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  • Good evening are a new member , I am Italian and excuse my bad english
    I am 46 years hold and high 1.98 weight 95 kg. before starting my 5 : 2 ( April 28 ) weighed 96.8
    I practiced Mtb competitively until a few years ago and still and even today I train regularly.
    But we come to the reason for my 5 : 2, by using a blood glucose test that he used my wife wife when she was pregnant I realized that in the morning I 120/125 blood sugar when the normal value should be maximum 104. Today, the values ​​vary between 107 and 111 and I hope to lower those values. You can reassure me about this? I’m also waiting for clinical analysis results following a ceck up.

    Hi mark,

    This my first day fasting. I had a Dr. OZ Green drink this morning and must admit i’m mighty hungery. I plan to get a cup on ginger tea with half a lemonth soon. What’s your plan for fasting days?

    Ciao Mark,

    Your BMI is OK. So do you want to lose weight? Or just lower your blood glucose? To lower your blood glucose you may need to not eat like an Italian. I have Italian parents but born in Australia. You are most likely insulin resistant and the only way to lower that without taking drugs is to change what you eat. No sugar!! Zero. Very little pasta, bread, rice, potatoes. All these foods will raise your BG. These foods are sometimes food, not every day foods. Maybe once per week. Eat a lot of green vegetables and beans and nuts. High fat low sugar yogurt is good and will help raise your HDL. Less sugar more vegetables and lose some weight and your LDL will go down.

    Watch the videos by Jason Fung on type 2 diabetes.


    Hello, my goal is to lower your blood sugar, and normally my sugar consumption is very limited while I eat much bread and pasta few times.My fast diet consists of: Breakfast, a slice of toasted white bread and 2 teaspoons of jam.
    Lunch, 150 gr. Mixed salad with a tablespoon of olive oil
    Dinner, 2 hg. of spinach with a tablespoon of olive oil 2 boiled eggs and a slice of chicken breast

    You seem to be eating the right things but you can improve a little bit more. I would stop eating the white bread and jam. Swap this for pane with formaggio or better would be high fat low sugar Greek yogurt. Add some noci or mandorla, maybe one fragola.

    Do not add any balsamic vinegar to your salad. It has too much sugar. I use Mazzetti apple cider vinegar. Add this to all salads. I also drink two tablespoons in the morning and before every meal. Or add to a glass of water and drink. This will help lower blood glucose.

    How much wine do you drink? Maybe drink wine only once per week.

    Even though your BMI is OK you would still benefit if you lost 5kg and your weight was 90kg. Blood glucose of 110 is a little high but not too bad. Better is less than 100. Mine is usually between 80-100.

    What do you eat on non fast days? It can not be pasta, rice, bread, potatoes, pizza. Nothing with flour (farina).

    Do a test. Measure your blood glucose in the morning. Then measure 30 minutes after breakfast of bread and jam. How high did the blood glucose go? Now eat high fat low sugar yogurt with noce. How high did the blood glucose go?

    Good luck.

    In five days I eat eat pasta twice a maximum, eat red and white meat, fish, vegetables and bread, which I do with a mix of whole wheat flour and type 2, but since when do fast diet my head She tells me to stop eating so much bread as Generally I eat less than before
    And when I go out cycling I feel much better.
    I thank you for your advice.
    My mother died of pancreatic cancer in March 2015 she did not drink do not smoke are fed very well yet … Now I try to respect my body more. At least I try

    I forgot to say That my blood sugar I forgot to say that my blood sugar during the day is coming good at 115/120 after a meal and then go down to 85/90 before dinner
    maybe I care for nothing
    but I prefer that improves the morning

    analysis perfect
    blood sugar 95
    azotemia 43
    total cholesterol 148
    52 hdl
    ldl 85.2
    triglycerides 54
    got 36
    52 gpt
    psa 0.75
    psa free 0.24
    rapport psa fre / psa 0.31
    I M sure you want to continue with the 5 : 2 the thing that puzzles me is that I am
    not only dropped to 95 kg . a month ago I was 96.4 , now at 95 for a long time .
    it is true that they are not overweight but my goal are 90 kg.
    all your tips are useful for me spare not
    thank you
    Ciao Marco


    You have nothing to worry about with those blood glucose numbers. 85/90 is perfect. 115/120 after a meal is perfect. Mine will jump up to this level after a meal of vegetables and tuna. If I have bread or pizza (not very often) it will jump up to 150. Try and do one fast a complete water fast and the other fast day restrict to 500/600 calories. I start my fast on Sunday night 7pm is my last meal. Monday only water. I then eat breakfast on Tuesday at 7am. So I do 36 hour fast, only water. Perhaps pick a day when you are not riding to do your water fast. After a few months you will be able to water fast and ride. I am able to do this. You will not be able to ride at 100% but after a while of doing a water fast you will be able to ride at 90% effort. Your body will become very good at burning fat for energy instead of carbohydrates.

