Hello from down under

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  RoBa 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I am 48 o/w HBP antidepressants with muscle soreness issues. I was fit till I had 2 kids and complications. I have a pressured full time job. I eat well, but don’t sleep. High stress have my metabolism out the window! I am too busy and tired to not eat/count calories. I am doing blood tests to record everything because this time I KNOW I CAN DO THIS!! Vitality & health – this is for my kids!

    Hi Jen. You will be pleased to know that 5:2 works in the southern hemisphere. It works as far south as Hobart!

    I’m a big believer that good sleep is as important as a good diet. I’ve resorted to sleep clinics twice over the years and learned some good strategies. My rule is that if I have two sleepless nights I take phenergan on the third night, but always before 9pm so I’m not hung over from it in the morning (important if you have to go to work). If I’m not sleeping I turn the light on and do sudoku puzzles until I get drowsy – for me it helps switch off the whirring brain.

    I’ve used the 5:2 rule for other ‘habits’ too. I let myself have two days a week off from worrying about my kids. And two days not worrying about money. I’ve lost more than just 10 kilos – I’m happier too.

    Kids are real complications to life but the good news is they go away after about twenty years.

    Good luck – grasp 5:2 as a very long term strategy for a better life.

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