    Hi there,
    I too am a healthy eater, so eating normally for me on none fast days isn’t much different, except I eat bread and drink alcohol.

    I think that maybe is the trick,eat normally not feast.

    I’m not saying that I don’t have chips or pudding because I do, just not every day.

    I never thought this would work for me as I don’t have too much to lose (about 5 kilos).
    So I was astonished when I lost 1.2kilos the first week and then 800g the next… (overall almost 5lb. or 2kilos).
    My exercise regime isn’t much either, I swim for an hour twice a week.
    Maybe this helps a bit.

    I am struggling too. I lost an initial amount of weight – I lost 1 1/2″ from my waste very quickly but have been stuck since then. I wonder if I have strayed too far from the original formula? Since week one, I have fasted on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I fast for 24 hours, not 39, i.e. have dinner the night before and then fast until dinner, which I try to ensure is after the time I ate the day before in order to get a full 24 hours. I don’t eat anything during those 24 hours. I drink lots of water plus tea with skimmed milk, but those few dashes of milk are the only calories that pass my lips until dinner. I hope I don’t have to start fiddling about with calory counting. I am sticking with it as I surely must lose weight after cutting so many calories out of my week – mustn’t I? A friend has suggested it’s my age (51).

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