Hello, fasters!!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Beavergong 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • This is my first week of 5:2 diet and my second fasting day. I need to lose as much of fat as I can (my fat percentage is a whopping 34! which is far too much). So my goal is losing 15 percent of body fat and gaining lean muscle.

    Oh, and to make matters worse I have PCOS which generally means that losing fat – especially in the abdominal area – is very difficult. I have tried calorie counting and have tried Montignac diet (I generally keep to the low GI principles).

    Hi Natalie,
    I also have PCOS and have struggled to lose weight on weight watchers and slimming world. I find I lose a bit if I take the metformin medication I am prescribed (but haven’t picked up a prescription in over a year). The fast book claims that the diet increases your sensitivity to insulin and so should hopefully be good for us if it effectively does the same job as metformin. Incidentally I also started this week with my first fast day being Monday and my second fast day being today. I’m pleased to report that so far I have found today much easier and am feeling better in myself (Monday I had a terrible headache and was still hungry following my main meal). I’m hoping this lasts till bedtime. Good luck to you, I will look out for your posts.

    This is my second fast… Started this week and day 2 is better. As long as I’m busy it seems to be fine. Want to lose inches from my waist (it’s currently 35″). I’ve tried so many diets but this seems do-able. The nutracheck app is a godsend!!

    I know the problem with abdominal fat. But can I encourage you by saying I have lost 8cm off my waist and 9.5cm off my hips.
    It’s a good idea to track your measurements as well as your weight. The My Fitness Pal website gives you a good way to do this. I record my weight every Friday and my measurements every month. I have lost 22 lbs and my husband 24lbs.

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