Hello from a long time lurker, first time poster!

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Hello from a long time lurker, first time poster!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  QuietOne 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi there everyone!
    I’ve been pottering around the forums for a little while now but only have just decided to become more proactive to help keep me motivated and get in touch with other fasters!

    I’ll introduce myself, I’m Fee, and I’m a Mum of 2. I’m also a secondary science teacher who works full time. I only just qualified in July and started in September so my life is pretty much family and school right now!

    I’ve been a chronic Yo-Yoer since having children, previously maintaining a very stable 68 kilos most of my life. I gained quite a bit in my first pregnancy but lost it all through Weight Watchers. Gained all again during second pregnancy but lost it all through doing Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation. Gained it all again when I went to my home country (Australia!) for a holiday but lost it all again with Slimming World. Can you see a pattern here? I gained it all again when I took a second trip back home and haven’t lost it since then.

    For nearly two years now I have been quite scared of losing that excess weight, mostly because in my mind I “know” I will gain it again, which is really sad. While I don’t blame any of the above diets/plans, I also have become quite disillusioned and almost angry with commerical diets and plans. Ultimately, I am in control with what happens to my body but I had felt for a long time that the only solution to health and weight loss was to hand my money over to a company to solve the problem for me.

    I had heard of 5:2 diet and personally knew a friend who had done it. The first thing that attracted me to the plan was that here was finally an eating lifestyle that is free and so simple to use! 500 calories two days a week, regular eating the rest of the time.

    I started doing 5:2 at the beginning of the year and I have lost 4 kilos/ 8 pounds at a very happy and steady rate. For the first time as well, I feel so in control of my appetite and I don’t feel guilty at all. I have also taken up practising intuitive eating which is just applying mindfulness when I eat and that helps a lot as well.

    My goal is to get to lost about 10 more kilos to be at a very realistic and healthy weight.

    I look forward to getting more involved here!


    You’re doing 5:2 and doing matters.

    Stick with it and it will work. It’s the adherence to the pattern of eating over the long term that matters. What makes the whole pattern work is the fasting.

    good luck

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