Hello! Vegan 5:2er

This topic contains 97 replies, has 26 voices, and was last updated by  VeganSal 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Thanks @ecovegan – I’ll check that out too 🙂

    This is too funny, @bronny! I went to check out that book on Amazon and it turns out I have it in my cloud, archived. It must have been a freebie at one point and I downloaded it w/out even knowing what it was about. I must have seen “vegan” and just done it. Gonna check out the recipes now. Thanks! 😀


    Yesterday was my first 500 cal day. Much easier than I thought. I will admit that at about 7:30PM I felt quite hungry. I had had my last food at around 6PM. Night time is my most challenging time. But, I hung in there. I am going to do 4:3. So, I will be fasting M/W/F and on the other four days I will have two that are 1K days and two that are 1,200 cal days. Stuff just got real. 😀 Hope everyone is doing well. Love hearing from others! Support on our journeys is awesome!

    Yep the support really helps – I find that I’m a bit bored with my food on fast days, so would love to hear more ideas from others! Especially things that don’t take a lot of preparation…..

    Has anyone got any more ideas for dinner? I was planning scrambled tofu for tonight but perhaps something else for a change….easy, that I’m likely to have the ingredients for….
    Thanks 🙂

    Someone just posted these on Facebook – yum! http://www.eatthis.com/healthy-vegan-comfort-food-recipes

    Hello from a fellow vegan based in Poland. I’m on my fifth fast day (I weirdly started on a Thursday and my fast days are Mondays and Thursdays so I only did one fast day in the first week). I feel like it’s getting easier.I don’t really seem to have much of a result in terms of weight loss but my clothes are definitely looser and I’m giving this diet a shot for a good few weeks anyway as I feel it’s the only diet I can actually sustain. It fits with my lifestyle and it’s very flexible – as someone pointed out, it doesn’t really matter what diets people follow as they can still be vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, etc. on this diet. Thanks for your good ideas for meals with tofu – I completely forgot it’s high in protein so should keep me fuller for longer. I’m trying to only eat one meal today for the first time and it’ll be some sort of a stir fry or stew with herb-flavoured tofu, lentils, tomatoes, mushrooms and spinach. Can’t wait! How is everyone else holding up?

    Welcome Vegania, Good luck!
    I’m going ok, and my holiday weight is coming off but soooooo slowly……this despite fasting for 2 days a week for the past four weeks, cutting a lot of alcohol, having green smoothies for breakfast and lunch, and walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes every day. I think I’m doing too much snacking and over-indulging on my non-fast days. Lost .1 kg this week, which is ok but I would have expected more…..especially with all the walking, even if I wasn’t fasting. Tips anyone?

    Thank you, bronny! Weight loss slows down after some time and 1 kg a week is actually amazing so just keep it up and everything will eventually come off. If you’re snacking too much, perhaps you could set yourself some rules for non-fast days? Like how much and when you’re allowed to snack and “normal” food theoretically unlimited so you don’t feel deprived? I think appetite will regulate with time and I’ve started noticing that with myself, even though it’s only been 2.5 weeks. I found it much easier to fast yesterday and was able (for the first time) to eat just one bigger meal in the evening. I work from home so it’s more difficult to be disciplined as I keep going to the kitchen to make myself herbal or fruit tea and it’d be so easy to eat something…but I don’t on fast days and I’m getting better with my non-fast days 🙂 I read earlier that you were looking for recipes – I think the original 5:2 book has about 10 daily plans and 3 of them have vegan dinners (or two and the third one can easily be made vegan). You said you hate calorie counting and they’ve done it for you so that would be a few meals you don’t have to worry about. I don’t think there is an option on here to attach photos but let me know if there is as I have these recipes on my Kindle and I could send you the photos of the “pages”. What are your fast days?

    Vegania I lost .1 kg (that’s point 1 of a kilogram), not 1 kg! I wish! 🙂

    Oh and just to update you, I’ve been doing this for 2 years now, I lost 7 kg very quickly and kept them off, but recently a 6 week holiday to the UK meant heaps of eating and drinking and despite lots of walking I put on 3 kg, so now trying to get that off 🙂 Which is why I’m back here….

    My usual fast days are Tuesday and Thursday – and yes I have the 5:2 book and a bunch of others with veggie plans…..I think I need to go back to counting calories…..:)

    Oh sorry, I read it quickly and though you were unhappy about “only” losing a kilogram 😀 I’m getting similar results now so I decided to focus on how my clothes are fitting and I will stick with the diet for at least a few weeks because I think it will at the very least sort out my constant snacking and overeating. Counting calories only two days a week isn’t bad, especially when there isn’t much to count since we have such a small allowance for those days 😉

    By the way, 2 years is really impressive! Are you finding fast days easier now? I think I will probably try to make up for any holidays (there aren’t going to be many of those anyway!) by doing 4:3 before and after. Just a plan though as I may be going away for a few days next month. I’d only miss one or two fast days so I can easily add one to my week before and one to the week after if necessary.

