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This topic contains 62 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  marklogos 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Ciao Mark,

    The process is called gluconeogenesis. This is when the liver gets stored fats and converts them into glucose and ketone bodies. The body must have a certain level of glucose to maintain proper function. It is not that unusual to have a higher level in the morning compared to the night before when fasting. You are not doing a lot of physical activity while you sleep so consumption of glucose will be low. This has on occasions happened to me but my BG levels are a lot lower. I looked at my BG for my fast day for the last six weeks. Before this I did not monitor BG at 24 hour and 36 hours. The first number is BG at 24 hours and the second number is BG at 36 hours in the morning. Sometimes it is higher in the morning.

    4.2 4.7
    4.4 4.1
    4.0 5.1
    4.7 4.8
    4.9 4.8
    4.3 5.4

    It is interesting that my ketone levels are always higher at 24 hour and then always lower at 36 hours in the morning. ALWAYS.

    I know that the liver will top up with glycogen (stored form of glucose) from the stored fats during the night. It is like putting benzina into your car. Perhaps there is some spillage once the liver has been filled and this is entering the blood? This is a guess on my part. I have now been doing this fasting for 9 months. Give it time and as long as the overall trend is going in the right direction then you have no problems.

    I did not imagine that 36 hours could be higher than 24 hours.
    At least not always.
    The trend is downward slightly but still to the downside.
    Because after 36 hours of water I feel great
      I was wondering:
      “My body is full of sugar?” :-))

    Can you also monitor your ketone levels? This will tell you when your liver finally runs out of glycogen. As soon as ketone levels go up you know that the liver has started to access stored fats to get most of your energy. Production of glucose + ketones happens when fat is being converted by the liver. Initially this was taking 60 hours when I first started fasting. It now happens after 24 hours. Your liver will get better at gluconeogenesis the longer you do your fasting for.

    Now to 44 hours of fasting low between 0 and 1 and BG 89.
    Last week to 36 hours fast high between 2 and 3

    Hi, during the week my BG, even if only slightly, tendentially continues to decrease.
    In fact, except for a 6.5 and a 6.17 the other days the values were slightly lower between 5.33 and 5.72.
    Fasting 36 hours has led me to have a value of 5.28 this morning and for the values of ketones I use the ketur test (urine) and the step ranges from 0 (absent) to 3 (High).
    Yesterday to 24 hours of fasting ketones was about 0.5 while this morning to 36 hours was 2.
    # Big booty: I think you wrote that you had the highest values at 24 hours compared to 36 hours, as you explain my difference?

    I don’t think you have anything to worry about. If it goes above 3 I would start to be concerned. When I used to fast for 60 hours it would get up to 2.0-2.3, I no longer fast that long, I only fast for one day (36 hours) now. I suspect that everyone is slightly different in how they respond to fasting. When you are fasting the glycogen levels in your liver become depleted. When this happens gluconeogenesis starts. Over night when you sleep the liver is topped up with glucose from this process, but you also make ketones as well. So you are breaking down stored fat and producing glucose and ketones. I suspect that different people use the different energy sources in a different ratio.

    This is a guess as I am not medically trained but I think the longer you continue to do fasting (I have now been doing it for 9 months) the more your cells become accustomed or adapted to running on ketones. This happens in a process called autophagy, when the weakest performing cells are systematically killed of first. This is a natural process that is happening all the time. Because you are fasting every week the weakest cells are the ones that survive only on glucose. They do not perform well on ketones. So those cells are killed off first and replaced with cells that perform well on ketones. So I suspect that as you continue to do your fasts the glucose/ketone ratio will change when you do you measurements at 24 and 36 hours because you will slowly be changing the number of cells you have that respond well to ketones. So 6 months from now you results may be different to what you are getting now.

    This is my guess, I have no hard proof of this, but to me it seems reasonable.

    As long as your BG is going down which it is and as long as your ketone levels do not go above 3, then I think everything is going well!!

    Good luck, seems like everything is perfect.

