Hello from Texas

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Lilly 7 6 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hello I am 55 I started doing the 52 fast about a month ago and love it fasting is pretty easy for me except at night I get hungry but remember I can eat the next day I struggle a little on what I eat on mom fasting days I was 167 now I’m about 160 havent weighed myself this week I have been on vacation I did fast Monday and Thursday but ate a lot of unhealthy sweets this week looking forward to getting back to my regular routine next week with working out on the tredmill.I love reading all the stories on here it is very nice to know others are doing this going thru the highs and the lows together.

    Good luck on your Fasting Journey, Lilly. You know you’ll get help here.

    Thank you.how long have you been fasting and how is it working for you?

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