Hello from Baltimore!!!

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  • Hi, I’m Jen aka dblogic! I’m a realtor and artist from Baltimore, MD, USA and I’m hoping to get control of my health and my weight with the 5:2 regime. I’ve been overweight/obese my entire life and I also suffer from PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) which makes it virtually impossible to lose weight. I also suffer from chronic and intense sacroilliac inflammation and pain as well as horrible knee problems which are most likely due to my weight. I can’t remember when I felt comfortable in my own skin…I’m hoping and praying that intermittent fasting is the answer to my issues. I’ve tried a few diets without success and I’m just so tired of the runaround. I’ve never been excited to start a diet but I feel different about fasting, it doesn’t seem like a diet and I can say I’m excited to begin! One or two coworkers of mine will be doing this with me and I’m lucky to have their support. I’m looking forward to changing my life forever and also to getting support from people like myself on this site! Nice to meet you all, I’m so happy to be here! I’ll be beginning my 5:2 journey tomorrow, October 6, 2014….wish me luck!

    (Going out shortly to purchase a scale to track my progress, I’ll post the ugly truth a bit later 🙂


    hi Jen, welcome! I was excited to see your post since I’m in Baltimore too. I’ve been doing 5:2 since January and it has been successful beyond my wildest dreams. I’ve lost a lot of weight and it hasn’t felt like a diet at all. Don’t forget to get a tape measure and measure yourself as well as weighing. Sometimes that will show progress even when the scale doesn’t. 🙂

    Hi Kilda!

    Thank you so much for helping to make me feel welcome! I’m delighted to find someone from Bmore on here, WOW! On a UK site no less, LOL. I do already have a tape measure as I’m a knitter/crocheter so I’ve got that covered (but thanks for the tip, I’ll make sure to keep track of my measurements). So glad you reached out to me, thank you!

    I read your other posts and I must say, your success really is fantastic and a great inspiration to me. We seem a bit similar…I’m 35 and also a bit barrel-shaped…so I hope that I can have similar progress as you on the 5:2! My clothes are getting tight and I refuse to buy a bigger size…but then I saw myself on TV and I was mortified at how I looked (I was filmed in the audience of a documentary screening which was posted on the internet. Talk about WAKE UP CALL!) I was feeling disgusted and just physically awful anyway but didn’t know where to turn.

    A coworker of mine told me she was trying 5:2 which I had never heard of. I decided to google it and was amazed at the simplicity and even more so by the success rate. Right away I decided to do this together with my coworker, she started last week and already lost a couple of pounds. So I’m starting tomorrow with my first fast and spent all weekend preparing for the week ahead. Got all kinds of herbal teas, stocked up on veggies & broths, and finally just got the scale. And the ugly truth is I’m at my heaviest at 221 pounds…YIKES! Hopefully 5:2 is the answer for me, I just want to feel good, healthy, and comfortable with who I am and what I look like.

    So now you know about me, I know a little about you…I’m here if you ever need to talk. Congrats again on your success!!! I’m envious! It’s so fantastic that you broke that barrel mold!!! Thanks again for reaching out Kilda, hope to speak to you again sometime!


    Hi Jen!

    I’m also in the US (NYC) and I started the Fast Diet the same day as you! I hope your first fast day was good!

    I’mm 33, engaged, work in human resources and am going to school part time, working toward a degree in healthcare (either RN or BS in Physician Assistant studies). I am on my second fast day and really enjoy it, especially the control I feel over my eating and the lack of guilt on my non-fast days.


    Hey Errin!

    What up NYC??? Funnily enough I’m writing this as the ice cream truck is parked out in front of my house, playing it’s deceptively joyous tune. What’s worse is that I’m friends with the driver & I don’t have to tell him what I want when I go to get a cone, lol.

    It’s very nice to meet you here Errin, I’ve also really been enjoying my 5:2 way of life. Today was my second fast day and I made it through! I haven’t been finding it difficult at all to stick to the fasts. In my line of work (real estate) we often have to throw our schedules out the window and go for long periods without eating. On the other hand there always seems to be vendors bringing free food into the office which can make it hard to make it through the day eating well…constant land mines of doughnuts, cookies, bagels, candy…ugh!!!

    It’s been kind of strange though, I’ve really lost that intense urge to graze on those things all day. This fasting like changes your brain or your physiology somehow. I’ve been a hardcore home brewed sugar packed iced tea drinker for my entire life. I’ve always hating drinking plain ol’ water….but now I feel different. I feel different a lot of ways but it doesn’t seem possible because I’ve only been doing this for less than a week. I’ve been using my fitness pal to track my calories on nonfast days and have been keeping my daily intake at about 1600-1700. The really weird thing is that I’m not that hungry on nonfast days. I thought I’d be extra hungry but no.

    I weighed myself this morning and according to the scale I’ve lost 3.5 pounds. I’ll attribute some of that to my monthly cycle which started Sunday & is coming to an end…but I’ve been amazed that I could stick to it while I’m having “lady issues”. I always used to eat a lot more during this time of the month so I feel like that in itself is an achievement.

    So hopefully the scale isn’t lying to me 😉 and this is actually going to be the answer I’ve been looking for all of my life. I was really skeptical that this would work for me but I really think I can pull it off. I hope your fasting has been going equally as well as mine or better!

    Congrats on going for your engagement & Physician’s Assistant studies! I considered becoming an RN, I’ve been a caregiver for a couple of different family members but with my back and knee problems I didn’t think it would be physically possible for me. Maybe once I lose the weight that might change? We shall see, I’m confident that you & I will be successful with 5:2!

    Thanks for dropping me a line, it’s been really nice talking with you! If you’d like to talk more in the future, just holla 🙂

    Best of luck!

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