    Here I am back from a two week vacation in Sicily where I did not fasting but simply avoided wine, but drinking an aperitif (Spritz) before dinner and a cognac after dinner, eat in the hotel for two weeks with buffet but mostly eating fruit vegetable and cheese, during the two-week three extra dinners in highly rated restaurants eating seafood pasta bread and drinking wine. Well my blood sugar tends continues to fall now between 5.28 and 5.83.
    Yesterday returned to Rome I went to the sea near the house, I wanted to do the fast of 36 hours, but I gave up in the evening for dinner after 24 hours of fasting because of the great heat I had some dizziness. Here with us now temperatures are 35/38 degrees celsius (95/100 Farenheit). My body weight continues off, I am now at 86 kg.
    I would say that the trend seems to be the right one.
    Maybe I was too alarmed but honestly now I feel better.
    Upon my power it is decidedly moderate but soon will take up with the 36-hour diet by sending around my ketones to trigger autophagy

    Sounds like everything is going well. You can have the occasional wine and pasta and your body will cope quite well, as long as you eat properly most of the time. I started my diet experiment at the beginning of the year. I wanted to eat more yogurt cheese and almonds and walnuts to see if I could improve my HDL levels. They have improved and so has everything else as well.

    The first number my current results and the second number was from 6 months ago.

    cholesterol 4.8, 5.3
    Triglycerides 1.1, 3.0
    HDL-c 1.2, 0.8
    LDL-c 3.1, 3.1
    BG 4.6, 4.8
    chol/HDL 4.0, 6.6
    BP 120/70, 132/84

    BMI 22.4
    Waist to Height ratio 0.488

    Good morning
    my situation seems unchanged in the sense that the fasting glucose always varies d
    between 5.83 and 6.11 (still not perfect but better than 7).
    However, it is known that during fasting 36 hours my ketone to 24 hours are many more, and the blood sugar to 36 hours is considerably lower than some time ago, in fact measuring between 4.33 and 4.61.
    But now, you who have better knowledge than me I would like to ask for advice on some reading to do or advice about the son of a friend of mine who is 14, and two days ago he was diagnosed with diabetes type 1. He and mogliw are really sad and I very angry, I would give them some helpful advice but I am afraid that there really is very little

    I am sad to hear of your friend’s son who has been diagnosed with T1D. Unfortunately there is no cure for this condition. For some reason his auto-immune system has mistakenly attacked the beta cells in his pancreas and destroyed them. I assume that his pancreas can no longer produce any insulin? No one knows why this happens. By eating carefully you can help regulate the amount of glucose in your blood which means you do not need to administer as much insulin or as often, but you must still administer insulin regularly. Otherwise there is no uptake of glucose by the cells. Your cells will then be forced to use ketones for energy but the uncontrolled use of ketones will quickly lead to ketoacidosis which is very dangerous.

    I am not an expert in this area so I suggest that your friend talks to medical doctors who are experts, for advice on his condition. Here is the Australian website that gives general information. Im sure there is an Italian website as well?


    Your non fasting BG is maybe a little high but still within the normal range. I would not be too worried. Your fasting BG is very good. Lately I have become a little lazy with my foods and have eaten bread sometimes. The effects of even 1 or 2 slices of bread is huge and lasts for days. My BG in the morning will be 5.7-5.8 and it will remain high for days. It is not until I do a water fast that it will drop to 4.1-4.3. After my water fast if I am careful not to have any grain based foods it will then be about 5.3 or lower. If I have any grain based foods it will go up again to high 5s.

    It really depends on how strict you want to be with what you eat Mark? But at this stage I would not be concerned.

    I wish your young friend all the best.

    in fact I also lately a little bit lazy I am (pasta once a week, a few glasses of wine, but not every day) I could be better at that’s for sure is why the BG in the morning is not perfect.
    But fasting triggers a fantastic reaction in the body are really fascinated, now to 24 hours ketosis excellent and 36 perfect blood sugar. The human body is a perfect machine.
    For Francis (this is the name of the son of my friend) are very sorry when something happens to the children is suffering much more

    hallo I am here to ask a question,
    Thursday last week I made a dinner out with friends (wine and spirits after dinner) the following morning the value was high 6.89.
    To make matters worse I had a breakfast as I did for months, scone with cream and cappuccino, the values ​​of the day in fact have tended to high but well within the range postprandial.
    The unusual thing I noticed the next morning with a value of 7.78 in fasting (Saturday morning).
    So I anticipated my fast of 36 hours doing the last meal on Saturday night and yesterday at 24 hours, I had 5 blood sugar and I was absolutely in ketosis.
    This morning to 36 hours was slightly ketosis, I was at one in three (usually are already two to 24 hours) and blood glucose was 5.56. Why am prolonging the fast, I think I finish it in 48 hours. In fact I think if I do not go into ketosis process and therefore does not trigger the fast of 36 hours would be useless, right?
    And then you can have dinner with alcohol (a lot) and breakfast the next day do I go for days the values?

    ##excuse: the value was 5 and I was not in ketosis.

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