Hello wonderful fellas!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Minka 8 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hello all
    Thanks Michael Mosley , Mimi Spencer for your wonderful book. I have to read it but i love 1800+ reviews on amazon and the almost 5 star ratings!
    My A1C Levels are pre-diabetic and my triglycerides are very high and my blood glucose level is high.
    So based on a Cleveland Clinic article i have come here.
    Bought the book just now at amazon usa, and today i am fasting.
    I need your support and help!
    Hip hip hurrah!!
    Pardon me Brits, on my exuberant american temperament 🙂 🙂

    Hi dude,

    Great that you’ve commenced your first fast! How is it going? Here’s an informative thread which offers a lot of helpful info for those starting out…


    There are many from all over the world on this forum. I’m originally from the USA, though live in Australia. There is a dedicated North American thread that you might want to join….


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