Hello from California!

This topic contains 13 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Phillip Beer 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • I am veering away from Facebook, might even close my account, so I think I’ll start posting here. I’m glad to be part of the official 5:2 Diet website.

    I did 5:2 back in 2013 for about a month and lost 7 lbs. painlessly. Then I got lazy, just stopped, and I’m 10 lbs. heavier this year!

    I have quite a bit to lose, but am confident this way of eating will do it. This time around, I’ve read quite a few books on the topic and will be doing a combo of Michelle Harvie’s 2 Day Diet combined with Dr. Mosley’s 5:2. In other words, I’ll be fasting two consecutive days a week, low carb, low cal (2 Day Diet), but eating normally the other five (The Fast Diet). The 2 Day Diet recommends a portion controlled Mediterranean diet the other five days, but I don’t want to be that rigid. I’ll just be eating normally.

    Well, I’m glad I found a new hangout!

    Hi. I just joind the forum. I have been doing the 5:2 fast now for about a month. I have been limiting carbs since mid Sept. I have lost 30 lbs. I am just below 200 lbs at present. I went gluten free about the same time I started fasting. My weight goal is to lose another 25 lbs. They say that if you have dieting friends you usually have better luck with your diet so I thought I’d see how you are doing with your diet and say hello. My name is Phillip Beer. I am a factory worker, a city official, 60 years old, happily married, and just looking for people who are interested in losing weight and might like some friends to talk with.

    Hi Joyce in the middle and Philip … I’m new to this forum and am keen to chat with new friends and help them along their weight loss journey. Hope you are both having positive days … Stay strong!

    Hi Dragon Fly. I will be glad to chat with you. Tell me about yourself and your goals. I am 60 years old and have managed to lose 30 lbs from 230 lbs. down to 200 lbs. since mid Sept. I first cut down on my carbs. In mid Oct. I went gluten free and started the 5:2 fasts in mid Oct. my immediate goal is to drop to 190 lbs. My longer range goal is to be 175 Lbs. by mid Apr. Tell me about yourself and your goals.

    I’m 43 and over the past year have put on huge amounts of weight. Ideally I need to lose 30lbs … In the past I suffered with an eating disorder which means my metabolism is a bit of a mess … that said I’m still trying and am determined to be healthy. Fast day yesterday went really well … Next one tomorrow. You have done so well … Good job on the weight loss. Low carb is a good thing for that kick start. Have a good day and thanks for chatting x

    Hi all, my 2nd week starts tomorrow, and I really hope the scale is going to be friendly. I feel slimmer, and I think I look less chubby in my face, but I really hope to see soms change in the weight too. Today was tough in the end, wanted it too extreme, so I just ate, and now I am better. STill thinking about unhealthy stuff though, but what can you expect after just one week. I hope next week will be better. And I do hope I get to disliking chocolate…

    Hi Dragon Fly and Anna, I can’t talk log tonight because I have to get up for work at 3:00 AM. I think the fast is powerful especially when linked to other dietary restrictions during non fast days. You can not very easily regain a whole days worth of calorie reduction. A bit of really good dark chocolate is good for you on a non fast day. The key is just a small amount. Dragon fly I think the fast will work for you as well if you hang in there. This social dialog will help us all through friendship to succeed in our weight loss endeavors. I will be tied up till Tuesday evening but rest assured I am cheering you both on. Hold on course it will work and it will be fore your good health in the long run.

