Hello – New Faster

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  • Hi my name is Mark and I’m from the UK. I’ve nearly completed my second fast today. I found today harder than my previous fast but intend to keep going. Positive mental attitude!

    I’m a little overweight for my BMI but the main reason for me to start the 5:2 diet was the part within the book that detailed the benefits for the body and my cells. I’m not diabetic, but if I carried on in the same way, I guess as I get older then I would more than likley be. I do have high blood pressure, asthma, rhinitis and angry skin which I’m hoping will improve on the 5:2. which are my main reasons for starting to fast.

    Good luck, Mark.
    The Fast Diet is good for so many reasons.
    Are your Fast Days sequential? Just curious. I’d find 2 days in a row to be difficult. Drink lots of water on a Fast Day. I try to pour 1.5 cups after breakfast and sip it until about 2 pm. Then a cup of herbal tea with a good bold flavor, which helps me get to dinner time.

    My fast days are not sequential. I go with Tues and Thurs life permitting. I have found since I’ve been doing it now for a few weeks that I’ve dropped my 600 calories. I found it harder to eat. I now go 36hrs in a fast day before eating.

    My asthma has improved since I started fasting my peak flow has gone up by 100. With medication and testing I managed 6oo but that has now gone up to 700.

    I drink plenty of water, I use a keep it warm mug, which is the size of 2 cups and drink mint tea for my IBS, while that is cooling I drink 700mls of cold water. It stops me from getting any headaches.

    My weight has dropped from 16st 3lbs to just over 15 now so more than happy with the results and my skin seems better.

    Mind you I think this will be a way of life now for me, I actually enjoy fasting now. My work colleagues think I’m mad though!!

    I forgot to mention my BMI has dropped from 31 to 28.6!!

    Welcome to 5:2, MadforitUK. Sounds like you’re already seeing positive results with both weight and medical issues with 5:2. One thing that seems to work for me to make fasting easier is to leave 2 days between FD. It’s not always possible because of other things going on, but I usually do Monday and Thursday and eat 500 calories each of those days.

    I don’t have asthma, but I do have asthma symptoms sometimes. What works for me 90% of the time is a 250 mg magnesium oxide supplement twice a day. I started taking it for something else but soon noticed that I hadn’t used any medication for symptoms in over a week. That was a couple years ago. I only occasionally have to use other meds now, usually when allergy triggers are high. My doctor doesn’t know why this helps. I think it was a good idea to check with him when I first started. Now it’s in my list of meds and supplements.

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