    To be honest, I don’t find fast days easier, not because I’m hungry or anything but because I love my food!

    Hi everyone, I’ve just joined today and I’m glad to see that a 5:2 vegan diet is very possible and rewarding. I’m a lifelong vegetarian, sadly cheese is my kryptonite… I love raw vegetables and can’t stand spicy or lots of sauce meals like casseroles. I’ve been on a low-carb diet for a few months now and have lost 20lbs but put 3lbs back while on holidays 🙁 I still have a long way to go to reach my goal weight but I’ll get there eventually. Looking forward to swap experiences and recipes!

    I’m vegetarian and my girlfriend is vegan so I have a mostly vegan diet. I’ve been alternate day water fasting since the 1st October and I feel better than I have in a long time.
    I take a multi-vitamin on fast days but apart from that I pay little attention to the content of my food intake. Life’s too short. Eat one day, don’t eat the next. My tiny brain can just about manage that.

    In other news; Quorn are now producing vegan pieces!

    Hi Heron and welcome! Gosh water fasting – good luck. Every time I’ve tried a full-on fast I’ve had a ‘fasting crisis’, even when supervised by my naturopath. But if it works for you, that’s great. Quorn vegan – yes I’d heard, but it will take ages for them to get to Australia I bet! I’ve never understood why they knocked out that huge section of the vego market….better late than never I guess!
    BTW have you lost much weight with your fasting?

    I have no idea how much weight I’ve lost as I don’t own any scales. My trousers tell me it’s working though ?

    Hi everyone and wow, Heron, water fast every other day would surely be too difficult for me! I’ve been doing 5:2 for three weeks now and it is really working so I’m convinced now that I will want to stay on this lifestyle for a long time (doing 6:1 once I’ve reached my goal weight). I’ve done 6 fast days and they are becoming easier and easier so that’s a bonus. I don’t really notice I’m on a diet and I can still enjoy weekends and food on non-fast days so I find this promgramme very easy to follow. Let’s just keep up the good work and all that excess weight will eventually come off 🙂

    Oh, it’s not so bad. Like you, I’ve done 3 weeks so far (11 fast days) and haven’t thrown myself off a bridge yet. If I’m feeling really hungry I’ll eat a banana in the evening which brings my calories up from zero to 100 on fast days.
    I won’t pretend I enjoy fast days but giving up eating for alternate days is nothing compared to giving up smoking, which I eventually managed 10 years ago!

    Well done on giving up smoking too, then! It’s funny how I said I wouldn’t be able to do a complete fast and then that’s what I did two days later (while being ill)…which actually brought me 0.1 kg below my target weight 😀 I want to see this sort of weight after three days of not fasting (Fri-Sun) so I’m not going to stop the diet/lifestyle anytime soon. But this goes to show that this approach really, really does work.

    Hello fellow vegans.

    I just started my second round of 5:2.
    I first heard about this diet in 2014 when I tried to get rid of my pregnancy weight. I only did it for three weeks (and lost 8 pounds) before I got pregnant again and had to stop.
    Now, 18 month later and still stuck with this pregnancy weight, I will give 5:2 another go. I went from vegetarian to vegan in the meantime. After only one fast day so far I cannot really say much about my experiences with the combo but I am optimistic that I won’t encounter any great difficulties. Just ordered the 5:2 vegan book.
    We will see.

    Hi everyone and happy new year! How is everyone going?
    Well I’m back to square one – broke my leg about 9 weeks ago and still recovering, no exercise for me for a while….unfortunately I put on about 4 kg while I was laid up. I’m walking again now (painfully) and have started 5:2 again today to try and get this weight off. I believe it can be done with minimal exercise (for now). But any nice smoothie, salad and dinner recipes for fast days would be appreciated!

    Hi everyone!
    It seems slow in here again.

    I ventured off 5:2 last year due to personal stuff, but am determined to get back on it again starting tomorrow. (Friends and family have also kept trying to convince me that ‘fasting’ isn’t good for you, but I can tell by my expanded waist line since stopping that that’s not quite true… ;-))
    Looking forward to getting into it again!
    Bronny, how are you doing? Hope your leg is better and that you’re recovering nicely. Those 4 kgs are sure to melt off, exercise or not!

