Hello from New Orleans. New to 5:2.

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Cinque 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone! I am excited to get going on 5:2. Today is my first fast day. I am 45 years old and trying to lose 8-10lb. I manage to get it off every now and again. Eventually, I go back to my old eating/drinking habits and get lax with my exercise so the weight comes back. I’m hoping that 5:2 will help me reach and, more importantly, maintain my goal weight.

    Cheers and good luck to all.

    Welcome! Best wishes for your first fast day!
    5:2 is great to make a sustainable part of life for longterm health! Enjoy!

    Hi Cinque! Thanks for the warm welcome! Fast day has gone okay so far. Did have a bit of headache/woozy feeling mid-morning. I drank more water, but that didn’t help. The feeling subsided once I had lunch. I do find myself thinking about food more than usual. I have a feeling those thoughts will subside once I’m in the habit of fasting. Have a great day!

    Yes, I generally have hungry afternoons on fast days, but the hunger goes in waves.
    Consider something a little bit salty to help with headache/wooziness, sometimes just water doesn’t rehydrate enough.
    You’ll love waking up tomorrow! Morning after a fast day feels great!

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