Hello from Delaware

This topic contains 16 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Deanna 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I just registered after reading about this diet/lifestyle extensively.

    I will purchase the book for more information but perhaps as a newbie, someone can answer this as I contemplate this challenge.

    My mom lost a ton of weight using MediFast but it just hasn’t been a program I’ve been successful with. Each of the meals are right around 90-100 calories and nutritionally balanced. I was wondering if it might be a product I could use on the 400-500 fast day. I realize optimally it’s best to probably go without any food….is this correct?

    Well, I’m off to reads the book and look forward and welcome any and all comments!!


    no, Deanna, it’s not “best” to go without food, although some do. The point of 5:2 is to create a regime you can stick with and not eating is one that the vast majority of people would find nearly impossible in the short term, never mind the long term. Suggest you hunt round the forum and in particular read through all the FAQs on the top right tab to get a quick sense of the detail.

    Thanks for your reply. It seemed from what I was reading that some folks feel they get better results by super-limiting food on their fast days. I agree, short term that might be ok, but not as a long term solution and a way of changing your lifestyle.

    No need to starve yourself completely on a fast day. The concept is that for 2 days a week (any 2 days – they can be consecutive if you like but you’ll probably be more comfortable with non-consecutive, most people are) you have 500 calories instead of your ‘normal’ allowence. And on the other 5 days you just eat ‘normally’.

    The fasting day and ‘normal’ day numbers are generic ‘average person’ numbers. If you go to the ‘Help’ tab above you can work out what your personal TDEE is. That is the number of calories you should normally consume in a day to maintain your current weight. On a non-fast day you should try to stay on or under that number for your calorie intake (go a couple of hundred under if you are doing this to actually lose weight and WANT to count calories but don’t obsess over it). On a fast day, take that number and divide it by 4. 25% of your personal TDEE is your official fast day allowence. Once you’re used to managing on less calories and you are ‘into’ the lifestyle of it, you can bring it down to 500 if you like and that will help you achieve any weight loss goals a bit quicker but again, don’t obsess over it.

    The main point is that this should be a lifestyle and a routine that you don’t mind doing forever. So don’t push yourself too hard for crazy-quick weight loss and just be happy with the lifestyle as you gradually watch the weight just melt away.

    It is not necessarily ‘optimal’ to go without food n a fast day. Some people do that out of choice because they know that once they start eating they’ll want to continue and they find it easier to do a straight fast but it’s not necessary. You can take in your calories in 1,2 or 3 small meals/snacks throughout the day or in one go, or not at all, whatever is best/easiest for you to deal with.

    Thanks TracyJ for the information. I’m about to order the book for my kindle and read it today.

    I didn’t gain weight overnight so I don’t expect to lose it overnight. I’m approaching this as a way to get it off and get back to healthy.

    “I didnโ€™t gain weight overnight so I donโ€™t expect to lose it overnight. Iโ€™m approaching this as a way to get it off and get back to healthy”.

    What a very sensible attitude with which to embark on this plan, Deanna! Good luck and let us know how you get on ๐Ÿ™‚

    Sounds like a sensible approach. It does work – I was rather shocked to discover that it did when I started it in August 2012 but it’s honestly lifechanging. When you look at my weekly average weight loss it seems like nothing but over a year it’s basically a toddler’s worth. It’s worth doing just for the health benefits but the weight loss has been a revelatory side-effect for me.

    Good morning or perhaps good afternoon???

    I got through the book yesterday and found the basis of this plan quite intriguing. I have also read a good many posts throughout the various forums.

    I had my last meal last night around 7pm so I have had nothing to eat since then…now about 12 hours.

    For those of you who have been following this plan, I have a couple questions.

    1. Is the “object” to fast for as long as possible to gain maximum benefit? In other words, can I include the 12 hours from last night and continue through today? Maybe having a small breakfast?

    2. I understand the 500/600 calories for fast day…can we “spend” them however we want as long as they are smart choices and under our allotment?

    Thanks for any input!!

