Hello from SoCal, Fellow Fast Dieters!

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  • Hi everyone! I’m a 48 year old guy living in SoCal. While I’m fairly active for my age, my 40s have crept up on my midsection. I’ve always had a big frame for my height (5’9″), but until my 40’s I could keep myself around 185 with minimal effort. I realized I put on some weight in my 40s but would have guessed 10-15 pounds, most. I didn’t have a scale, and I honestly didn’t really want to know for sure, but I would have guess I was around 200 pounds. Not over. Needless to say I was alarmed at a doctor’s visit about a year-and-a-half or so ago, which put me at 226 pounds.

    I started adjusting my lifestyle. I joined a gym, started swimming, doing Kettlebell exercises and working the rowing machine, to supplement my weekend surfing or snowboarding trips. I also started paying more attention to my diet and drinking alcohol less, bemoaning the now-gone days when I never had to worry about these kinds of things.

    While all of that’s been good, and I’ve lost some weight. I’m still hovering between 210 and 220 which is still way overweight. I want to be back at my ‘fighting weight’ of 185. And my fiancé and I think about strategies to lose weight (she’s the same age I am), and we’ve tried the 4-week intensives we’ve found — namely the “Fast Metabolism” and the “Whole 30” diets. We have been able to complete those successfully and drop a lot of weight, but they are impossible for us to maintain and the weight always comes back.

    Anyway a few months ago, I heard an interview with Jimmy Kimmel, who I have noticed has gone from being a pudgy guy to a slender, healthy looking guy over the past few years. The subject of his weight loss came up in the interview and he told how he has a system of severely restricting his calorie intact 2 out of 5 days a week. The other days he eats as he pleases. That information marinated in my brain for a few months until googling around and finding this site and learned about the books.

    Over last weekend I purchased a Kindle version of “The Fast Diet” and read it out loud to my fiancé. We both we excited and decided to get started right away. So this past Monday we started the journey. I took in only 600 calories and she took her 500. It was difficult but the rest of the week has been great so far. And I weighed 220 on Monday (kinda went crazy over the weekend, knowing this fast was coming) and now I weight 214. Tomorrow, Friday, will be my second “Fast” day. I was going to do it today, but I have a band practice tonight and I to do it on a more regularly scheduled day for me. So even though tomorrow is Friday, which I think of as a fun, “let’s kick off the weekend” day, I’m gonna fast instead.

    We’re getting married in October, and I hope I can be close to 185 again for the event!

    Anyway hello to all and I look forward to participating in this forum!

    A fellow Californian here! I am restarting 5:2 this week. I did it with great success a few years ago, but fell off the train, as I found 500 calories hard to sustain over the long run. I am upping my calories to 800. I did it for one day last week, and it is very easy, so much easier for me than the old 500 calories. I’ve heard it said before, but it’s true; it’s amazing what a difference an extra 300 calories makes. This week it’s two days. I just had to dip in my toe last week! So if you find 600/500 too hard as time goes on, check out the article below.

    Here is a link from a recent interview with Dr. Mosley whereby he updated 5:2. I sure hope he writes an updated Fast Diet book to reflect the changes.


    Hi Shelley! Thanks for responding and for the link. I will read it! I’m on my second fast day today, so I’ve got this diet on my mind…

    We can do this!

    Right on! BTW: I read the article you linked to. Cool that Dr. Mosley is relaxing the rules. I’m gonna stick with the 600 calorie fast days for now, but good to know I can up that a little if it gets to be too much.

    Hi there, first time poster here.

    I had my first fast day last Thursday, and second one yesterday. Felt real good after both of them. Looking forward to seeing how this new way of life will work out for me, as I do have some health issues [stage 3b kidney disease, fibromyalgia, sometimes gout, etc.], but I know it can’t be anything but helpful!

    Also located in Southern California, and have a gal pal who is a Fast Diet buddy who steered me to this!

    Strength in numbers! We can do this!

    Hey kr8veme! Yup let’s support each other for sure! I competed my third fast day yesterday. It’s gotten easier each time. And I’m down 7 pounds from when I first stepped on the scale last Monday, 6/19. I’m sure a few of those pounds will ebb and flow some, but I’m definitely the line chart is headed in the right direction. Good luck with your health issues! Along with weight issues, I do have blood pressure, so I’m looking forward to seeing how this effects that.

