Hello I,m New!!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Chuckk 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Just joined,doing my first fast day.My daughter x 2 have both lost weight feel really well One has lost 1 st 7lbs the other 2 st. got yo keep up with them.
    Started today with a banana & necterine,not soted dinner yet but I think I will have to go to bed early( if I can sleep with the heat)

    Just started a few days ago as well, glad you’re here!! Sounds good, when the whole family diets together, I think that could be a good recipe for success as well. Bananas might be a wee bit starchy, though I’m not quite up to speed on the whole carb-release matter, just something to consider. Nectarines are divine, good choice! Blueberries I had as well on my fast day, a summer treat.
    Best to you in the summer’s heat; we cooled down tremendously, hope the cool air arrives where you’re at soon!
    from Chuck.

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