    Hi and Welcome

    I am in week 2 so a newbie myself. on my fast days i have 2 boiled eggs. during the day i have 2 decaf coffees with unsweetened almond milk and the rest just black coffee and loads of water.

    i usually have about 250-290kcal for dinner.

    Hi Deanna, yes you can include the 12 hours from last night. If your last meal for example was at 6pm last night you will only eat 500/600 calories between that time and presumably 6am tomorrow. That will be a 36 hour fast. Your fast day calories can be spent exactly how you want. They actually don’t have to be smart choices but if they’re not smart, you’ll find yourself feeling very hungry. Don’t eat less than your 500/600 calories. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi Deanna, aniann beat me to it. She’s put it all very succinctly in her post. I’m on an impromptu fast day today, as one of my colleagues totally scuppered my good intentions yesterday by bringing in gorgeous homemade vegan banana bread muffins and knowing that I COULD do a fastday today I decided it was worth it ๐Ÿ˜‰

    My last morsel was very late lastnight (about 9:30) as it was a very long work day and it’s now 1:15, so that’s well over 15.5 hours into my fast. I won’t eat again until about 7pm tonight but I’ve been doing this a long time now, so I’m used to long periods without food (I probably do 20 hours-ish every day, not just fastdays) so if you need a little snack earlier on in the day to keep you comfortable then that’s fine. As long as your total calories for this day add up to 500/your personal TDEE calculation (or as close as you can comfortably manage) then that’s a fastday.

    Thanks for the advice.

    With those tips, then today is going to be my OFFICIAL first day…fast day that is!! I chose to have my iced coffee like normal and will have to account for those 100 calories, but that’s what I’m used to. Just had a serving of turkey breast as I do much better with protein than anything else in the morning.

    So here’s to a new lifestyle and way of fueling my body!!


    If anyone could offer a bit of cheering on…I could use some!!

    This is my first fast day and I think I have done well so far…just about 17 hours in, but couldn’t resist this last bout of hunger. I opted for a cup of steamed cabbage and a serving of turkey breast…and an oceanliner’s worth of water to boot!! Total calories for the day is 246. I’ll be holding out for as long as I can to use those last ones!!

    Am I doing this right? (last meal at 7pm last night, and it’s now almost 1pm)

    Yes, Deanna – whatever works for you is right and 246 calories at just over the halfway point of your fastday seems reasonable to me for your first fast day.

    I hope you enjoyed your evening meal and had a good nights sleep. I don’t expect you’ll be desperate to hit the cornflakes this morning but if you are – that’s fine too. We’re all individuals.

    Thanks…got thru just fine yesterday though a tad hungry this morning. Had coffee and a light breakfast. Went to clean my mom and dad’s house and returned a bit ago to lunch. Trying to stay below 1200 calories even though my fitness pal says 1600. Just want to lose this weight and get healthy!! Glad to this forum is here! Best of luck to all!!!

    Glad your first fast went well, Deanna. My house could do with a bit of a clean this weekend if you’re offering… ๐Ÿ™‚

    LOL…I’m guessing you wouldn’t want to pay the trip charge though!!! I’m self-employed running a decorating business my folks have owned for 23 years. Mom loves how I clean (thanks to her teaching!!) and just can not be satisfied with anyone else. Besides, they’re getting older, I live about a 1/2 hour, need the exercise, don’t mind and they pay pretty well! It works well for a change of pace.

    Anyway – the fast did go well, StephB. Today is a little weirder, but finding the comments made elsewhere on the forum ring pretty true. I just don’t want to screw up all the effort yesterday.

    I’ve never been one to count calories and did Atkins for many years. Lost about 60 pounds about 15 years ago but with all the changes in me and my brain, I’m guessing it just doesn’t do so hot for me now. I may try doing it on my non-fast days and sticking to pretty low card on the fast days. I find it the best to manage hunger…something I DO NOT HANDLE well AT ALL!!! Perhaps the fast days will help turn some corners for me …we’ll see.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend –

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