    How long has your gal pal been on it and what are her results?

    Hi there!

    I’m also in SoCal — LA to be exact.

    I’ve done 5:2 for a couple years now with some 2-3 month “vacations” from time to time. I do 2 days of full fast (easier for me than restricting calories) and 2 meals a day on my food days. Works pretty well until I blow it then it takes me a while to get my discipline back. BUT the very good news is that with Intermittent Fasting I always *do* eventually get it back on track.

    I’ve had some decent success. I went from size 22 jeans at Christmas 2015 to size 10 currently. I estimate that I eventually need to get to size 4s so I expect to be at this for a few more years losing slowly by steadily. Slow — at 70yo — is the best I can do.

    In addition to the 5:2 eating I do an hour of cardio 5 days a week and I’ve been doing some physical gardening every day despite the blistery heat.

    Love to keep you guys company!

    Hi back to LA Chubster and mxyzptlk,

    My gal pal has been on the 5:2 since first of this year. She has lost 25 pounds and is feeling great. She had a 2 month break while back in Oklahoma to take care of her brother before he passed. At age 67, she does a Zumba class 2-3x week, plus Tai Chi 3x week.

    I am in Ventura County, but will be relocating to inland empire area July 2018 due to upcoming marriage ;))

    Learning to be gentle on myself, and not expect to have the first couple of weeks be “toeing the line” as I get the hang of it all. Am not figuring to step on the scale until Friday this week.

    Hey, I’m in Thousand Oaks. Nice to see some neighbors here. September will be 2 years I’ve been doing some version of 5:2. I modified it several times until I found a version that I can do long term. Don’t have a lot of weight to lose (6 pounds now) but I mostly stay with it for the health benefits and to keep from regaining the weight I’ve already lost.

    I wish you all great success.


    Right on Bronx and LA Chubster. Wishing you both great success also! You say you don’t have much weight to lose… was that always the case? After several years what have you both found to be your experience doing 5:2 (in whatever version you’re doing)?

    I lost 65 pounds about 4 years ago. This was before I knew about 5:2; lost the weight by counting calories with the aid of an iPhone app. It took almost a year to lose. When I found out about 5:2 I tried it as a maintenance plan because counting calories wasn’t something I wanted to do long term.

    This past January I had an accident and couldn’t walk for a couple months. I spent my days just sitting in my chair or lying in bed. Prior to the accident I would say I was moderately active, walking the dog twice a day for 30 minutes to 1 1/2 hours each walk.

    I continued to fast after the accident but my activity level went to 0 and I think I tended to overeat on non fast days. During the time I was laid up I gained 8 pounds.

    Even though things are much improved now I’m still not back to my normal activity level, and it still hurts to walk without a cane but I do the best I can. Having trouble taking the 8 pounds off, though. It seems I lose 2 pounds one week and put it back on the next, but I won’t give up. I don’t want to go back to being fat (sorry if the “F” word offends anyone, but that’s what I was).

    I’ve been doing 0 calorie fast days for about a year, and found that after a while it becomes normal. I don’t really miss eating on fast days and think now it would seem odd to eat on those days. Yes I get hungry, but as others have said the hunger comes in waves and Im so used to it now it doesn’t bother me.


    Sorry to hear about your accident. Zero calories, huh? That’s intense… How often do you do those? Also 65 calories in a year is a lot. What weight did you start out at, if you don’t mind my asking?

    Dang machine ate my post ;(

    @ Bronx, sorry you are having issues. Can you add water exercise to your routine, to minimize impact?

    Don’t think my health issues would allow me to do a 0 calorie day. I am on fast day #3 today, nothing since 8PM last night. Will go to 7AM tomorrow, for 35 hours; so far only about 150 calories intake, and feeling okay.

    Hi, I’m in Orange County. Starting 5:2 tomorrow. I would like to join you on this journey. I am 63 and have been dieting since I was 13! This is it for me. I have no desire to try anything else. I heard about 5:2 and something just clicked. It’s genius is it’s simplicity.


