Hello from South Australia

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Onel 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Have been a fan of michael mosley after watching his tv shows so had to purchase the fast diet and fast exercise books. Read them back to back in one night. Started the diet 3 weeks ago when i weighed 74 kgs – today i weighed in at 71.6 kgs.
    Finding the fasting days easy to deal with but i have one gripe – i hate calling it a diet because it doesnt feel like being on a diet at all !!

    Hi Gday,
    Welcome here and congratulations!
    I avoid calling it a diet too! 5:2 fasting, I call it!
    If you want to check out some other Southern Hemispherites doing it, look here:

    Cinque from Melbourne! (Started July 2015, lost about 15kg, now at maintenance)

    Thanks Cinque. When i googled fast diet forum aust it came up with the hello southern hemispherites but all the posts were from 2013 and i couldnt find anything recent. From your link i can see the recent ones but cant seem to be able to post. Still finding my way around this site, cheers

    Gday from Sydney Gday. Really pleased for you.

    It’s inspiring hearing your longer term results Cinque. That’s what it is all about. I’ve lost a similar amount of weight on adf since last October, and it’s the ability to maintain those sort of health improvements (like you have done) that is the most exciting thing about fasting.

    Still a small way to go for me, but I no longer crave carbs and sugars at all, so I’m confident I’ll hit and stay on my final goal for maintenance, which is now more to do with waist size than weight, having already hit my initial dream weight goal.

    I enjoyed a major birthday feast today knowing that any weight gains will be small and can be dropped without much fuss. Having the flexibility to socially eat, even to excess, is one of the benefits of a fasting lifestyle.

    I also don’t think of fasting as a diet.

    But I have supplemented fasting with a diet – a low carb high fat diet of no/low processed food, inspired by Dr Jason Fung. The fasting empties the blood and cells of excess (toxic) glucose, and releases fat stores. That is the most important part. And the lchf diet stops me adding new excesses of the addictive sugars which caused the initial weight gain and health issues. AND it has stopped the sugar/carb cravings.

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