    Chris Froome trains by not eating any carbohydrates. He is on a ketogenic diet when he trains.

    Thanks bigbooty you are really very kind
      and for me that is the beginning of great help
    I took your advice for breakfast greek yogurt and a walnut, very good, even if you have other tips I’m here;-)
    really this week I eat yogurt directly to lunch
    then after dinner fasting until the next day’s lunch, before reaching the 600 calories the evening for dinner with a hearty meal.
    I must admit that I find it hard.
    I forgot yesterday to dinner, within the limits of 2500 Kcal I allowed two glasses of red wine and cognac, well this morning I felt really strange .. burdened, flooded, bad feeling.
    usually the evening I have dinner with eggs spinach and chicken breast
    to vary what do you recommend?
    Thanks again

    My food is usually very simple so I can not offer many recipes. I eat a lot of vegetables with some fish and chicken. Sometimes pork and sometimes beef. I eat a lot of cheese and some eggs. Most of my vegetables I will eat raw uncooked. It keeps you full for a long time. If you are wanting to lose weight and not feel hungry try eating raw vegetables.

    I will have a big bowl of chopped up zucchini, eggplant, cucumber, tomato, mushrooms, tofu, cheese, lettuce, capsicum. Add some vinegar (Mazetti apple cider vinegar). Some low sugar salad dressing. Add chili if you like it hot. Sometimes I add 100g chicken or tuna.

    I make egg fritters. Grate some carrots, zucchini, chop up some mushrooms and add eggs and mix. Cook and add some pepper and salt.

    If you are feeling hungry drink a big glass of water with a little lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. Drinking lots of water helps.

    I sometimes eat fruit, but never dried fruit, always whole fruit. Mostly avocado, some apples and most of the berry fruits like, strawberries, blueberries raspberries as they contain less sugar. I try not to have bananas as they have too much sugar.

    Sometimes I will have bread with butter or peanut butter, never jam. Sorry I cant be more help with recipes, I really have very simple taste for food.

    I drink a little bit, maybe once every two weeks. Just makes your liver work hard and the alcohol is processed and stored as fat. 7cal per gram for alcohol.

    Anyway I think youre blood tests are very good. Good luck with the weight loss.

    Clean and simple thanks.
    Beads are also fine if your blood sugar is also decreased due to intermittent fasting.
    The thing I would improve is the waist that is higher in fact I have 100 and this definitely blame for wine and spirits.
    However the feeling of decline is real. I feel more deflated

    Incredible yesterday my weight was 92.7
    and in five days I eat regularly .. actually a bit less than usualand within 5 days magio regularly .. actually a bit less than usual
    My blood sugar levels even after a liquor evening wine and chocolate (rarely)
    does not exceed 100, while in the evenings I eat normal las morning blood sugar is 95/105, it noted that decreases slowly.
    Good I’m happy

    I think you are doing fantastic. You have nothing to worry about. Another few weeks and you will be at 90kg. Once you reach your desired weight then all you need to do is swap to 6:1 fasting. It should be easy. That is what I do now.

    In fact I think your is good advice (6:1), but only when I’m 90.
    I’m also reading the book by Jason Fung The obesy code, very interesting.

    a question, if I have done the last meal last night at dinner and I fasted for 24 hours
    This evening at dinner I could eat regularly or do I have to eat 600 calories ?

    Grazie :-))

    36 hour fast. I have my last meal on Sunday night at 7pm. I water fast (for you it would be 600 cal) all day Monday and then have my first meal Tuesday at 7am. Just finished my fast as it is Tuesday were I am now. I regularly measure my blood glucose and ketone bodies. I am fully into ketosis after 24 hours, so Monday night at 7pm. BG = 4.1mmol/L and ketone = 1.6mmol/L.

    the check-up on 30 April ketones in the urine were 0.5 mmol / L
    While the blood sugar , after a day of fasting , ranges from 95 (5.28 mmol / L ) to 115 (6.33 mmol/L) this morning, while last night ( fasting for 24 hours), my blood sugar was 81 ( 4.5 mmol / L ) .
    Why these ups and downs ?
    I have to worry?
    I remind you that I have started this fast diet just because my blood glucose in the morning were high 125/130

    There’s a lot more about blood sugar fluctuations and the reasons for it in the forum for The Blood Sugar diet, also by Michael Mosley. The diet there is designed to keep a bit more stability in blood sugar/insulin because it’s designed for prediabetics or those in the early stages of Type 2.
    Your body creates sugars and releases them into the bloodstream even when you’ve not been eating them.