    We’re here for you! You’re right, the simplicity makes you take a second look. How can it be so simple in concept, and really work? But as a society we have slid into overeating, and this 5:2 eases the stress we put on our bodies.

    I have lost 3 pounds in 2 weeks, although there was a bit of overindulging between fast days 2 and 3. Tomorrow will be another fast day, then leaving for camping vacation for 12 days. As fiancé is not on this way of life, it’ll be interesting! But my nephrologist gave me the go-ahead yesterday!

    Hi, SoCal folks! I’m in San Diego and started 4:3 Monday. Today is my second fast day. Here goes!

    How’s the SoCal contingent doing?

    I had a busy day gardening and completely freakin’ forgot to eat. I know what I’m doing tomorrow! I’m going to garden my substantial #ss off and hope it happens again. 😃

    @ otterlover –
    Go for it! We are all here to support each other. My health will not let me do a 4:3 unless it would be the newly modified 800 calories on fast days.

    @ LA Chubster –
    I was working today and getting ready to leave on extended camping trip tomorrow morning. First did no intake from 8PM last night [Wed] to 1PM today [Thurs], then another snack at 4PM. now just fluids until tomorrow morning about 7AM. This seems to work for me. While last fast day on Monday was a struggle [emotional day for me], today was a breeze!]


    My starting weight was 195 pounds. I’m 5’10” and when I got to 130 friends were commenting that I lost too much weight and I looked skeletal. Even my doctor said 130 pounds is too low for me so I gained 15 pounds and was at 145 until I “Ballooned” up to 153. I’ve been weighing myself once a week on Saturday mornings and last week was 152 for the second week in a row. I usually lose 1 or 2 pounds one week and gain it back the next so maybe I’m on a losing path back to 145, will find out tomorrow.


    When I bought a new (to me) house I specifically picked a place without a pool because of maintenance costs. You’re right about water exercise; I’d love to have a pool for that reason now.

    LA Chubster,

    Do you do vegetable gardening? I just picked my first ripe tomato of the year this morning. It’s always a special thrill to get that first one!


    I do have veggies. I’ve been picking a pint of cherry tomatoes a day but the full sized ones are slow to ripen. It really is exciting to get your first tomato and then the ones that follow may be a little less over the top but they’ll be delicious all summer long!

    I planted strawberries as well this year. I got a few before it got so god awful hot here but they were outstanding. I hope to get some more once it cools down a bit. And then next year I’m putting in a whole bank of raised beds so I can grow lots more of them. They’re just like tomatoes: technicolor to store-bought’s black and white!

    I ate a whole pint of cherry tomatoes for lunch at 4PM. They were sooooooo yummy!

    This extraordinary streak of “grace” continues. For lunch I had 8 figs. They were delicious and I really enjoyed them without the craving to eat more that I expected from the fruit sugars. Later I had a glass of kombucha sweetened with a fruit purée and some granulated sugar. No prob.

    The big issue I’m having is, as long as I’m out in the garden, I can’t resist picking the odd cherry tomato now and then. Ordinarily I’d think “no big deal” but I’m sure there’s an insulin response from everything that goes in my mouth.

    Now I’m preparing dinner which will be a full meal.

    I’m just amazed that it was 3 or 4 weeks of white knuckling and succumbing to temptations day after day nonetheless and suddenly it’s just so EASY! Don’t understand it but I’ll take it! 😏 Maybe the message is “stick with it even if you’re not having any success”.

    Can’t wait for my cherry tomatoes to get ripe. They’ve been taunting me; look fully grown but still green.

    Remembering back to my “Lose It” days, a cherry tomato is only 5 calories (and mostly water) so in my opinion munching on a few isn’t going to do any harm. At least that’s what I tell myself when I do it.

    Was 151 at my weekly weigh-in yesterday so I’m still on the right track, but continue to have problems with overeating nuts on non fast days. Keep telling myself not to eat too many but usually do anyway. Boy, if I can conquer that I think it will be the secret I’ve been searching for on my life-long quest to be thin.