    As for recipes I don’t have a lot, but I’m planning to do some bean pasta, tofu and lots of veggies tomorrow evening as my only meal of the day – if that might inspire you… And then perhaps a banana for pudding.
    I’ve read a lot about smoothies not being registered as well by your brain as far as satiety goes (due to the lack of chewing), so maybe those aren’t ideal for fast days? But I’m not an expert! 🙂

    Hope everyone is well and that this thread will be revived!
    A x

    Hi Ally and all….

    Thanks for you concern – my fracture has healed beautifully – I’m being slowed up with some ligament damage in my ankle though. Doing hydrotherapy and physio to try and get on top of that. I got the go-ahead to drive again this week so that was a huge step forward! Not being able to exercise is a bit depressing though.

    Re 5:2 I lost half a kilo two weeks ago, but this week stayed the same, this despite fasting for two days, so very disappointing. I’m wondering if I’m overindulging on the non-fast days? Perhaps I should try 4:3 for a while? I can’t deny that I find fast days challenging….smoothies do fill me up, so will continue replacing a meal with them if I can – plus they are yummy!

    I’m wondering if it might worth starting a Facebook page for vegan 5:2ers – I engage more regularly with Facebook than forums these days….what do you think? I don’t think a page exists….


    How lovely to hear, Bron! Although ligament damage sucks. Hopefully your therapy will fix that quickly! I get the point about exercise – I have myself been put up with a messed up ankle a few too many times, and it is intolerable..

    Your stagnant weight this week might just be down to natural fluctuations -eg maybe you had a bit too much salt yesterday and therefore your body is retaining a bit of water, or smth. Or, yeah, try and log what you eat outside of fast days for a bit and see how you’re doing? It helped me out a bit last time I did 5:2, at least. Otherwise 4:3 is also very encouraging as your weight is certain to budge through that! You could always do that for one week and continue with 5:2 the next?
    I’m starting out with just the regular version, at least, to ease myself into it. Think my next fast day (after tomorrow) will be on Tuesday, and then Thursday… I’m also eating a HCLF diet focusing on starches, veg and fruit so I’m hoping I’ll be more successful than last time, and actually lose the damn pounds! I’m going for 50-60 lbs and a good 7 inches round the waist… Hopefully within 6-8 months… I’m impatient;-)
    What are your goals, if you don’t mind me asking?

    Re. the smoothies, I get that… and we’re all different, so if it works for you… 🙂 I know my sister likes spinach, apple, ginger (sometimes kale and pineapple) and a bit of juice in hers plus loads of ice for brekkie, and that is actually quite nice.

    The Facebook page is a good idea! I would definitely be game! I haven’t come across a vegan 5:2 page either, so go for it! 🙂

    My goals – I’m back up to 75.7 kg now….which is about the highest it’s ever been – would ideally like to get back down to about 68 kg if I can….but even 70 would be good. So losing about 6 kgs I reckon is a good starting goal.
    What is your usual fast day program?
    Ok will start a FB page and post details here….

    Oh just found one! https://www.facebook.com/groups/139883229505889/?fref=ts
    See you there….

    There is also one called Intermittent Fasting & Alternate Day Fasting for Vegans and Vegetarians which I’ve just joined – but that might have a lot of veggie postings….

    That should be doable! And cool, I’ve just asked to join. And yeah, you’re probably right. See you in there! x

    Was just reading a very inspirational story by a girl on the IF Facebook page who has lost 5 kg doing the 16:8 thing – only eating healthily for 8 hours a day and between the hours of 11am and 7pm (or midday and 8pm) – she eats about 1000 calories a day. She looks amazing….have you tried that? I think I might. I might also do some hand weights as well – might help with some toning if not actual weight loss at least until I can move properly again.

    Hi bronny:

    May I suggest it is the 1000 cal. per day diet that is causing the weight loss, instead of the 16:8 thing?

    Good Luck!

    yeah could be – but limiting it might help me with snacking…..

    Hi Vegans!

    How’s it going? I think I’m into my 3rd or 4th week of 5:2…obviously it hasn’t helped with my cognitive function yet! I am also following a LCHF diet on the non-fast days, as you can imagine, that’s a bit tricky as a vegan, but it is working very effectively and kills the hunger. Is anyone else combining these two weight loss regimes?

    Slightly different regime for me: I’m on an ADF vegetarian diet and doing HCHB (high carb, high booze) on feed days.
    It works a treat!

    Hilarious! I was trying to work out what the HB bit was!!!