    Let me understand properly. This morning it was between 5.28 and 6.33. Was this before you ate anything? How much time between the 5.28 measurement and the 6.33 measurement? And did you eat anything in between the two measurements?

    And last night it was 4.5. Did you eat anything after the measurement last night?

    Did you do any exercise last night after the measurement, or this morning? This will change the value. After a bike ride my BG will usually drop 0.5.

    My measurements will vary between 4.5 and 5.5 in the morning before I eat breakfast. They have been slowly coming down on average so that most of the measurements are in the 4 range now. If I have a carbohydrate meal the night before it will be in the 5 range the next morning. If I have a salad and raw vegetables it will be in the 4 range.

    I don’t think you have too much to worry the normal range is 3.9 to 5.9 and is influenced by what you eat. I tested recently and my BG was 4.5 and after eating a salad it went to 6.5 and took two hours to come back to 4.5. I repeated by eating a slice of pizza and it went from 4.5 to 8.5 and took three hours to come down.

    So it is everything ok?
    I did a comparison with bigbooty him after the day of fasting has very low blood sugar in the morning
    I forgot my weight is stable at 92.6

    So, this morning was 6.33 then 6.0 after only five minutes. The 5.28 value is a standard value that reflected generally in the morning, never went below 5.28 these days. Both (6.33 to 6.00) measured on an empty stomach and and without having done any exercise, I normally do I measure the blood sugar just woke up in the morning. Between the two measurements I have not eaten anything.
    4.5 last night then I ate spinach, boiled eggs and chicken breasts for a total of 407 cal, yesterday I drank 2 cups a tea without sugar and water. Two hours after dinner had 5.06 mmol / L.
    I did not exercise. Before bed, as I always do I took a tablet of melatonin.
    I am having eaten without carbs thought to have a lower blood sugar this morning.

    6.3 is a little high but if most of the time the reading is below 6 then I think its OK. The longer you do 5:2 or even 6:1 once you get to your weight , the BG level should slowly come down. At the beginning of the year my average was about 5.5. My average is now about 4.5. If most of your carbs come from vegetables and you cut back a little on the wine I think your BG will come down in a few months. I do not think you have a lot to worry about.

    Honestly it was many days that the blood sugar in the morning was not so high and this morning I was surprised because yesterday I did a diet of less than 500 made of good carbs calories. Probably is settling do not know I hope so.
    The thing that surprises me is that on Sunday I had lunch at the restaurant and drank wine, the evening for dinner I ate meatballs eggplant, salad, bread and beer, and Monday morning I had 5.78. Yesterday fasting from dinner on Sunday, 24 hours of fasting, night at dinner I eat 500 cal and 6.33 this morning … I do not know what to think, we will see.
    Thank you all

    Hello here is my situation yesterday not fast with a total of 1350 cal distributed in 150 to 110 breakfast lunch and 1240 for dinner with bread chop vegetables and beer. The situation in blood glucose was 5.44 before dinner and 4.89 two hours after dinner. This morning fasting had 5.94.
    Today, the second day of the week of fasting, but above all we will see tonight will be tomorrow morning as the blood glucose values, as you may have noticed I have a higher blood glucose morning after fasting while the values are lower (but not perfect) when I eat normally.

    OK Im an not a medical doctor so you should check with your doctor. What you have sounds like the “dawn phenomenon”. When you are asleep you are basically fasting for 8 hours. Your blood glucose will slowly fall as there are no calories coming in. Your stored glycogen in your liver is released into your blood stream by the hormone glucogen to compensate for the falling levels of glucose. I think your liver is over responding to the hormone and releasing too much glucose into your blood. or your cells are insulin resistant and are unable to respond to the insulin are store the excess that was released.

    I assume you are not on any medication? If you are see your doctor about changing the dose of the type of medication. If you are not on medication try eating different things just before going to bed. Try two table spoons of vinegar (mazetti apple cider vinegar is good). Try eating a few pieces of fatty cheese. Stop all alcohol consumption for one month. Perhaps try vinegar for two weeks and see if it improves. Then try cheese and see if it improves.

    It is a little high but not dangerous. Talk to your doctor. Try to change your diet and see what happens.