    Hi Phillip hope you’re doing okay. I was 2lb down this morning! I also took your advice and got some dark chocolate to help me should I need it on my non fast days 🙂 I’m still feeling positive and hope you are too! Take care and thanks for the support 🙂

    Hi Dragon Fly. I am hovering around 200 lbs. This morning I was 198. I am doing good considering I did not gain over the holidays. Yesterday was fast day and it was my dad’s 83rd birthday so my wife and I met him and my brother & sister at the Golden Coral buffet. I knew we would go there as they like it, so I did not eat all day to save my calories for dinner with dad. I did good only eating some vegetables 2 pieces of broiled fish and salad with vinegar and olive oil. I probably went a little over but not much. One good thing about most vegetables is that they are so low in calories.My brother and sister are both grossly over weight and diabetic and they don’t even try to watch what they eat. If they don’t change their ways they are going to eat themselves to death. They load up on fried foods and a whole plate full of deserts and then just take an insulin pill. My mom died from diabetes which resulted in neuropathy. It was a very slow and painful death. I am not diabetic but most of my fat is visceral which leads toward the development of diabetes. I was skinny until I was in my late 40s and ate like a horse. I am determined to be slim again. Six months ago the inflammation in my legs was so bad I was having real trouble walking. It was due to being so far over weight. I have taken off 30 lbs. and am doing much better now. I intend to take off another 25 lbs. and feel that much better. This fasting thing is not hard at all and I want to show people through example that losing weight is not as hard as they think. Perhaps if my brother and sister see me succeed at this they will get up the courage to try. I am not ready to die yet. This old man still has a lot of fight in him. I think you do too. Lets do it.

    Hi Phillip:

    There are people on this site and many others who have reversed their diabetes using intermittent fasting and diet modification. As long as diabetics think there is no cure and all they can do is control their blood sugar, there is little reason for them to watch their diets – they can eat what they want, take some insulin and be as good as they are going to be.

    Here is some information on how people can control their diabetes (even get off insulin and all other drugs completely). The information and the treatment is free (don’t even need to buy a book), don’t need to ignore the current doctor’s advice, or stop taking prescribed medication. Just takes a bit of work and a little time. The first two videos are case studies, the third an outline of how its done and the fourth a somewhat detailed presentation to doctors on the cause of diabetes. There are six additional lectures (not linked, but posted elsewhere on this site) that go into great detail on how and why IF works for weight loss and diabetes control. http://intensivedietarymanagement.com/category/lectures/type-2-diabetes-lecture-series/

    I’m looking forward to being in your great State to drink some beer in a couple of months.

    Good Luck!

    Simcoeluv, Thank you for the video links. I have watched the first 3 and plan to watch all 6 but have been very busy at work, with our local city council, and Christmas coming and a host of other things. I haven’t even had time to pass them on to my brother & sister yet. The information on video 3 is profound. Besides wanting them for convincing others I plan to watch them many times myself as a reminder of why I am fasting. It goes much deep than weight loss. Thank you so much for the information. Today I weighed in about 197.5 lbs. so I am slowly creeping down. I am going to retake my life and health.

    Hi Phillip, I was wondering how you’d been doing. The weight loss is fantastic :D! Christmas is such a busy time, I have this week to work and then I can relax a bit. I’m doing a fast day today, and am so glad to be, to me its really refreshing when I dont have to worry about what I’m going to eat. The decision is made and thats that 😀 Have a good day, and stay positive!

    Hi Dragon Fly. Sorry I have been a while answering you. I am inching down little by little. Where I was fluctuating between 200 and 205 I am now fluctuating between 195 and 200. I like you love this method of weight loss. It is really hard to convince people that it isn’t hard to do. It is like saying to them “Step outside of the space craft without oxygen for a day. It’s easy.” They think “Are you kidding? I’ll suffocate.” They have this mental equation in their heads, Fasting = Starvation. One of my goals is to get down to my ideal weight and then tell others how easy it was. One great thing about fasting is that on the other days if you do eat something that you shouldn’t it is ok and you are aloud to. I still watch my food choices very closely but on my non fast days I eat my fill of as many good things as I want. Hope you are doing fine and keeping your head up and meeting with success in your endeavors. Talking with you and others is a real help though and thank you for thinking about me.

    I know everybody is busy with the Christmas Season at hand but I would love to hear from all of you if not before Christmas then after. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Years. I hope you are all successful in your weight loss endeavors and in all other aspects of your lives. I am fasting today again. It is now my way of life. I’d love to talk with all of you when you get a chance.


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