Hello from Delft

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I’m another happy camper implementing the IF approach. (-:

    Actually, for me, it’s a combination strategy.

    I began with the Dukan Diet on 15.05. 2011 at 88.5 kg/195 lbs. I reached TW (61 kg/134.2 lbs) 8 months later, on 21.12.11. Even dropped briefly to 58.8 kg. I felt – and continue to feel – wonderful, with much more energy and other benefits.

    However, after staying in a modifed Cruise phase, I lapsed & gained 7.5 kg over 8 months. On 01.03.13, I began again from scratch. But I seemed to be stuck, with very little loss – never more than 1 or 2 lbs – over the following 4 months. This of course was frustrating, as I was keen to get back to my optimal BMI.

    Then someone on the Dukan forum introduced the notion of incorporating elements of Dr. Mosley’s ‘fast diet’ into the Dukan regime, and a light went on in my head. 😉 I began a NEW PHASE on 11.07.2013, with a starting weight of 66.2 kg, and a TW of 61 kg. In the subsequent 3 weeks, I lost circa 2 kg by incorporating IF days.

    I didn’t do all-day fasts, however. I simply based my intake on the number of calories necessary (i.e. 500 in my case), which I spread out over breakfast and a main meal late in the afternoon. Occasionally I had a small ‘snack’ (e.g. piece of fruit) in between. I appreciate the importance, however, of having a ‘proper’ all-day fast, so I may begin doing it that way.

    I’ve just got back from nearly a month in Canada, where my good eating habits suffered badly from time to time.
    However, I made a point of having a ‘fast’ day at least once or twice a week. I was pleased to see on my return two days ago that I’d gained only 3 lbs, which was far less than I’d feared, since during my holiday I hadn’t been walking or drinking as much water as usual.

    I’m back now to my usual regime, and since yesterday morning I’ve dropped 1 lb already, and am now at 64.3 kg. 😉 I’m confident I’ll reach my TW of 61 kg (135 lbs) quite comfortably.


    welcome Donna

    i have read the ducan atkins med whole w/w
    bch/ carb cycling so many others

    i believe combining what suits ur needs
    as long as fasting is involved

    has been successful

    what did u eat in canada

    i enjoyed living there 4 3yrs

    2 much maple syrup & raw eggs?

    wish u success in ur dukan/fast

    Thank you, wiltldnrUSA. 🙂

    I agree, the optimal eating regime is the one best suited to each individual. 🙂 For me, a regime is the journey rather than the destination. Thus far, my hybrid approach is working well. I also have two of the 5:2 cookbooks, and am keen to begin enjoying some of the menus.

    Definitely no maple syrup or raw eggs while I was in Canada. 😉 My ‘falls from grace’ were in the form of hamburgers, french fries, bags of cheese twisties and potato chips, and large helpings of spaghetti and meatballs. 😉

    Now that I’m back home, sanity has begun to rule once again. 😉

    where in canada?

    go 2 kindle they have allot of free cookbooks
    including 5/2 menus u don’t need a kindle

    nice 2 know that this lifestyle is “sanity has begun to rule once again”

    instead of dreading it

    have fun w/ ur sane life in this 😉

    Thank you for the welcome. 🙂

    I was in southern and northern Ontario, which is where I grew up.

    I have some lovely cookbooks, both in book form and on my iPad. Have recently found an online list of low-cal soups.

    Yes, I’ve been a slimmer, healthier person since my ‘sane’ decision 2 1/4 years ago. 🙂
    I’m thrilled now to have a strategy to remain this way. 😉


    ooooooh thanks 4 the site 😀 😮


    fastday is mon
    & soup is so much easier 2 make on nonfastdays 4 those days

    which soups have u tried?

    by the it was 4 to 3yrs not 43

    i only remember ontario as no alcohol in sight something about blue laws? & it’s vast indian area same thing it must have been all of ontario . my friend was so upset

    wiltldnrUSA, I made the Spicy Vegetable Soup yesterday. It was delicious. I noted though that it’s basically a hyped up version of the Weight Watchers’ cabbage soup. Next time I’ll leave out the chopped mushrooms, as I find they add nothing. I also made a couple of other adjustments. For instance, I used fresh minced garlic rather than powder, and – having no hot chillis – I simply used Cajun seasoning plus Mrs Dash extra-spicy seasoning.

    I made a big pot of the soup. I had two bowls of it, then put the rest in the freezer to eat at length during the week.

    I suspect things are much the same in Ontario, though the legal drinking age (formerly 21) is now 19. 😉
    And you still need to go to separate places to buy either hard liquor or beer and wine.
    They also have zero tolerance for drinking and driving. A good move, in my opinion.

    i like mrs dash unsalted

    & anything super spicey

    also don’t forget 2

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    oh well i’ll go make my dinner & listen 2 a free book from my lbr
    on my super old mp3 😀
    while copy pasting ugh this reply 2 all
    now i wish i were a newbie 2 many 2do

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