    No I’m not taking any medication, days ago I talked to my doctor telling him talking to him about this high blood sugar in the morning and he by virtue of my slender frame that no one in the family has problems with diabetes told me to wait for clinical analyzes, and evaluate after the set of all things, having found in 5,28 5,78 analysis and being borderline blood glucose did not appear a problem.The only thing that giò I wrote yesterday that for a long time I take melatonin before bedtime and certain parts correlate with melatonin nnalzamento blood glucose but no news of scientifically tested, only a ” it thinks that. ”
    Even others argue the exact opposite ie that melatonin lowers blood sugar, so … total confusion

    Most doctors are probably 20 years behind in their knowledge of diet related diseases compared to current research. Also a lot of “cures” for diet related diseases tell you to do the opposite thing. There is no consensus on anything. I suspect that part of the problem is that the same treatment will have different effects on different people.

    All I can recommend is that you change one aspect of your diet for 3-4 weeks and monitor what happens. Stop all alcohol for 4 weeks and see what happens. Take vinegar before each meal and before bed for 4 weeks and see what happens. Have more fat like cheese yogurt avocado for 4 weeks and see what happens. Stop all bread and pasta for 4 weeks and see what happens.

    I’m a little worried

    I think youre OK. It is a little high but still in the normal range. Change one thing in your diet and monitor for 4 weeks to see if it improves. It will take time to improve, your body cant change that quickly. It has taken me 3 months to go from 5.5 to 4.5 average BG. Im guessing but try the vinegar first. 2 or 3 tablespoons before every meal and before going to bed. Do not change anything else in your diet. Do this for 4 weeks and see what happens to your morning BG levels. Then try no alcohol, then more fat, then less carbohydrates like bread and pasta. Change only one thing at a time otherwise you will not know what has helped improve the BG.

    Mind you I am not afraid for what you wrote but simply if they are here is because of the wrong values on my blood sugar are there and your conclusions are justified and have feedback so thank you.

    Good morning, this is the situation yesterday (day fast).Fasting from Tuesday’s dinner
    yesterday before dinner 4.94
    an hour after dinner 6:44
    two hours after dinner 4.83
    three hours after dinner 5.5
    At two 5:44 night
    At 4.30 mmol / 5.61
    At 7 am 115
    Taken vinegar before eating and before going to bed.
    It requires patience.
    However I think it is not alba effect because during the night my glucose however is not never fell has remained constant and then get up between 4 and 6 am.
    I read that the conditions for alba effect is that glucose in the blood drops a lot during the night.
    Anyway I’ll do what you suggested I take off one food at a time for four weeks

    Those numbers look pretty good. Not perfect but pretty good. Take the vinegar and change one food for 4 weeks and see what happens. It may only be one particular food that has a bad effect. If you find out what it is then just eliminate it from your diet. Cant believe you got up so often during the night to measure your BG.

    Ha ha ha :-)) instead awakened all these times to pee. Never woke up in the night for this but tonight you had so much pee, I read that the “vinegar is a diuretic, it could be this? Reading the book of Fung I read that pistachios are great for your blood sugar

    Good morning, for two days I started 0 carbohydrates, vinegar and pistachios, yesterday morning 6:38 instead 5:39 this morning. Since I measure blood glucose at home I never had such a low value. I do not get excited but maybe something is changing we will see. My weight 92.2

    Here I am after a few days
    For the first rate fast of 36 hours last meal on Sunday evening and Tuesday morning started with breakfast.
    Let’s start by saying that from Thursday, do not take my blood sugar and carbohydrates in the morning these days was 6.1, this morning after fasting of 36 hours was 5.1 while the ketones in the urine with the test ketur 5 mmol (++).
      My weight 91.2 kg.
    A few small improvements already known, in fact I do not consider the 5.1 after fasting for 36 hours but the constant 6.1 of the previous days also because of my constant departure was 7:00 to 7:11

    The past week, no carbohydrates and sugar alcohol has brought my constant values between 5.00 5.28. Saturday pizza and beer and as I imagined the morning after high values at 6.78 this morning as well. Since yesterday evening began fasting 36 hours.
    Currently my weight is 98.4 maybe I’m losing weight too?

    Do an experiment. Is it the pizza or the beer that gave you a high reading? Have pizza and measure the next day. Have beer and measure the next day. Which one gives the spike? You now weigh 98.4kg? Is that a mistake because in your previous post you said you weighed 91.2kg?