    Well my weight is staying the same despite fasting two days a week, so I don’t think the HCHB on feed days is working too well for me!
    Seriously though – interested to hear how much other people eat on non-fast days because I think that, and still not being able to exercise properly after a fractured leg is not giving me the results.
    BTW there is a great Facebook site for vegan fasters now – I tend to post there more these days.

    Hi bronny and welcome:

    You should eat your TDEE or less on non diet days. Eating more just insures you will not lose weight. Exercise is unhelpful for weight loss and the lack of exercise will not slow weight loss caused by the diet.

    Here are some tips: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

    Thanks – what is TDEE?
    Exercise, combined with fasting has always been the key for me with weight loss. I’m not new to this way of eating – I lost 5 kg by fasting and exercise a few years ago and kept it off but have been off my feet after my accident, hence the weight gain.It comes off much more slowly (for me) if I can’t walk 30 minutes a day. 🙂

    Hi Bronny,

    Im in maintenance mode so do 6:1. Its a water fast on that one day.

    You must be eating exactly what you need to if you are fasting for two days and not losing weight. On your non fast days you must be eating more than your requirement. There is no magic involved. To access your stored fats you must run at a caloric deficit. Its that simple.

    How much sugar loaded foods do you eat? Be honest! How much carbohydrate dense foods do you eat? By that I mean Rice, bread, pasta, potatoes etc. get rid of high carb foods for two weeks and see what happens. Lots of green veggies, beans, lentils etc. Protein? Tofu and almonds or walnuts.

    Good luck with it.

    To be very honest – it’s not the carbs – I mostly eat veggies, tofus and pulses. Hardly any sweet things. But I think it’s the alcohol that I need to cut down on 🙁
    Thanks very much! I’ll see what happens this week.

    Hi Bronny, veggies have carbs in them, but I think that’s neither here nor there, what I would say is pulses are very carb rich, and of course, carbs are processed into sugar. Carbs also spike insulin which leads to sugar being removed from the blood stream and stored as excess calories.

    On non-fast days I am currently eating low carb high fat which absolutely kills appetite. On these days I probably eat around 1500 cals, but sometimes more and sometimes less.

    My aim is to continue with LCHF until May when I will reintroduce limited carbs and more of a usual vegan diet as a LCHF diet for Vegans is incredibly limited; I am doing it to lose the weight I have gained over the last year quickly. I will continue with the 5:2 though,and as I say, aim to eat far less carbohydrates than I used to.

    With regard to exercise, I am a runner and love exercise. However, as the body is so energy efficient, losing weight by exercise alone is difficult. I exercise for cardiovascular health, bone density and muscle strength.


    Hello all, I just started yesterday. Menu was McDougall lentil soup, 2 tbsp of Oasis Babaghannoj, 1 small bag of frozen vegetables, green juice and popcorn with a spray of Bragg’s amino acid and nutritional yeast. I drank a ton of water. I am hoping all fast days will be as easy as yesterday was for me. I also hope this works, because my weight is unbudgeable for ages now.

    Hi everyone!

    I have just found this thread and thought I would share a few simple recipe ideas which help me to get through fast days. I have to eat 3 times, so I go for lighter meals/snacks worth 150-200 calories, with as much protein as possible. I don’t like to spend much time preparing on fast days, so these are all pretty simple! Here are some of my ideas:

    2 oatcakes (88cal)with peanut butter

    Hummus mini tub (100 cal) with veg sticks

    Linda McCartney sausage(100 cal) with vegetables and gravy

    Sprouted lentils (you can eat loads for 100cals!) with salad or stir fry

    Wholemeal toast (100 calls) with baked beans

    Porridge (100 calls) with almond milk and raspberries

    Apple with peanut butter

    Vegetable soup with orange lentils

    Chickpea and spring onion salad

    1 tbls ground linseed (100 calls) with yogurt & berries

    Half butternut squash or a big pepper stuffed with quinoa or chick peas, etc

    Edamame beans with soy sauce

    Roasted veggie party (squash, parsnips, onion, courgettes, etc)

    Tomato and watermelon salad (really refreshing!)

    2 falafel (100 cals) with hummus and salad

    Iceberg lettuce ‘tacos’ with smokey black beans

    Dates stuffed with almonds or walnuts (I know dates have a high gi, but this works for me!)

    Banana with cinnamon and walnuts

    Hello vegan 5:2ers. I’m planning my first fast day for Tuesday and found this site as I’ve been vegan for over 10 years. I can see that sadly the last post is dated over a year ago, and there were quite a few suggestions to move to Facebook. Happily, I don’t do Facebook so wondered if anyone is still out there – vegan and 5:2ing?

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