    Bronx! Nuts are what get to me too! I was having dinner then a couple hours later going through cups of cashews and pistachios at a time. … and cheese. After the nuts I’d eat cheese. I couldn’t get a hold on it and struggled through that for weeks.

    Then this past week I fasted on Mon & Tues as usual. Ate on Wed and did a decent job of sticking to my program. Then on Thurs, Fri and Sat I suddenly had no implies to eat until dinner and no impulse to eat after that. I guess the message from that is don’t stop trying. Or maybe it’s that your body needs something and when the genuine need is satisfied you can get back on track.

    Difficult to distinguish between this and the kind of justifications we talk ourselves into to indulge but maybe, once again, the don’t-stop-trying thing is what comes to our eventual rescue. Dunno. Just grateful to be back on track.

    Meanwhile, wishing you ripe tomatoes muy pronto, babe!

    Kre8veme, thank you so much for your encouraging words! Enjoy your vacation! It sounds like 5:2 is working very well for you.

    Hi neighbors, I’m located in Las Vegas and visit Cali often. I’m a 66 YO man 5’10” and 170 lbs. I’m very close to my goal BF% and need to lose 5-6 lbs of lard to get there. I weighed ~240 in my 30’s & 40’s until I had a heart attack scare @50 and got serious about good health. I lost down to 175 and kept off most of it for the duration. I crept up to 192 after a long cruise in January but got back on the wagon when I couldn’t button my pants! LOL

    I now do water fast days and a compressed eating schedule (~10 hours starting within 1 hour of waking) on NFD

    Hi Everyone. I’m up in Northern Calif and am fairly new to the 5:2 plan. I’ve lost about 12 pounds in what will be 8 weeks come Wednesday. I haven’t tried any variations of the diet because the 5:2 seems pretty easy, and while the loss is relatively slow, it’s something I can stick with. I could out 500 calories meticulously on FD and almost never on NFD. I think I’m usually over my TDEE on NFD. But I have noticed that I’m a lot less hungry than I was before I started this. I have 16 pounds to go to my goal.

    Plateaus seem to be a big thing on this eating plan, moreso than I’ve ever experienced with any other diet. But once my weight starts moving again, a few pounds seem to come off quickly.

    Bronx and LA Chubster, nuts and cheese seem to be just about everyone’s weak spot. If I keep them mainly out of site I can keep from indulging. Ice cream is another story. I can’t have that in the house unless it’s a small amount scheduled for a specific meal or time. Leftover ice cream = eaten ice cream!


    Thanks for the kind words. It’s comforting to be able to discuss my weight problems with others who know exactly what I’m going through. The help and encouragement on this forum are very much appreciated.


    Except for the heart attack part it sounds a lot like my life. I’m 6 years younger, though. Just climbed over that 60 fence last month.


    Fortunately for me I boycotted ice cream when it was universally downsized from half gallon to 1 1/2 quart packages. Just one less thing for me to binge on!


    Howdy, all!
    First fast day today after a two week camping trip. Yes, 3 fast days while on the road. Last Thurs I decided to eat lighter, and aim for Friday fasting. Well, just never really happened, but found myself eating a lot lighter all the way through to last night.

    Small amount of food last night at 8PM [lunch was at noon], one 160 calorie energy bar at 11AM today, Fuji apple with Athenos’ Red Pepper Hummus at 3:30PM, may opt for a bowl of salad [mixed greens/bell pepper] in a couple hours, then nothing to 8AM tomorrow. Lots of fluids. This routine works for me. Oh, plus a full workout at the gym this morning at 5:30 plus 5 hrs at paid job.

    Haven’t stepped on a scale, but feeling good. Did not gain anything on trip except water weight, which should be gone in a couple days. Even fiancé noted he didn’t go overboard on junk like in the past, and may join me on this journey.

    How is everyone doing?

    Not putting on weight while on vacation is awesome!I always have trouble with travel.

    Treading water at 171 lbs. Eatings been a little liberal and haven’t fasted in a week. Exercise has been spot on and very intense. Feeling great and getting stronger.

    Going to a Bill Phillips fitness camp this weekend and will have a DEXA scan. I’ll set new BF% goal based on the results. I think I need to get rid of about another 7 lbs of lard.

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