    Opps sorry 89.4 🙂

    Hello big booty I missed you :-))
    My diet changed a lot, Quinoa, Avocado, fatty cheeses, breakfast cereals chia seeds and soy milk … All this has brought my lower values.
    I’ll try but I think pizza because in the past the beer I drink and I never had the upper peaks. However, the pizza is homemade by me with only whole wheat flour …
    I wanted to ask you something, I understand the high value the morning after the pizza but also this morning high value although yesterday he had breakfast and no lunch yesterday evening cutlet of turkey and beans

    You are eating very healthy. More than me 🙂 Personally I do not think there is a big difference between highly refined flour and more wholesome flours. I do not pretend to know all the answers, sometimes foods that work for one person will not work for another person. I think it takes a long time before your body gets used to new foods. Your body adjusts very slowly and I still get strange blood glucose results that I can not explain. I put it down to a particular food that may appear to be good for one person but then for some reason it has a negative impact on a different person. I would wait for a few months and monitor my BG to see the general trend. One off BG levels may not give a proper diagnosis of improvement.

    It is only in the last month that my water fasting has become VERY easy to do. I have been doing water fasting for 8 months now and have found them OK. Not overly hard but it has taken some level of will power. In the last month I have noticed a big difference, I now find them VERY easy to do.In fact I was a little concerned by this but have come to the conclusion that my liver is now able to convert fats very efficiently. I am able to get all the calories I need very easily from stored fats. This was not the case when I first started fasting.

    My advice. Monitor your vital signs and look at the long term trends. If they are heading in the right direction, then all is good.

    welcome marklogos

    Thanks Emma.

    # Big booty . It is the second fast of 36 hours with only water and I admit that I thought to find more difficulties , rather to my surprise is going very well , today I also checked the blood pressure 75/120 . I think I’m in ketosis but will check tomorrow morning before breakfast . honesty It seems to me honestly Very easy At least for me . I also believe that the flour is whole wheat or not , I take always the vinegar, in the office I ‘m involving some people , I will not urge him only do read some things but then they start .
    a question but with a weight so I could make even a fast 36 or I have to do another 600 cal foor week?
    you who eat fat cheese ? I greek yogurt but not much fat tips .

    Not sure what you mean regards 36 hour fast? When I first started I would do two consecutive days of water fasting. A total of 60 hours. You do not have to do this. You can separate the fast days. Maybe do one water fast and one 600 cal day. I was doing two days to lose weight. Now I only do one water fast day per week. I maintain a constant weight of 72 kg (178cm tall). I think there are large benefits other than weight loss in doing water fasts.

    I eat a lot of cheese, plain greek yogurt, avocados, walnuts, almonds.

    Most people think you are crazy when you tell them you are fasting. This is normal. We have been told so much rubbish with regards to diet by doctors, governments, diet experts. Dr Valter Luongo diet researcher I think does a 4 day fast once per month. I do one day every week so a total of 4 days for the month. Trying to do 4 consecutive days is probably possible but I prefer to do it one day per week. This is easy for me.

    for me 36 I drink water tea coffee and sugar-free vegetable broth Everything
    however this morning AFTER 36 hours of fasting I have 6 of glucose
    What this has surprised me maybe The Two cups of vegetable stock last night? But, I do not think so

    I think you need to focus on the long term average blood glucose levels. Every so often mine will give a high reading and I have no explanation. A few days ago it was 5.9 and for the last two months most of my readings have been below 5. Mostly around 4.5-4.8. My average blood glucose levels have come down a lot but I have been fasting now for nearly 9 months. It is a gradual process. Keep track of your BG levels and see how they change over time.

    I think you’ve got a point
    for example this morning was 5.44 borderline
    but nothing to do with 7 mmol / L from where I left.
    Chances are my body put us a bit to dispose of the meal of Saturday (much pizza and lots of beer) do not know
    however my daily values are perfect 7 two hours after a meal and then quickly down between 4.72 and 5.28.
    the average of BG in the long term is still going down, it is only 40 days or so I’m doing this job, and although I would like to see results right away I know that it takes patience.
    I also believe that having used my body in a way it takes time to reset my condition and one day of free eaten and drunk at this stage involve me two or three consecutive days of high values.

    My weight is stable between 89 and 90 kg
    The BS in the morning varies between 5.8 and 6.11 still high
    After 36 hours of fasting BS this morning was 5.61.
    Yesterday evening, after 24 hours was 4.94.
    In 36 hours I drank only water and coffee without sugar, I do not understand why my blood sugar from 4.94 yesterday at 5.61 this morning having drunk only water.
    If last night was at 4.94 this morning I would have expected 4.94 or 5 maximum.
      5.61 why?
    From where came out the BS during the night from 36 hours if I drink only water?
    I’m working hard, but just do not understand, I completely eliminated sugar bread and pasta for weeks.
    My body needs more time? Too many calories stored in me?
    One thing is for sure do not feel any trouble making a 36-hour fast by drinking only water and coffee.
    In my body there are so many calories?

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